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It was a normal Monday morning, you pushed your way through the crowds of students and ambled your way to your locker. You were happy, on the weekend you had gone to dinner with your parents and because of that you didn't end up going to a party with your boyfriend Peter. Peter said that he was going to stay home,  but you knew he and Ned had wanted to go to the party, so through what felt like hours of nagging, you finally persuaded Peter to go to the party. 

Your first 4 periods were not with Peter or Ned. You were the type of person who excelled in Maths, so you were taking all the harder Maths subjects, in comparison to Peter, who was practically acing most sciences. When the time for lunch came around, you were beyond exhausted, but you were beyond excited to see Peter. After all, you hadn't seen him at all on the weekend.

As you shoved your math textbooks into your locker and started walking to the cafeteria, you could feel pairs of eyes looking at you. As soon as you caught eyes with them, they would either look back at their phone, or whisper to the friends. You felt a tad bit insecure and out of place. Was it because you were in trackies? Was there something on your face? 

As you started walking to the lunch table where Peter and Ned were seated, the whispers only got louder. You rubbed your hands together, telling yourself to calm down, when you walked closer, Peter and Ned hesitantly looked up at you. You felt your heart break at the sight of Peter. His eyes were red, and swollen, prompting that he had probably been crying all night. When he caught your eyes he looked away and before you knew it you were hugging him, "hey what's wrong Pete?" You question him.

He turns away from you, biting his lip to stop himself from crying in front of you. His chest is rising up and down deeply, and you knew he was upset about something. Worry fills you, what could possible have happened? Was it something to do with Spider-man? 

"P-pete? Talk to me." You practically plead, you glance over at Ned, who is examining the Milk carton in his hand. 

"Y/N..." He stutters out, "I did s-something..." His voice cracks at the end. At this point your heart is pounding in your chest, and all is still in the cafeteria not a sound could be heard. Suddenly, you feel a poke on your shoulder. 

You slowly turn around to come face-to-face with a smirking Flash. "Hey Y/N, I just thought you would want to know how much your boyfriend loves you." He says with malice. 

Your brows furrow with confusion, and you can feel Peter trying to tug you out of the cafeteria, "Come on Y/N, let's get outta here." He whispers. 

But it was already too late... 

Flash's phone is in front of your face, and you tears start cascading down your cheeks at the sight. Peter, your Peter. Thee Peter who had been with you through everything, who you had known for years, who you had loved for years was kissing, no, making out, with Liz Allen. 

Flash lets out a loud guffaw at the sight of yours and Peter's discomfort. You turn to look at Peter, not caring that he could see you at your weakest. "W-why?" your voice comes out hoarse as you try to stop yourself from breaking down in front of everyone. In front of him. Peter opens and closes his mouth, but before you knew it you were running out the door. 


You run out the school gates, wanting to get out, you needed to clear your head. 

"Y/N! Y/N!" You hear Peter shouting behind you. You keep running, you didn't want to deal with anyone. You didn't want to deal with Peter. 

Your heart was broken, you and Peter were always close, it was the cliche love story. To best friends, fall in love. But unlike most of those cliches, Peter cheated on you. And it felt like your heart had been ripped apart. 

"Please Y/N! You have to let me explain." You came to a halt, did he have a proper excuse? Was there a reason behind it? You turn around, and Peter comes to a halt in front of you. You wipe your tears stricken eyes, and cross your arms in front of your chest, waiting for Peter's "explanation."

"Y/N! Please, you know I love you, I would never cheat on you-" You cut him short, "If you loved me Peter, you would never have k-kissed anyone behind my b-back." 

Peter holds back the tears welling up in his eyes, and continues, "Please, I had drank, I was intoxicated, I would never have done that to you, I love you too much for that."

Your eyes widened, he loved you? Peter Parker was in love with you? At that moment all you wanted to do was wrap your hands around him and tell him you forgave him, to confess to him that you loved him as well, but then it hit you. Liz Allen. She was the perfect girl, smart, sporty, nice, she was the guy of everyone's dream, and even Peter's. She was his first love. And you were merely his second. Was there a possibility that he was still in love with her? That he was trying to forget about her using you? Like a rebound? 

"Peter.... You meant the world to me, I did everything for you. I trusted you with my heart, thinking that you wouldn't be like everyone else, but here you are, Peter you broke me. You broke my heart. And I hate you because it's your fault. You broke me. But I hate myself even more, because I still love you." You whisper out the last bit, avoiding his eyes, you turn around getting ready to walk away, but Peter's hand lands on your wrist. 

"Y/N... please, give me another chance, I was pissed, I'm sorry, don't leave me- I lov-"

You cut him off again, "Peter if you loved me, you should let me go, because we are done." You gasp, taking in a long breath, "don't worry I am doing you a favor, not you can just ran back to Liz..."

Peter stares at your retreating figure, the tears that flow turn to full sobs, as the love of his life walks away, but that was not why he was crying, it was because, deep down, Peter knew it was his fault.  


word count- 1100

omg im so done with school, but the hollidays are starting in like 16 school days soo whoop whoop. and im so done with school, regret my 1 2 unitsi picked for grade 10

luvv uuuu


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