"Another one?"

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Lana's pov

"I'm pregnant." I say with a grimacing face.

"Oh my god that is amazing!" Jin yells hugging me tightly. "Since when?"

"Since yesterday."

Jin's face was confused. He looked at me and down at my stomach. "Holy shit."

"What?" I asked.

He walks to a cabinet and takes out needles as he talks to me. "I need to know how long your pregnancy is going to last. It's not normal for your pregnancy test to come out positive a day after sex."

I furrowed my eyes and looked at him.

"Does that ring any bells to your head?" He asked.


"That means your baby is growing fast like Minji did."

"Holy shit so you're saying-" I couldn't even get to finish my sentence because a needle was stabbed in my arm.

"I'm sorry." Jin said looking at me.

"Ouch you bastard! You could have gave me a warning!"

He removed the needle and began doing some weird stuff in his lab.

It took like 10 minutes and I was just laying there looking at him move back and forth.

"Looks like you're pregnancy is going to be a month long so the baby is going to be here around june. Next week we're going to be able to find out the gender." -Jin

"Well what's going to happen with me?"

"I don't think anything bad will happen. You're half human." -Jin

I felt my eyes water.

"Are you crying?" -Jin

"I'm so happy!"

There was knocking on the door and I quickly wiped my tears before Jin went to open it.

"I'm back." Jimin said handing me a cup of juice. "What do the results say?"

I look at Jin and gulp down the juice to not say anything.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows looking at him and back at me.

"Why did you clear your head?" He asked Jin.

"You know what I'm just going to say it."

"Say what Lana?"

"I'm pregnant."

Jimin's eye widen and I couldn't tell if he was happy or sad. "Are you serious?"

"Oh my god another one?" Someone said from the door.

We looked back and jungkook had the same expression as jimin.

"This is the best news I've gotten today!" Jimin yells hugging me and planting a bunch of kisses all over my face.

"What the hell is going on here? Why is everyone so happy?" Taehyung asked.

"Dude you're going to die when I tell you!" -jungkook

"What is it?" -Taehyung

"Lana is pregnant." Jin & jungkook said at the same time.

"LETS GOOOO!" Taehyung yells at the top of his lungs running out the room.

"We have to celebrate this with alcohol!" Jungkook said.

"There's a pregnant lady here I think we have to celebrate with juice." -Jin

Vampire Mafia || Jimin ff (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt