Stomach Ache

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A/n: guys I lost track of the month they're in so I made a few changes sorry please bear with me. 💜

Lana's pov

It was barely 3 in the afternoon and I felt like I've been nauseous for a whole day.

Jimin was gone in a mission with bangtan and I was alone with the girls.

"When is lisa coming back?" Minji asked eating a cherry.

"I don't know she travels a lot we never know when she's going to settle down again." I say eating a strawberry

"What about Jennie and jisoo?" Lanie asked

"At their house." -hyuna

"Noona can you give me a banana?" Eunwoo asked tapping on hyuna's leg. She nodded and peeled it open for him.

"we have a date for the wedding." Hyuna says looking at all of us.

"Really? when?"

"December 1st." -hyuna

"Oh my god yay Finally!" Minji squealed.

Jimin walked in the door and approached us with the guys behind him. He pecked my lips and eyed me weirdly.

His face expression made me feel like I did something wrong and I couldnt help but look away.

"Can I speak to you alone?" He whispered in my ear.

I nodded backing away as he looked at me with a serious face. We both quietly walked to the room and I felt my palms sweating.

He closed the door on our way in and I sat in the bed.

"What do you want to talk about jimin?"

"Are you okay? I heard you throwing up in the morning."


"I'm fine. I drank rotten milk." I smiled pulling him close to me.

"Did you not read the expiration date dummy?" He asked pulling my waist to him.

I shook my head and pecked his lips. "Nope. I was half asleep."

Our kiss was getting deeper and his hands were making their way under my shirt but I quickly pulled them out.

Jimin had a confused look at my sudden reaction and I was trying to come up with an excuse.

"Are you sure you're okay Lana?"

"Yes I just have an upset stomach I'm not really in the mood for sex. I'm sorry."

"Its fine," He pecks my lip cupping my face. "That's fine."

I get up and walk downstairs and right when I was about to walk towards the couch with Jin, my world begins to spin. I heard jimin's footsteps behind me and I tried to walk straight but I just couldn't.

My eyes were shutting and when I felt like my body was going to collapse Jimin and Jin zoomed from each side and caught me.

"I knew you weren't okay." Jimin mumbled picking me up.

I didn't want to close my eyes all the way. I demanded for jimin to put me down but he refused.

Jin wasn't letting him and he kept telling jimin to take me to the nurse room.

"I'm okay I promise." I say fighting to leave his arms.

"Lana please let me check you." Jin said.

"You almost fainting out of the no where doesn't look okay to me." -jimin

"Fine I'll just tell you the truth," I mumbled looking down. "I didn't sleep well because my stomach was hurting the whole time. I'm just exhausted that's it."

"Why did you eat that made your stomach upset?" -Jin

"She drank rotten milk." Jimin says looking at him and back at me.

"I'll give you some medicine for your stomach but I also want you to rest okay?" -Jin

I nodded and tried plopping myself of the bed but Jin stopped me "Wait I still want to take blood out of you to make sure you it's nothing bad."

"W-what I don't think that's necessary seokjin."

"Trust me it is." -Jin

"No I'll be okay."

"Lana," Jimin says with seriousness in his voice. "Just listen to him."

"No please I hate needles!"

"It's for your own good," he says kissing my forehead. "When I get back I better see the results."

He walks out and i quickly zoom behind him and lock the door to prevent him from coming back in.

"Don't tell me you're going to fight me." Jin said.

"No Jin listen to me you can't take blood out of me."

"Why not? I need to see how you're doing." -Jin

"I lied about the rotten milk and me not sleeping."

"So you're stomach doesn't actually hurt? And you're just dizzy for no reason?" -Jin


"Then?" -Jin

"Promise you won't tell no one?" I say putting my pinky out.

"I promise." He said attaching his pinky with mine.

"I'm pregnant."

Vampire Mafia || Jimin ff (18+)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя