Jimin's news

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We got to the ceremony.

J wouldn't stop holding onto my leg. He was scared of the big men who were here.

Jimin noticed it and he told him that he should never be afraid of anyone when he's around.

Hoseok picked him up and sat him on his lap so I can go get food for everyone in the table. Hyuna came along with me like she usually does Everytime we come.

"Everytime I see you, you're more cuter." A voice says. I turn to my left and saw mark smirking.

Why do I always crash into him?


"Babe what's taking you so long." A girl says wrapping her arm on his waist. She looks me up and down smiling.

"Oh you have a girlfriend now?"

"Now?" The girl repeats after me. "We've been dating for 5 years." Her eyebrows scrunched looking at him and me.

"Wow really?" I say in a sassy voice. "Mark never told me."

"Is everything okay here?" Jimin asked in a serious tone wrapping his arm on my waist.

"Yes I was just meeting mark's girlfriend."

"That's cool baby but let's go back J keeps asking for you." He says.

I nod and grab the food before walking back to the table.

"Mommy! Eunwoo threw water at me!" J shouts when I placed his food in front of him.

"Eunwoo behave or we're going home!" Jungkook yells.

"Lower your voice he's just a kid." -taehyung

"Lana there's something I need to tell you." Jimin said.

The table grew silent and I was a bit confused on why they paused what they were doing to look at us.

"What is it?"

"I think you should tell her when we're all done eating." -yoongi

"I want to know now."

"Hello Mr. Park." A deep voice says coming our way.

Jimin immediately got to his feet and shook hands with the guy. "I told you to call me jimin."

The guy giggled and jimin grabbed my arm so I can get to my feet. "This is my wife Lana, Lana this is my friend Taemin."

"Hi" I say bowing at him. He bows back and smiles.

"Have you told her about the-" jimin cleared his throat loudly cutting him off.

Something's definitely going on and I need to know.

I squint my eyes looking at jimin. He had a soft expression and I felt like the conversation we're about to have is going to break my heart.

"Mommy can we get some dessert?" J says wrapping his arms on my bare leg.

"Of course we can."

"Oh you have a son?" Taemin ask.

Jimin nods smiling. "Yeah he's 5."

"He's a cute little guy. He looks a lot like you." -Taemin

"Thanks." -jimin

"Can we go now mom?" J asked tapping my leg again.

I nod and grab his hand. "Let's go."

I grab a plate and make him choose what he wants.

Vampire Mafia || Jimin ff (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt