Family Confrontation, Davina's Back, Remembering Mikael

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Klaus, Elijah, Nicole and Rebekah, who are still trapped in the cemetery due to Celeste's spell, are in the middle of a standoff. Klaus has the indestructible white oak stake, while Elijah holds Papa Tunde's blade. "Dad, walk away." Nicole says with her hands out in front of her waiting to cast a spell on her father. "Don't move Rebekah!" Klaus yells. "Nicole, you and Rebekah must Leave us now." Elijah says ushering them toward the exit. "We can't leave." Rebekah says in a panic. "What?" Nicole asks looking at her Aunt in disbelief. "We can't leave. We're stuck here. Elijah, and he has the white oak stake." Rebekah says scared and angry. Klaus takes a step toward them and points the stake in her direction. "I brought it for you, sister." He says coldly. "Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me now." Elijah says to Rebekah. 

Rebekah vamp-speeds away, Nicole and Elijah turn to Klaus. "Dad this is not the answer." Nicole says staring at the white oak stake in his hand. His hand was shaking with the anger that raked his body. "I'm asking you, brother to brother-- we end this nonsense now." Elijah says trying to resolve the issue. "You two would side with that traitor." Klaus says as he glares at Elijah then transfixes his gaze onto his daughter. He has hurt and betrayal in his eyes. Nicole lowers her hands in defeat. "we're not choosing sides Dad!" Nicole yells at her father. "But I will not allow you to hurt our sister." Elijah says finishing Nicole's statement. "We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah. How long do you think you can defend her?" Klaus vamp-speeds away, but Elijah easily catches up with him and blocks him. "As long as it takes, by whatever means necessary." Elijah says with the blade raised.


Marcel enters Davina's attic room with a bag. Davina is very pale, and looks extremely sad as she sits quietly on her bed. "Hey, D, how you feelin'? Got you some stuff-- organic soap, and scented candles, some incense... Just trying to help you get back to feeling, you know, yourself." He waits a beat. "Word on the street is the witches are celebrating. Three out of the four girls sacrificed in the Harvest have come back. First, it was your friend, Monique, and then another girl, now you. What I hear, the others are saying that the ancestors were with them while they were, uh, dead. You know, talking to them, teaching them. They say they're stronger than ever. Was it like that for you?" Davina shakes her head, near tears. "There was nothing. It was cold, empty, and dark. And it went on forever." She now has tears falling down her cheeks. Marcel frowns and sits next to her on the bed. "I'm sorry, D." Marcel says wrapping an arm around her. "I don't want to talk about it. Please, Marcel, don't make me." She asks as she rests her head on his shoulder and cries.


Nicole is running through the cemetery to find Rebekah or her father. Its been at least 4 hours she's been looking but she has no idea where the vamped to or where to start looking. She is completely and utterly exhausted. Elijah and Klaus are still pacing around outside one of the tombs in the cemetery while Elijah tries to hold Klaus off from killing Rebekah. "You've been at this for hours. To what end? We do not even know where Nicole is. Niklaus, I know you, and I grew up fighting you. I can't be beaten, nor can I be persuaded. You cannot get past me." Elijah says with confidence. "I could get past you. Although, it might have to be over your dead body. You did stab me with that blade, forcing me to endure hours of unspeakable pain. Perhaps I should direct my rage toward you." Klaus says and points the stake threateningly at Elijah. "You should see yourself-- the murderous expression, the self-righteous posturing. You look like Father." Elijah says with disgust toward his brother. "I'm not him!" Klaus shouts causing Nicole to hear him and run towards his voice. "Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger. His was that of a madman. You were never the recipient of his cruelty. None of you were-- not Kol, not Finn, None of you! I think you've forgotten what he was truly like." Klaus says with sadness. "No. I have not forgotten." Elijah says with his gaze to the floor.


Young Elijah and Klaus are in the forest, where Elijah is helping Klaus learn how to shoot a bow and arrow. Klaus takes his aim at a deer. "Be still. Deep breath. Hold...NOW!" Elijah yells. Klaus shoots the arrow, but misses the deer. "Your aim is improving." Elijah smiles and pats Klaus affectionately on the shoulder. "Next time!" Suddenly, Mikael finds them in the woods and approaches them. "You encourage him, Elijah, but he grows more pathetic every day." Mikael says with disgust at Niklaus. "I'm not pathetic." Klaus says hurt and embarrassed. "Do not talk back to me. You're not man enough to hold this weapon. If you can't hunt, you're nothing but a burden." Mikael says with all the hate he can muster for the small boy before him. "I'm sorry." Klaus says with his head down. Mikael grabs Klaus by the front of the shirt. "It's a shame we can't feed on sad-eyed apologies. It's your one and only skill." With that said Mikael backhands Klaus across the face. "Father, stop." Elijah demands. "Stay back, or you'll be next. The boy needs to be made strong." Mikael says raising a hand to his other son. Mikael kicks Klaus in the back while he's sprawled on the ground, and the boy groans in pain.


Always & Forever A Mikaelson {Sequel to Klaus' Daughter Is A Lockwood}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt