Bad Mojo from Papa Tunde

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Thunder rumbles overhead as Diego leads Marcel, Nicole and Klaus to the Cauldron to show them what he found. There are two vampires, both desiccated, and both with the same magical symbol carved into their forehands. Their bodies lay inside a magic circle created with salt, with runes drawn inside. "We came to mess with the witches, just like you said. And these two, they went missing. Found them like this, not even staked. Just dead." Diego says worried. "Oh my God..." Nicole says in shock. Marcel turns to Klaus. "That's two more of my guys gone. Nice job, Captain." Marcel takes one look at his dead men, puts his hood up, turns around, and starts to walk away. " Marcel! Where are you going?" Nicole asks. "Someone has to account for this!" Klaus yells as Marcel ignores Nicole and walks away. "You want revenge, get it yourself. That mark is tied to some bad mojo." He says and turns to the rest of the vampires. "Any of y'all got any brains, you'll head back to the compound and stay the hell out of this." Marcel walks off. Nicole sighs in frustration and goes back to observing the bodies. Klaus turns to Diego. "We're gonna find whoever did this, and I will show them what suffering is. Nicole, let's go!" Nicole's head snaps in her fathers direction and runs to catch up with him.


Thierry and Rebekah walk into a warehouse to investigate another incident. "Used to run things down here for Marcel. Thought you'd like to see what I found before Klaus did." Thierry says. Rebekah smirks. "Not a day out of the Garden, and you're already proving yourself useful." She says with pride. "We made a deal, and if it screws things for your brother, I'm all for it. Though, to be honest, this stuff makes my skin crawl. I've never seen anything like this." They stop in front of another salt circle on the ground with two dead vampires inside. Both are desiccated and have the same symbol carved into their foreheads that was seen on Mayor O'Connell in the flashbacks and the vampires in the Cauldron. "I have, a long time ago. Somebody is copycatting a very dangerous witch. They draw their power from sacrifice." Rebekah says; her voice quivers with fear. "I just don't understand why someone would leave it here for us to find." Thierry says while scratching his head. "Unless they wanted it to be found." Rebekah says in realization.

Papa Tunde appears from the shadows behind them. Rebekah notices him in shock and horror. "Mademoiselle Mikaelson." he says nodding his head with a smirk on his face. "That's not possible." Rebekah says full of fear and confusion. "Sure, it is, chére. It's magic." He says with a smirk. Rebekah speed vamps toward him to try to kill him, but Papa Tunde simply reaches out and grabs her by the throat. "Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi. Embrace-toi. Symbole du masque et de l'ombre, embrace-toi." He chants. Rebekah starts to desiccate, and thick gray veins pop up all over her face and neck. Terrified, Thierry vamp-speeds away from him and disappears out of the warehouse.

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