Party Planning and Truth Time

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As Rebekah was hanging a birthday banner another bouncy blonde vampire walked into the compound. "I'm here!" Rebekah whipped her head around to see Caroline with about 7 suitcases and a huge smile on her face. "Finally! I actually have to say it is good to see you!" Rebekah says smiling. Caroline smiles and hugs her. "So what do we do first?" Caroline asks pulling out of the hug. Klaus and Elijah come downstairs arguing and ready to head to the airport. "Hello boys." Caroline says with a cheeky smirk. Klaus and Elijah stop dead in their tracks. Klaus' eyes light up as a smile graces his features. "Caroline." He says with fondness. "Miss Forbes, good to see you are well." Elijah says and kisses Caroline's hand. "Thank you Elijah, you are looking handsome as ever." Caroline says flirtatiously. "Wait, I thought we were picking her up as well?" Klaus asks confused. "You were but I canceled my flight and drove down so I could be here to help Rebekah before the others arrived." Caroline says looking at Rebekah with a smirk. "Well then, thank you for coming early and we will be on our way now. Come Niklaus." Elijah says walking to the door. Klaus gave a Caroline a smile and followed his brother out the door.

Rebekah is holding a clipboard while Caroline unloads all the bags she brought that were filled with decorations, gifts and clothes. "Did you order the photo booth?" Caroline asks worriedly. "Of course! We don't want to be bored do we?" Rebekah asks jokingly. "I also ordered the DJ, the balloons, and the booze." Rebekah says with a smirk. "Yay! Okay. What time is food coming?" Caroline asks. "Around 3ish." Rebekah says looking at the clipboard she was holding. "Damn, because I am starving." Jeremy says from behind them. "Hey Jeremy!" Caroline says and hugs him. "So there is a party tonight?" He asks. "Yes but you cannot tell Nicole." Rebekah says pointing her pen at him. "Not a word. Got it." Jeremy says with a wink. "This is gonna be so great." Caroline says excitedly. "Oh and by the way when were you or Nicole gonna tell me you were soulmates?" Caroline asks Jeremy, crossing her arms. Jeremy looks dumbfounded. "How did you..." Rebekah cut him off. "I told her." Jeremy gives Rebekah a 'wtf' look. Rebekah shrugged. "She asked what was going on between you two. I'm not a liar." Rebekah says keeping her eyes on her schedule. "We weren't telling anyone yet." Jeremy says to calm Caroline down. "Nicole's had a lot going on." Jeremy says convincingly. "Okay but you have to Elena and Bonnie." Caroline says seriously. "We will. When the time is right." Jeremy says nervously. "You should at least tell Elena you're dating." Caroline says. "Fine. That I can do, when she gets here." Jeremy says giving Caroline a smile.

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