Deals Broken, Search Teams, Exhausted Witches, Tantrums and Monique's Betrayal.

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Cami and Kieran leave the church and stand outside while Cami calls Klaus. "Come on, come on, come on. Klaus, where are you?" Cami says frustrated into the phone. Bastianna comes out of the shadows to join them. "Mr. Mikaelson is currently indisposed." She says with a smirk. "What happened? What did you do?" Cami asks angrily. "I did nothing. Someone completed your task for you." She says with snark. "If you got what you wanted, then my uncle..." Bastianna cut her off. "Will die soon and in great anguish. You see, dear, you failed to hold up your end of our bargain. You chose instead to side with evil as your uncle has done many times before you. But take heart. His punishment will atone for his attempts to prevent the Harvest. His suffering will purify him. You'd do well to heed his lesson, girl. To oppose us is to oppose the natural order. By choice or by force, the witches of the French Quarter will rise again."

Marcel has gathered his vampire army in the courtyard to organize a search party for Klaus and Rebekah. Nicole is standing with Marcel. "We've looked everywhere for him. Tore apart the Cauldron, the City of the Dead. Wherever they got him, he ain't in the French Quarter." Diego says hopeless. Nicole runs her hands through her hair. She has circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. "Nic, I got this. Go get some rest." Marcel says rubbing her arm. "No. My father is missing. The person I've been dying to know my whole life! The person who loves me more than anything. He may not mean anything to you but he's my father. I love him and I'm going to find him if it kills me." She says with so much bravery Marcel is in awe of her. "Alright. If you're sure. At least go eat something or you will be dead." Marcel says trying to get her to understand. Nicole nods.
Elijah returns to the compound and furiously storms toward Marcel and Nicole. "MARCEL! Where is my brother?" He asks. "I got guys out looking for him right now." Marcel says trying to reason with him. Elijah, enraged, starts throwing vampires against the walls. "Uncle Elijah!" Nicole yells and storms over to him. "You're not helping by acting like a spoilt child." Nicole says with venom in her words. She's never seen that side of Elijah and she didn't like it at all. "Klaus threw one of his classic temper tantrums, snapped my neck, tried to take on a coven of witches by himself. He got dropped. I don't know where he is or how to find him." Marcel says frustrated. "They also have Rebekah. Every one of you will help me to find them. I'm gonna kill them all." Elijah said above a whisper and walked away.

Nicole is walking in the street with Jeremy. "Thanks for convincing me to get out of the compound." She says looking at Jeremy. "You needed a break. Marcel told me you weren't eating or sleeping. Was he telling the truth?" Jeremy asks. Nicole nodded silently. "I want to find my dad. I tried a locator spell at least 5 times. Nothing. Whoever has him is cloaking him." Nicole says in defeat. Jeremy grabs her hand and stops her. "Hey! Your dad is the Original Hybrid. He can't die. He destroyed all the white oak. He's gonna come home. I've seen him overcome everything we've thrown at him. Trust me." Jeremy kissed her hand. Nicole smiles. "Okay, when we get back I will take a shower, go to sleep and try not to worry." She says and kisses his cheek. As they continue walking they spot a very anxious Sophie Deveraux who is packing up her truck. Nicole pulled Jeremy behind a car and they watched Sophie. "She's running." Nicole says.
They hear Sophie trying to persuade Monique to leave New Orleans with her as they head toward her Jeep. "Come on. We have to go." Sophie says scared. "I don't wanna go." Monique says sternly. "Monique, this isn't a debate. I just stabbed an Original. He's gonna kill me as soon as he's recovered. Look, I'm sorry for everything. I should have come and got you before that stupid Harvest. But you can still have a normal life, one without all this crazy witch nonsense." Sophie says with fear in her eyes. "But I am a witch. And I don't want to go."
Monique uses her magic to give Sophie multiple aneurysms, and Sophie clutches at her head in agony. "Monique?" Sophie is shocked and betrayed. "The ancestors said you didn't have enough faith. I was hoping they were wrong. I should've known better." Sophie's nose begins to bleed. "Monique." Sophie says trying to get her to stop. "You tried to stop the Harvest." Monique grows angry. "Please don't do this." Sophie pleads. "Now you wanna run when we need to stay and fight." Monique is furious. "Please, I'm begging you. Don't, don't–" Sophie begs. "The four of us, when we return... We'll have enough power to rid this city of vampires, and we'll kill anyone who doesn't keep the faith." As Monique is speaking Sophie's eyes start bleeding, and she begins coughing up blood. "Monique... please..." Sophie begs weakly. "You should have believed." Monique says unsympathetic. Sophie dies and falls to the ground. Nicole gasps and begins to cry for Sophie and Jeremy watches in horror. Monique turns around, where Celeste, Genevieve, and Bastianna are waiting for her. The four of them walk back into the Quarter, leaving Sophie's dead body in the street near her car. Nicole and Jeremy now understand who's taken the place of the Harvest Girls.  

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