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Lana's pov
Second week of May

I was desperately waiting for this week to get here

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I was desperately waiting for this week to get here. I was finally about to find out the gender of my baby.

I was in the nurse mirror measuring my stomach waiting for Jin to come down.

I was huge. I didn't know how this happened over night.

"Lana how are you-" he stopped when his eyes laid on my stomach.

"Hi Jin."

"woah you got big so quick," Jin says putting on some doctor gloves. "I told you the baby is growing fast but I don't remember Minji being this big in the first week."

"Of course you won't remember, You had her over 10 years ago."

"True. Is jimin going to be here?" -Jin

"Of course I am I can't miss this." Jimin said coming through the door.

"Well lets begin." -Jin

I nod and lay myself down. Jimin sits next to me and holds my hand.

Jin puts a cold gel on my stomach and starts to look for the baby.

His eyebrows were furrowed and I immediately knew something was wrong.

I looked over the screen and saw nothing.

There was nothing.

No baby.


"Jin whats going On?"

"Hyung are you doing it right?" -jimin

"Yeah jimin im doing it right but there's literally nothing." -Jin

"What do you mean?!" I say with tears already coming out of my eyes.

"The ultrasound isn't working on you. Your baby doesn't show." -Jin

"What if there's no baby?" -Jimin

"That's not making any sense! I feel it move there's obviously something there!"

"Lana calm down that's not good for the baby." -jimin

"You're half vampire keep in mind pregnancies are not normal for you." Jin said touching my shoulder to calm me down.

"He's right." -jimin

I wiped my tears away and get out of the nurse room.

I wasn't sad just bummed out I wasn't going to be able to know my baby's gender.

"It's going to be okay." Jimin said following me.

I don't say anything. I walk upstairs to our room and lay myself on the bed.

Jimin was just following me. He laid next to me and touched my stomach. He even played with my hair and i ended up falling asleep.

When I woke up I still felt tired. Jimin was awake on his phone playing games and just by looking at him I knew he had stayed in bed the whole time I was asleep.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me.

I nod and scoot my body closer to him. "Yeah I just feel so exhausted. It's like the baby is draining all my energy."

"Maybe you need more protein in your body."

"Maybe." I mumbled laying my head on his chest.

Someone started knocking on our door and jimin gave them permission to open up.

"So what's the gender?" Taehyung asked

I sat up and shook my head looking down.

"Why that face?" -Taehyung

"The baby won't show in the ultrasound." -jimin

"What? That's weird." -Taehyung

"It sucks I won't get to know what I'm having until I birth it." I pout getting up.

As soon as I give 2 steps away from the bed my body goes weak. Everything around me begins to spin and I stumble back.

Jimin and Taehyung zoom their way to me and they both take a hold of my arms.

"Lana what's wrong?" I hear jimin say but I couldn't say anything.

I shook my head as a way to say "nothing"

"I think we should take her to hyung. He'll know what's wrong." -Taehyung

Jimin nods picking me up and zooms downstairs to the nurse office. Jin walks behind Taehyung and starts to check my temperature.

"I'm fine." I say finally speaking.

"Have you eaten anything?" -Jin

I shook my head knowing I was about to get scold.

"Why the hell not? You know you're eating for two now right?" -Jin

"I'm sorry I've been really tired."

"Jimin cut some fruits for her." -Jin

He nods and leaves the room leaving me in here with Jin and Taehyung.

"I hate pregnancies. It's been a while since I've felt like this, So tired and drained."

"It's going to be over soon." -Taehyung

I groan and shut my eyes hard. "I feel like shit."

"You're baby is sucking your blood." -Jin

My eyes shot open and I look at him confused. "Jin it's going to kill me!"

"No it's not eat as many fruits as you can and there shouldn't be a problem." -Jin

"I hate this I don't understand how you vampires work."

"You're a vampire too." -Taehyung

"Shut up don't remind me."

Jimin comes in with fruit and places it on top of my stomach smiling big.

"What are you smiling at?"

"You look cute." -jimin

"Now it's not the time."

"It's always the time." -jimin

"I hate you love birds." -Taehyung



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