Klaus Remembers Lana, Celeste's Potions & Plots, Thierry's Meeting With Witches

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Klaus sits up and attempts to get out of bed, but he is too weak. He nearly falls, but Cami catches him. Nicole enters as he's falling. "Dad! You should be in bed!" Nicole says and helps Cami. "She's right Klaus. You're still weak." Cami says looking him over. "I'm still hungry. There's a fresh blood supply in the kitchen." He says frustrated. Cami took control. "You won't make it that far. So, be a good little boy and get back into bed." She said with a smirk. Nicole chuckled. "If I had a quid for every time a woman has tried that line on me." Klaus said struggling to get back in bed. "Ew, Dad, TMI." Nicole said scrunching her nose. "Oh Nicole, he'd have, like, no money." Cami said with a bigger smirk. Nicole laughed. Klaus glared at them. "Sorry Dad." Nicole said stifling a giggle. "I beg to differ. Some women actually find me quite charming. Your mother being one of them; and your best friend was once another." Klaus said with a huge smirk knowing he struck a nerve. "Dad that's crossing a line that I don't wanna know about." Nicole said with disgust.


Lana and Klaus are hooking up in Klaus' bed when Elijah enters the room. Lana giggles when she sees Elijah in the doorway. "Sleeping with the enemy, I see." Elijah said rolling his eyes. "I'm the ally now, darling." Lana said seductively. "Well, indeed." Elijah said with sarcasm. "Oh, and as a gesture of goodwill from our old enemy..." He holds up four tickets. "...Tickets to tonight's opera, Le Grand Guignol." Klaus said with glee. "They have a soprano to die for. I'll introduce you if you promise not to eat her." Lana said with a sexual smirk. "Oh, Lana, a good soprano is never dinner." Elijah said returning the smirk. "Tell Rebekah to bring Marcel. Feel free to tell her now, big brother. I have some business I need to discuss with our new ally." Klaus said whilst ogling Lana.



Cami and Nicole shared a look of disgust. "Why am I not surprised you like opera?" Cami asked sarcastically. "I always had a particular soft spot for Le Grand Guignol. I like the story." Klaus says and he gets out of bed. He leans on Nicole for balance. "It was a tale of forbidden love, a Romeo and Juliet of sorts. On the day they are to marry, family and long-festering hatred intervene. Thousands are massacred. A father even kills his own child in the final act. I can almost appreciate the irony." Klaus says with sadness in his voice. "You mean Mikael?" Nicole asks curious. Klaus huffs and nods.


Celeste sits against a tree stump. Though her hands are still tied together, she has managed to mix together some herbs into a mason jar. "Here." She says holding the jar out to Hayley. Hayley takes the jar from her. "It's herbs ground into paste. It'll act as a conduit for the spell. On the next full moon, your people become human. Feed it to them, the curse will be broken." Celeste says with confidence. "Great way to poison us all at once." Hayley says skeptically. "Look. I know you have no reason to trust me, but, Hayley, I actually like you. I was you, caring for Elijah when he cared more for his brother, and I ended up dead. So did a lot of others. This, call it a chance for me to give you what I was too in love to give myself. It's a chance to free yourself from the Originals." Celeste says and Hayley can see she's telling the truth. "You believe her?" Eve asks Hayley. A wolf growls behind her.

Suddenly, Elijah appears and joins them. "Whatever she's promised you, it's a lie." He says with disdain. "Elijah, it's okay. I'm okay." Hayley says trying to make him back off. "She cannot be trusted." He said walking closer. "She's the only one that can help my pack." Hayley says pleadingly. "Do you have any idea what she has done to our family?" Elijah asks angrily. "I know you want revenge, and come the next full moon, when I'm sure her cure works, she's all yours." Hayley says trying to bargain with him. "Are you suggesting that we hold her-- her-- captive for an entire month? It would take an army." He says in disbelief. "And I've got one." Hayley says with confidence. The wolves howl in agreement. "So help me or get out of my way." She says not backing down.

Elijah pauses only for a moment before he vamp-speeds over to Celeste, grabs her and the mason jar, and disappears with her. He stops far enough away from the werewolves that he and Celeste are all alone. He then throws her against the tree as he clutches the jar of herb paste in one hand. "You tricked her." Elijah says furiously. "It's no trick. You're holding the cure for Hayley's clan in your hand. If her wolves take that elixir, the curse is no more. They're free." Celeste says nonchalant. "You condemned her people to decades of agony, and now you just break the curse without so much as a whimper. Why?" He asks confused. "Because it's the best thing I could do for her, and it's the worst possible thing I could do to you." Celeste says through a chuckle. "What are you saying?" Elijah asks moving closer to her. "That, no matter what happens now, you've lost her. You destroy that jar, you kill me, Hayley will hate you for snatching her family from her." Celeste says with a smirk growing on her face. Elijah looks at the jar contemplating her words. "Now, if you give her the jar, we both know that she'll leave you in the end to be with them, and I know that as long as she's alive and happy and fulfilled in ways that you can't even imagine, then I get my revenge. So, you decide. Give her everything she ever wanted and lose her or deny it, see what happens then." Celeste says cockily with a huge smirk plastered on her face knowing she's won.


Thierry sits down to have a meeting with Bastianna and Genevieve. "Where's the third one, Sabine? I asked to meet with all three of you." Thierry asked. "Our meeting you at all is a courtesy for your being a friend to witches in the past, but courtesy has its limits. Now, you said you had information of interest to us." Genevieve says impatiently. "Rebekah and Marcel are back. They came for Davina, and they think that they can get her if they kill all three of you." Thierry states. The two witches smile at one another, amused. "Now look. I can lead you straight to them, but there's something I want in return." Thierry says trying to bargain with them. "And what's that?" Bastianna asks raising an eyebrow.

Thierry stands up. "Your life." He says then vamps out, baring his teeth at the witches and lunging towards them. Before he can attack, Bastianna uses magic to give him an aneurysm, and he falls to the ground, unconscious. Marcel vamp-speeds into the room and slams Bastianna's head against the table. Rebekah follows in behind him and throws Genevieve against the wall. Marcel easily rips Bastianna's head from her body, killing her, but when Rebekah attempts to kill Genevieve she chants at her and gives her an aneurysm as well. Rebekah grabs her head and screams in pain. Marcel attempts to attack, but Genevieve stops him by chanting a spell that lights the sleeve of his jacket on fire. "Follow me, and I'll turn you both into ash." Genevieve threatens and leaves. The fire on Marcel's jacket goes out. Rebekah attempts to follow but Marcel stops her. "Forget her. We'll get her later." Marcel says. "Marcel, all we have is the element of surprise, and we have lost it. If we don't leave now, there will be no one to save us." Rebekah says scared for her life. "I already failed Davina once. I'm not leaving her behind." Marcel says determined.

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