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Lana's pov

"Do you still love dad?" -Minji

"Minji What type of question is that? She's just mad at him silly" -lanie

I let out a small giggle at lanie's sassy expression. She reminded me of my young self when happiness was around.


"* We're sorry; you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.*"

Fuck chanyeol where are you?

I was badly stressing out not knowing any single thing about him. I didnt know if he was dead or alive I didn't know Shit. I felt like my heart was screaming at me in anger blaming me for everything.

I didn't mean to. I just wanted to keep him around a little longer or maybe forever.

I searched for him all over social media but I still couldn't Find anything there was nothing that could help me track him down. Suddenly something popped up in my head and I immediately called his dad.

Sungjin: hello?

Me : Sungjin? Is this you?

Sungjin: Yes, it's me. Who's speaking?

Me: Lana, Min Lana.

Sungjin: you mean Park Lana?
He said chuckling

Me: yes I thought you weren't going to know who I was if I said Park.

Sungjin: of course I would know who you are, what type of god father would I be if I didn't?

Me: you're right I'm sorry and I'm sorry for calling late there's something I've been trying to ask

Sungjin: dont worry about that I'll always answer you and shoot your question sweetie

Me: is chanyeol doing? I haven't heard anything about him

There was silence for 5 seconds, I
Heard him hesitate before speaking and I can feel my heart shatter into a billion pieces for no reason.

Sungjin: h-he's fine don't worry about him he's doing perfect and it's getting pretty late you should head to bed.

Me: I- i can't.
I replied not knowing how badly I was stuttering

Sungjin: are you okay?

Again it went silent for 5 seconds and all you can hear was my sobbing Getting loud.

Sungjin: Lana are you alright? What's going on?

Me: u-uncle I did t-this to Channie h-he left beacause of me. I made him a-

I was crying my eyes out like never before I couldn't even speak right. The last time I had a big break down like this was when jinyoung told me Lanie "died".

Sungjin: Lana what do you mean?

Me: please let me talk to him.....please

Sungjin: Hey calm down. Chanyeol isn't home he hasn't came home for years but he's been giving me phone calls from random numbers to keep me updated on how he's doing. I promise I'll make him call you I'll give him your number just please stop crying it hurts me hearing you like this.

Me: T-thank you.............thank you so much.

Sungjin: no problem, please go rest and call me if you need anything.

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