Jackson and Ollie Are In Trouble, Klaus Is Up To Something

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Jackson and Oliver are driving to the French Quarter to deliver the stones needed for the moonlight rings."Lot of driving for a bag of rocks." Oliver says as he looks at the duffle bag in the backseat. "We'll be in the Quarter by dawn." Jackson replies as he continues to drive. "You sure the hybrid will do his part? " Oliver asks skeptically. "Hayley will make sure of that." Jackson replies with a smile. "Yeah, I forgot your fiancée's got him wrapped around her finger." Oliver cracks a sarcastic comment. "You know, Ollie, I love you like a brother, but if you don't lay off Hayley, we're gonna have a problem." Jackson playfully threatens. "Pay attention, Romeo." Oliver says and rolls his eyes. A short distance away from them, two police cruisers are blocking the road, which forces Oliver and Jackson to stop. They are at least a half dozen police officers standing in front of the cruisers. Jackson and Oliver become extremely nervous. "Alright, relax. Ain't done anything." Jackson says to Oliver as he rolls down his window and sticks his head out to talk to the officers. "Evenin', officers!" Jackson greets with a scared smile. "Step out of the car. Both of you." The officer demands. "What's this about?" Jackson asks confused. Suddenly, all of the officers pull out their handguns and aim them at Jackson and Oliver, which visibly frightens them. Marcel and Diego appear behind the officers and head toward the car, staring at Jackson and Oliver. "I think you should do what the man says." He waits a beat. "Before things take a nasty turn." Marcel says with a wide and wicked smile. Jackson & Oliver look at each other then glare at Marcel.

In Klaus' study, Nicole stands with Klaus as he gives Genevieve the pages of Esther's grimoire that contain the moonlight ring spell. She examines it as Nicole and Klaus watch. "Your mother's spell is as complicated as it is elegant. She was clearly a very gifted witch." Genevieve praises with a smile. "Unfortunately yes she was." Nicole says with sarcasm. Klaus snatches the page from her hand and points at it. "Is this the bit, here?" He asks the girls. Genevieve snatches it back. "Hey! Like I said, it's complicated. She bound protection magic to black kyanite stones. A werewolf with the stones is free from turning on a full moon." Genevieve explains to them. "And what of the improvements?" Klaus asks her. "This spell will enhance speed, strength, and agility." Genevieve replies with a small smile. Nicole didn't trust her at all but Elijah and her father were too set on repaying the favor of her saving Hayley. "There should be something in there about fangs, it's what our mother used on us when she turned us into vampires." Klaus adds; looking at the page. Nicole didn't like the sound of that. "Not just fangs; you said you want venom, so the bite is still lethal to vampires." Genevieve says and with a nod. Klaus smiles, as Genevieve lays the pages carefully onto the table. "Here. It should make a nice gift. I'm sure Hayley will be thrilled." She says and appears slightly jealous. "Not just Hayley. You'll be making quite a few of these. Lets call it an even hundred." Klaus demands with a smirk. "That's not the deal I made with Elijah." Genevieve frowns at him.

Nicole watches as her father approaches the witch in a seductful manner. Nicole stiffened at his closeness to her. "Well, you're dealing with me now." He crouches down to whisper in her ear. "And I am offering considerably more." Nicole rolled her eyes in disgust at her father. She may hate Genevieve but no woman should be treated like an object. "You think because I sleep with you, I'm suddenly at your beck and call?" Genevieve asks insulted. "Because you sleep with me, love, I will protect you from those who might do you harm, including my brother. Because I need you, however, I'm prepared to offer something more valuable than my protection." Klaus smirks at her. He was up to something. "Which is what exactly Dad?" Nicole moved and stood next to Genevieve. She actually felt bad for the witch. "My mother's grimoire, from which I took these spells. You see, Elijah is offering you a mere peek at these pages, but I will grant it to you as a gift. If you pledge your loyalty to me, beginning with the creation of those rings." Nicole and Genevieve both realized his plan. "I should've known you'd go for a power grab as soon as you saw the opportunity." Genevieve shakes her head incredulously. "This has been your plan all along! You want to build a werewolf army, and you're using me to do it!" Genevieve shouts at him; enraged by him using her. Klaus places his hand on hers. "Sweetheart, I'm not the enemy. Nor the wolves. Your abusive coven expects you to sacrifice yourself for the last of the Harvest girls." He cups her face in his hands. "Do this one favor for me, and you need never fear anyone ever again." Klaus was promising her the world. Nicole knew better. She was not gonna let him get away with this.

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