The Witches Have Hayley, Labor Pains, Klaus is Enraged, A New Mikaelson Is Born

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A group of witches, led by Genevieve, drag a struggling Hayley by her arms into the church toward the altar. Monique and another witch wait for them in the pews. Hayley screams in fright in hopes that someone will hear her. "Get her down on the floor!" Genevieve says to the witches restraining her. "We should take her to the City of the Dead." Monique says to her. "We won't make it, the baby is coming now." Genevieve explains. "No! It's too soon! Ahhhhhh!" Hayley screams in terror. "Apparently not." Genevieve says quickly. "The plan was to induce her when the sacrifice was ready!" Monique says as she grabs Genevieve. "I had to subdue her, and the trauma caused a placental abruption. So, the baby is coming, and we'll just have to adapt." Genevieve says and pulls her arm out of Monique's grasp. "AHHH! LET ME GO!" Hayley screams and fights against the witches holding her down. "You need to be calm, Hayley." Genevieve commands. "Why are you doing this to me?" Hayley asks with tears in her eyes. "To be reborn, you must sacrifice." Monique says eerily. "What does that mean, you psychotic little BITCH?" Hayley screams as she pushes Monique's hand away. "The ancestors demand an offering in exchange for power." Genevieve explains to Hayley. "You and your child will be a fine offering." Monique says with a smirk. "No! NO! You will not take my baby, I will kill ALL OF YOU!" Hayley screams in determination. "No, you won't! And neither will Klaus, or Elijah! When your baby is born, you will offer her up to those who came before us. Hayley cries and shakes her head no as she continues to struggle against the witches' restraints. "I'm sorry, Hayley, but this is the way it had to be." Genevieve says sincerely."No! NO! NO! AAH! AAH!" Hayley screams in pure terror.

Outside, Nicole runs down the street looking for her father. She turns a corner and sees Klaus weakly stumble down the street. "Dad!" She calls out to him. He looks up and sees her. "Nicole." He says weakly. She runs and catches him as he's about to fall. He hugs her tightly. "I knew you'd be fine. I saw it in your eyes." He whispered in her ear. Nicole pulls out of the his embrace and looks him dead in the eyes. "I'm okay but Dad, Hayley is gone! Genevieve tricked us and Francesca and her brothers are wolves!" Nicole says this Klaus hears Hayley's horrified screams as the witches pin her down on the floor in preparation for her labor. Fully enraged, he roars at the top of his lungs in the middle of the road.

Hayley, who was in the middle of labor, screamed at Genevieve and Monique as they stood around her. "AHHHH! Let go of me, you bitch!" She screamed at Monique. Nicole burst into the church with Klaus and finds the witches with Hayley. Hayley looked shocked and relieved to see them. Klaus lunged toward one of the witch guards and ripped his head off while Nicole made a run for the alter. Abigail and Genevieve linked their hands and telekinetically pinned Nicole and Klaus to the wall. Klaus and Nicole fought against the spell pinning them to the wall. Monique and Abigail anchored the spell and go back to helping Genevieve with Hayley. Nicole, Klaus and Hayley watched in fear as Genevieve grabbed the ceremonial athame that was used for the Harvest. Hayley continued to scream in agony and terror as Genevieve turned to address both Hayley and Klaus. Nicole tried to counter the spell while Genevieve was distracted but to no avail, she couldn't. "You should know this brings me no joy. I promise I'll make it quick." Genevieve said with little remorse. One of the witches covered Hayley's lower half with a sheet. "Let's begin, shall we?" Genevieve said to the girls round her. Abigail and Monique nodded. "Genevieve don't do this! Do not let the ancestors control you!" Nicole screamed. "I have to!" Genevieve screams back at her. "No you don't! They are innocents! You do not kill other witches! Which when born, my sister will be as powerful as me, if not more!" Nicole shouted her warning. Genevieve ignored her even though she knew she was right. Hayley was still in excruciating labor, her contractions getting closer and closer. The witches continue to assist Hayley in her birth. Hayley screamed in agony. "I will bring hell to your family!" Klaus screamed at Genevieve. "One last push! Push! The baby's almost here!" Genevieve encouraged Hayley. "I will bathe in rivers of your blood!" He shouted at her again. "No! No!" Hayley continued screaming. "Hayley it's okay! Everything's gonna be fine! I promise!" Nicole yelled trying to distract Hayley from panicking. "I can see the baby!" Monique said with joy. "Push! Gently! Gently!" Genevieve continued to coached her. "You will die screaming!" Klaus screamed at her again. Hayley, exhausted, fell backwards just as the baby is born. "There!" Genevieve exclaimed.
Both Klaus and Hayley stopped screaming once they saw their baby. One of the witches helped cut the umbilical cord, and Genevieve wrapped the baby in a blanket. Nicole stared at Klaus and Hayley's fearful but joyous expressions. She felt eyes on her and turned to see the baby staring at her. She looked to the baby and instantly felt a bond form. The familial tie of the wolf gene kicked in. She needed to protect her. She was going to save that baby or die trying. "You have a beautiful baby daughter." Genevieve said as she looked at Klaus. Hayley and Klaus stared at each other in shock. "We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky..." Genevieve began but Hayley interrupted her. "Please. Please, can I hold her?" Hayley begged with tears in her eyes. Nicole looked to Gen to see her reaction. Genevieve brought the baby over so Hayley could hold her. Hayley was amazed by the sight of her daughter. She looked up at Klaus and managed a small smile before kissing her daughter on the forehead. Suddenly, Monique grabbed Hayley by the hair, pulled her head back, and slit her throat with the knife.."NOOOOOO!" Klaus screamed. Hayley took one last breath. "Hayley! NO! Oh you bitch! I will kill you!" Nicole screamed at Monique. Hayley fell backward again, and the witches grabbed the baby before leaving the church. "AGHHHHHHHH!" Klaus bellowed at them in pain and anger. As the witches moved, Monique twisted her wrist, which caused Klaus and Nicole to fall to the floor, weakened. The fall caused Nicole to hit her head and become unconscious. Klaus looked up at Hayley's dead body above him in horror.

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