Park Chaeyoung pt 2

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Jimin's pov

It's been a week and Lana has been giving everybody the silent treatment. We try to speak to her but she pushes us away or gives us short answers. Sometimes she doesn't even sleep in the room. She doesn't sleep at all even though she has the ability to do it.

Minji and lanie have been following her but Lana doesn't mind it. There's times where she lays in bed with me and stares at the ceiling without blinking at all. It scares me.

When I lay next to her I put my hand against her and comfort her even though She shows signs that she doesn't want to be touch. Deep down I know she really wants to be hold and told 'everything will get better'.

"Lana" I say. She turns her head to me and removes the pillow between us to have fully access to my hand. She slowly places hers on mine and holds it tight like she never wanted  to let go. She hums in responds as her big eyes stare into mine.

"Where have you gone" I asked.

"Jimin I've been here the whole time." she mutters.

"This isn't my Lana. This isn't the one I married. My wife likes to laugh and talk a lot. She likes to be annoying and funny. This lady right here beside me isn't Lana. This isn't the one I committed myself to."

She squished my hand not breaking the contact with me and sighs lowly before speaking. "She's coming. I know it's taking her forever but she'll be back Jimin I promise."

"Hopefully she doesn't take long I really miss her." I whispered at her.

She smiled still looking into my eyes and locking our hands more tight. "I love you Jimin."

"I Love you too Lana"

I felt her coming back. I knew somewhere deep inside this sad Lana the happy one was gonna show up anytime. Well that's what I'm thinking.



I looked directly at her and soften my look at her smiley face. "I think you need to talk to her."

She immediately separated our hands. The smile that was barely appearing on her face disappeared. She knew exactly who I was talking about.

"I-I dont know Jimin"

"Hear her out"

she hesitates and hugs the pillow she once removed, for 10 seconds. She finally pushes it away and stands up. "When do you think it'll be a good time to talk to her? Do you think she'll want to talk to me?"

She was flooding me with questions. Questions like "what if she doesn't want to talk to me because of the way I acted? Or what if she hates me?"

I stood up and pulled her close to me. "She doesn't hate you stop overthinking"

"You're right" she mumbled as I pecked her forehead. "I'll call Jackson to bring her over"

She nodded and walked into the bathroom for a shower.


"You might want to hurry up everybody's downstairs." I tell her. "I'm ready" she said fixing her shirt. I grabbed her hand and walked downstairs with her.

I expected her to cry as soon as she saw Rose but she had no reaction. I got close to her ear and whispered "Are you okay?"

She nodded letting go of my hand to walk over to the couch. Lanie and Minji walked over to me and stood beside me watching Lana standing in front of the couch. Rose was across her eyeing everything about her.

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