Nicole Vents, Spells, Marcel's Plan, Time to Go Into Battle

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THE MIKAELSON COMPOUND In another room, Nicole is keeping watch as Genevieve has everything arranged to start the moonlight ring spell. She can sense Nicole is uncomfortable. "Is your negativity due to being in this room with me or is something actually troubling you?" She asks and turned to her. Nicole didn't realize her aura affected others so strongly. "Sorry, I just don't like this situation, I haven't heard from Jeremy, I'm pissed at Marcel for trying to kill me and I'm worried about Hayley. So no for once, my negativity has nothing to do with the fact that I don't like you." Nicole ranted to her. Genevieve saw the frustration and concern on Nicole's face once she said it. "Thank you though." Nicole says with a small smile. "Not many witches would agree to this, me being one of them." Nicole says with a firm stance. "Well, your father trusts me to do this for Hayley and that's exactly what I'm doing." She says simply. "You're afraid he'll kill you once the spell is done." Nicole says when she sees the fear in her eyes.
Before Genevieve could answer, Klaus walks into the room. "I trust you're ready?" He asks and moves next to Genevieve. She sighs. "The last ingredient is personal. As the spell is designed to control transformation, I need the blood of a werewolf who doesn't turn on a full moon. My first thought was Hayley, because of the pregnancy..." Klaus cut her off. "Out of the question. I'd just as soon limit the mother of my unborn side to the side-effects of your witchery. I am half-wolf, I control my form-- use my blood." Klaus says then holds his hand out to her, but when she grabs a knife to use to cut his palm, he grabs her roughly by the arm. "If you fail to hold up your end of the deal, the consequences for you will be apocalyptic." Klaus threatens her. Nicole rolls her eyes; sick of her fathers threats and behavior. "You say the most romantic things." Genevieve replies nervously. Nicole can hear the fear in her tone. "Dad, enough. Just let her do the damn spell." Nicole says and steps between them. Genevieve takes his hand and uses her knife to cut his palm. She drips the blood over the stones and it hisses as she begins the spell.THE PIT Across town, Marcel has rallied up his army of vampires to review their battle plans before they get started. "I appreciate ya'll coming. It's been a while. By now, you've heard what's going on. Klaus found a way to make werewolves lethal to us 24/7. The fireworks at the docks? That was me, trying to spoil his plan. He's moving forward anyway. He's got a witch, he's got a spell, and if he pulls this off? In one night, we go from hunter to prey. Now, I know what some of y'all are thinking. We stood against Klaus before, and we failed. Uh-uh. That's on me. I failed. I called off the attack because I thought it was the only way to save lives. But make no mistake--if we don't stand against him now, our lives aren't worth a damn anyway!" He bellows as the crowd begins to murmur in agreement. "A wise man said, if you know yourself, and you know your enemy, then you don't need to fear the outcome of battle! I know myself. I know my friends. And, I know my enemy! I know his strengths, I know his pride, and I know his house. Every nook and cranny. We're gonna go there tonight, hard and fast, all at once, from every angle. We kill their witch, destroy her spell book, and get the hell out!" He screams again as the crowd starts to cheer louder in agreement. "And as for Klaus? He'll be coming for me, and that's exactly what I want. I'll lead him away. I just need the rest of you to get past Nicole and Elijah and do what needs to be done. Do not hurt her though, She may be Klaus' child but she is still a kid. You know my rule about kids. So, that's the plan. I need to know, right now-- who's with me?" The whole crowd cheers and nods and lift their drinks up to Marcel in a show of solidarity. Marcel looks at them all proudly.THE MIKAELSON COMPOUND
Nicole stands next to Genevieve as she continues to cast the moonlight ring spell while Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah watch carefully. Genevieve holds her hands out and chants. "Tua virtuse. Materi lunare tua virtuse. Materi lunare tua virtuse." She continues with her eyes closed. Francesca suddenly rushes in. "My people say Marcel is on the move, and he's bringing friends." She says with a slight panicked tone. Nicole's eyes widen in surprise but are changed to rage and looks at her father. Klaus nods at her and turns to Elijah. "Get Hayley to safety." He says and vamp sped away. Elijah walks over to Hayley and grabs her arm. "Come with me." He says urgently. "No. Some needs to watch her." She gestures to Genevieve. "You should help Klaus. My brothers and their security detail won't be much against a vampire army. I'll stay with Hayley." Francesca says to Elijah. "The hell you will!" Nicole protests. Hayley Nods. "Go, Elijah." She says and walks over to him and looks him in the eye. "And don't hold back." Elijah reluctantly agrees to this plan, and leaves to help Klaus. Nicole walks over to Francesca. "You betray my family, I will kill you and juicehead brothers myself." She threatens into her ear and rushes out to help Elijah and Klaus.
She runs into her bedroom, grabs some stakes and wooden bullets. She attaches the stake dispenser Alaric gave her arms, puts the bullets in all the guns she has and pulls her glock out of holster loads it up. She slips on her utility belt she made to hold more bullets and stakes. She also goes into her drawer and grabs two flasks full of Vervain water which she then tucks in the inside pockets of her leather jacket. She quickly leaves her room and races downstairs to help her family.

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