Mikael's Return in 1919, Marcel & Rebekah Can't Leave Davina

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Klaus sits up in bed and buttons up his shirt. "I'd let my guard down and given in to happiness-- more fool, I. Turns out, they'd already betrayed me, and brought to town the one thing I'd been running from for centuries... my father." Klaus says with fear in his eyes. "Oh." Cami says in surprise. "Yes. Oh." Klaus lays back down. "So, you're consumed by revenge you'll never achieve. Elijah implied Rebekah and Marcel could be anywhere in the world by now." Cami says with assurance. "Oh, I'm not so sure about that." Klaus says with a smirk.


Marcel and Rebekah are sitting together at a table, holding hands and generally looking content. "Can you believe we're sitting out here in the open bold as brass?" Rebekah asks with a smile. "No. Ah, it feels like heaven." Marcel says returning the smile. "You know, it's been over six months since Genevieve summoned my father, and nothing. Her spell must have failed." Rebekah says with relief. "Hey, if so, we dodged a bullet." Marcel smiles, and he kisses Rebekah. "Right. I am off to speak at the Women's Temperance Society meeting to make sure the wives of this city urge their husbands not to drink." She says with a smirk. Marcel laughs. "Aren't you all in the booze biz now?" Marcel asks. "Yes, but the more one tells you you can't have something, the more you crave it at all costs." She kisses him again. Marcel laughs as she heads for the door. A gentlemen at the bar watches her go. When the camera turns toward his face, we see that it is Mikael.



Marcel and Rebekah are sitting in Rebekah's car at a crossroads, considering their options for leaving town before Klaus can find them. "He'll chase us to the ends of the earth, and he'll find us. No one can hide forever, especially not from an angry Mikaelson." Rebekah says panicked. "Then we go through with the plan. There's only one way that we'll truly be able to hide from Klaus forever. Davina is our one shot." Marcel persists. "If we go back and get her, it's a suicide mission." Rebekah says trying to knock some sense into him. "It's our only hope. We resurrect her, take her with us, and get out of town. Then, she can hide us from Klaus so he'll never find us." Marcel says arguing back. "We don't even know the right witch to kill to bring her back." Rebekah says getting aggravated. "Then we'll kill them all." Marcel is running out of reasons. "Just kill the three witches that brought the mighty Klaus Mikaelson to his knees, no big deal." Rebekah says skeptically. "Look. Unless you want to spend eternity looking over your shoulder, there's only one thing that we can do." At the fork in the road, Rebekah leans her head back into the seat of the car as her eyes fill with tears. She sighs as Marcel turns the car around so they can head back toward the city.

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