Panic Attacks, Party Time, Aura's, and Goodnights

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All the lights in the compound were off except for the sconces on the walls. The place was eerily quiet. Nicole froze on the top of the stairs. "Come on, don't be afraid." Marcel said putting his other hand over her hand that was wrapped around his upper arm. He could feel how scared she was as she dug her nails into his arm. "Marcel, what's going on?" Nicole asked panicking. Her heart started to race. Marcel heard it; She was going to have an anxiety attack. "Nicole breathe, its ok. I'm here with you, no one is here to hurt you." He said trying to calm her. She bent down to reach for her gun.

Listening from their hiding places Klaus and Elijah heard her heartbeat change drastically and passed panicked expressions to each other. "She's having an anxiety attack Rebekah. Hit the lights now!" Klaus yelled in a whispered tone. She saw him and nodded. She quickly hit the lights which scared Nicole even more. She stood up ready to fight with her gun in her hand. "What the hell is going on Marcel?" She asked pointing the gun at him. "Nic, its your birthday, come on, no one is gonna hurt you." Marcel said with his hands up in a surrendering stance. "Where is everyone?" She asked aiming her gun at Marcel's head; her voice shaky with fear. "I don't know Nicole. Come on, put the gun away." He said starting to get scared.

Klaus decided to step out of his hiding spot. "Nicole, love." He said in a calm tone. "Dad!" she yelled, kicked off her heels, dropped her gun and ran down the stairs to him. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around him like a child scared of the dark. "I thought something happened to you." She said through panicked breaths. He shushed her and told her everything was okay. He kissed her head and lowered her back to the floor. Everyone watched silently. They all saw how close Nicole and Klaus had become and they all saw how much he loved his daughter. Caroline had tears in her eyes overwhelmed with joy for her best friend. Bonnie and Elena even shed a tear; the big bad wolf had changed for the better. Stefan and Damon were in shock but they were happy to see Nicole being taken care of.

Elijah came out next and walked over to them. "Happy Birthday Angel." He said running a hand on her cheek. She pulled out of her father's arms and put herself into her uncles embrace. "Thank you for the beautiful gifts." She whispered in his ear. He smiled and pulled out of the hug. "Come out everyone! Our birthday girl has arrived!" He yelled to their guests. Jeremy ran to her and pulled her into her arms. "You okay Nic?" He asked, he could see how shaken up she was. With everything going on, who could blame her for thinking something was wrong? He kissed her head lovingly. She just held him until she opened her eyes and saw Rebekah and Caroline. "Happy Birthday Beautiful!" They yelled together. She pulled out of Jeremy's embrace and ran to them. She naturally hugged Caroline first. "Oh my god! I'm so happy to see you CareBear!" She said holding on tight. "Same here Colie." Caroline said with a smile on her face. Nicole moved to hug Rebekah. "I'm guessing you two were the masterminds behind this?" Nicole asked out of curiosity while hugging her Aunt. "Well Caroline is the one who reminded me." She said winking to Care. "Well Rebekah is the one who pulled the whole thing together." Caroline said with a smile.

Everyone else came out at the same time and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE!" After they yelled that colored lights mixed with the regular lighting and music blared throughout the compound. Nicole saw a DJ near the stairs so she wouldn't have been able to see him. Marcel walked over to her with her gun in one hand and shoes in the other. "Your gun and shoes miss." He said bowing and holding the objects out to her. She smiled and strapped the back onto her ankle holster, then slid her heels on. "Marcel, I am so sorry. I promise I will never use any of my weapons on you." She said guiltily. He took her into his arms and hugged her. "Hey, no sweat. You we're freaked out and who could blame you? With the witches being the way they are I'm shocked we're getting a night off." He said with a small chuckle. Nicole chuckled as well. "Go say hi to your friends." Marcel said turning her around to see everyone from Mystic Falls. She greeted and talked to everyone. Even Cami came as well as some of Klaus' vampires. Nicole was overwhelmed with happiness.

The night went off without a hitch. Dancing, drinking, presents, dinner and cake. Klaus and Cami were dancing together; as well as Elijah and Hayley. Nicole watched both couples and felt such love for the two men before her. She wanted them to be happy. She could see clear as day they were in love and the women in their arms were as well. Their auras were pink and red. She never noticed the aura's before. "Wow pink and red huh?" Bonnie asked standing next to Nicole. "You can see it too?" Nicole asked in disbelief. "One of our many powers. Klaus and Elijah's aura was white ad gold when you were with them." Bonnie said with a small smile. "What does that mean?" Nicole asked not understanding. Bonnie smirked. "White is purity, friendship, innocence. Gold and yellow are joy, glee, happiness. You make them feel human again." Bonnie said staring at Nicole with happiness in her eyes. Nicole got choked up when Bonnie said that. "I saw pink and red when Jeremy held you." Bonnie said with the smile faltering. "Bonnie..." Nicole began but Bonnie cut her off. "It's okay, I always saw it when he was with you. He's always been in love with you. I just hoped he'd be honest with himself. I'm happy for you guys." Bonnie said with a genuine smile on her face. "Thank you Bonnie; and thank you for being here." Nicole said and hugged her.

The party lasted till around 4am. Everyone began to call it a night. Nicole had begun to fall asleep standing up. Klaus noticed this, picked her up bridal style and walked her to her room. Jeremy followed behind and retired to his room. "I'll check on her every so often Klaus." Jeremy said whilst yawning. "Thank you Jeremy." Klaus said and went into her room. He laid her in her bed and began to take off her shoes, blazer and weapons. She began to stir. "Hi Daddy." She said with a sleepy smile. "Hello love. Go back to sleep." He said smiling. "Okay. I love you Dad." She said turning over onto her stomach and pulling her pillow to her. Klaus just stood there and stared at her. He completely forgot to give her his gift. He pulled the small box out of his jean pocket and put it on her nightstand with the card he had in his breast jacket pocket. He bent down and kissed her head good night. "I love you too Angel. Happy Birthday." He said and in a flash he was gone. Nicole turned over and opened her eyes slightly to see the box. She sat up and grabbed the card. A smile grew on her face as she read the message.

Dear Nicole,

I hope this birthday was as great as you'd hoped it'd be. Love, you are so special. You mean the world to so many people; myself included. You are beautiful, intelligent, selfless and remarkable. You may not believe it but I'll spend eternity telling you so. There is so much to life that you've not seen yet but I promise I will take you wherever you wish to go. I am so grateful to be able to call you 'my daughter'. I will spend forever showing you just how much you mean to me. I love you angel.

Happy Birthday

Love, Dad

After she read her father's beautiful card, she set it aside and opened the small box. Inside was a circular gold jewelry box with an stained glass angel on the top. She opened the jewelry box to see an opal set of rosary beads with a gold crucifix. Under the rosary was a note. "Blessed by Pope John Paul II". Nicole gasped at the note. How could her father had these rosary. Pope John Paul II was her favorite Pope and he had died years ago. Nicole's heart swelled as tears filled her eyes. She let out quiet sobs. She got off her bed, grabbed her flip flops and raced to her father's study with the beads in hand. She knew he'd still be awake and as she entered his study he was painting a portrait of Cami and Nicole talking. Nicole knew he had feelings for Cami but this just warmed her heart even more. She went up behind him and hugged his waist. Klaus knew it was her by her scent. He stopped painting, turned and hugged his daughter. "Thank you Dad. I love you so much." Nicole said as her head lay on his chest. "You deserve it love. Happy Birthday." He said and kissed her hair.

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