The Trial of Rebekah Part III

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Rebekah and Klaus are still in a standoff. Klaus stands in front of to Nicole who is saying a spell over Elijah to ease his pain, preventing Rebekah from removing Tunde's blade from his chest, but Rebekah still holds the white oak stake. "You against me. It's hardly a fair fight, is it? I mean, perhaps, if Marcel were here, you'd stand a chance, but I expect he's already found another girl. No doubt younger and prettier." He's taunting her with a small smirk on his face. Rebekah has tears in her eyes but she won't let them fall. "Dad!" Nicole yells at him; completely forgetting about Elijah for a moment. "You take joy in other people's pain, and then you wonder why I hate you." Rebekah says with venom in her words but fear in her eyes. Klaus takes a step towards her which makes Rebekah flinch. "Yes and that hatred led you to do what you did. Admit the truth. Admit you wanted me dead." He says looking bored. "I wanted you to run, that is all-- despite your delusions." Rebekah says keeping the stake in front of her. "Elijah lies suffering, and I will allow you to help him. All you have to do is admit it." Klaus pleads. Rebekah takes a step back. "You're insane." Rebekah says shaking her head in disbelief. "Yes! Yes! I am a vicious, heartless monster, and so you summoned Mikael to kill me. Admit it." He yells growling and gritting his teeth at her. Rebekah is losing her composure. "It's not true." She's petrified of him. He's gone insane. Nicole watches but continues to chant. She will not let her Uncle suffer because of Rebekah's mistakes. "You know what you did. Admit it." He says moving closer to her. "I didn't." Rebekah takes another step back. "You wanted me dead!" He is screaming in Rebekah's face. He takes one more step. "Admit it." He whispers. Nicole has stopped chanting due to being completely frozen in terror at her father's temper. Afraid of what was coming for Rebekah. Silence lingers between them. "Maybe I did." She whispered and kept her eyes on the ground. That was the breaking point. She admitted it. Nicole's eyes widened. Klaus was in shock as tears filled his eyes. The one female who he loved his whole life, his baby sister, his Rebekah; She wanted him dead. "Nik..." She whispered but Klaus angrily stabs Rebekah with the white oak stake. "No! Rebekah!" Nicole yells as she runs to her but Klaus holds her back.

As angry as she was with Rebekah, they had their good times. That was her friend, her aunt, one of her many protectors... Her family. And now her father just killed her. "She's not dead." Klaus says quietly. "Nicole, calm down." Klaus says rubbing her back. She pushed him off of her. "Calm down?! You're joking right?!" Nicole asks in shock. Klaus avoids eye contact. Nicole sees how cowardly he's being. In a fit of anger she pulls back and slaps him across the face. "That's your sister! How the hell could you do that to her?!" Klaus didn't answer. "She loves you! That's all she's ever done! She stuck by you more than anyone else!" Nicole was hysterical. "All my life, all I wanted was to find my family..." She had tears falling. "I finally found you and you all want each other dead." She shakes her head and sits down on a bench near a tomb. "Always and forever seems like such a lie when it comes out of yours and Rebekah's mouths. Uncle Elijah is the only one that truly means it when he says it." She looked over at him. "He sacrifices everything for you two and there he lies with a dagger shoved inside him that's causing him excruciating pain. A dagger that his brother drove into him." Nicole glared at Klaus which caused him to tear up.

He'd never seen her this angry at him. "He daggered me first if I must remind you." Klaus spat. She stood up. "To stop you from killing Marcel and Rebekah. You reap what you sew Niklaus." She used his formal name. His head jerked up to see her with a murderous glint in her eyes. "You did this. If you hadn't taken in Marcel, if you hadn't raised him, if you hadn't have killed all of Rebekah's boyfriends, if you hadn't forbid Rebekah and Marcel to be together none of this would be happening." She walked toward him. "You always end up alone because you do horrible inhumane deeds to the ones who love you. No one leaves you; You destroy them. " She looked at him with such disdain it shook him.

This was the side of her he'd been waiting to see. The side that was all him. The cold, animalistic wolf that would kill for family. He knew it would surface eventually. Suddenly her green orbs glowed silver. Not gold nor amber, but silver. The wind began to pick up, the skies began to darken around them. Her eyes remained a bright silver; almost white. It was like she was possessed. "You will not harm this family anymore Niklaus. I will not allow it." Nicole says but her voice is deeper, older... It sounded like Esther. Then it was over. The sun came, the wind was gone and she returned to herself but her body gave out and she fell into her father's arms. She was out cold. What had just happened? Had Esther just possessed Nicole? Could Esther now have a tie to Nicole since her blood was used in the consecration? Klaus snapped out of his thoughts as Nicole gasped and jerked up in Klaus arms. "Nicole? Are you alright?" He asks panicked. He searched over her features to make sure she was herself. "I'm okay. I swear." She was trying to regain air into her lungs. "What do we do now?" Nicole looked into Klaus' eyes. "We wait for them to wake up." He kept his eyes off her face. He couldn't face her because he knew everything she said; whether it was her or Esther; she was right. His daughter seemed to have a way of always being right about him. The short time they knew each other, she was beginning to know him better than anyone.

Always & Forever A Mikaelson {Sequel to Klaus' Daughter Is A Lockwood}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz