Bar Crawling, Birthday Messages, Impromptu Performances, Birthday Plans

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Inside the bar is full of night walkers and day walkers. Its dark but bright enough to see everyone and what's going on. Nicole and Marcel walk in as a girl is singing "Redneck Woman" on stage. Nicole's mouth drops but has a smile attached to it. "What do you think?" Marcel asks smiling. "This is awesome! You own this place?" Nicole asks in astonishment. "I was 'King of the Quarter' remember?" He asks with a smirk. Nicole nods smiling still. "You want a drink?" Marcel asks. "shot of Jack Daniels and a glass of sprite please?" Nicole asks. Marcel smirks. "Jack Daniels huh? Not many girls can stomach JD." He says impressed. "Well Marcellus, I'm not most girls, remember?" Nicole says with a wink and laugh. Marcel also laughs. "Be right back." Marcel says and leaves Nicole standing in the crowd to watch the performance. She spots a table next to her. She sits down and checks her cell phone for the first time all day. She has at least a dozen if not more text messages and missed calls from her family at home and in Mystic Falls. She opens her text from Jeremy. 'So you weren't here for me to give you breakfast in bed. I'll make it up to you later. I love you. Happy birthday beautiful.' She smiles and blushes. She opens Caroline's. 'HaPPy BiiRtHdAyyy ChiiCaa!!!! Miisssss Youuuu!!!' She laughs at the way Caroline wrote it out. Next was Elena's text. 'Happy Birthday Nicole! Have a good one!'. She wasn't expecting such a nice text from Elena. The two girls weren't bffs but they were civil. She saw she even had a text from Damon which read 'Happy bday Nic Jr! Live it up ;)'. She couldn't help but laugh.
Marcel walked back over with her drink and his own. "What's so funny?" He asks sitting across from her. "Just a bunch of birthday texts from my friends in Mystic Falls." She says with a nostalgic look on her face. Marcel notices the look. "You miss it don't you? Mystic Falls to you is New Orleans to me." He says curious. "Yeah, it's not even that I miss living there; I miss my friends. We were so close and now I barely talk to any of them except Caroline. She's this optimistic, bubbly vampire that would do anything for the people she loves." Nicole says with a smile. "Everyone needs a friend like that. Especially a human in a supernatural world." He says looking at her. Nicole nods and smiles.
He hands her the shot. She clinks her shot glass with his and downs it. They both let out a 'whoo' after drinking and smile. "So you ready to sing?" Marcel asks changing the subject. "You're really gonna make me sing aren't you?" Nicole asks taken back. "Yeah, your dad keeps bragging! I wanna hear yah!" Marcel says amping her up. "Alright, Alright!" Nicole says and puts her phone away. Marcel runs up to the stage. "Whoo! How's everyone doing?!" He asks the crowd. The crowd erupts with screams and applause. "Alright! I got a treat for you all! I have a special friend who is celebrating her 19th birthday here to rock the house! Can you guys give a warm New Orleans welcome to Nicole!" He yells and points at Nicole. "Get up here girl!" He says gesturing toward the stage. Nicole nods and makes her way to the stage. "Hi everyone! Um thank you for that awesome birthday welcome! So I normally don't sing in front of crowds but I'll make an exception. New year, new home, new life, new experiences!" The crowd erupts again. "I'm gonna sing a song that everyone knows. I have loved this song since I was a kid. I hope you enjoy." Nicole smiles and walks over to the band to tell them her song choice. They all smile at her. She turns and walks back to the mic. The band plays the first chords and the crowd errupts. Nicole has her eyes closed. "Just a small town girl..." She opens her eyes and gets lost in the song.

[watch the youtube video]

As she finishes, she's out of breath and the crowd goes wild. She looks to her right where Marcel is standing and he's cheering and nodding at her. She laughs and covers her mouth shyly. "Thank you everyone!" She says and gets off the stage and runs to Marcel. "That was amazing! I didn't know you were that talented!" Marcel says hugging her. "Now I know why your dad brags so much!" He says pulling out of the hug. "Thank you Marcel. Thank you for making me go up there." Nicole says sincerely. Marcel's phone started vibrating. He answers it.
"Hello Klaus."
"Marcellus, how is my daughter doing in your care?"
"She's good, she just got off the stage. I made her sing at my bar."
"Ah so still think I was lying about how lovely her voice is?"
"No, no you weren't. She's got a set of pipes on her. Anyways what's up?"
"Well according to Rebekah, it's time to bring her home and celebrate."
"Alright, we'll be there in a few."
"Bring her in through the back and escort her to her room. Her outfit is hanging on her door."
Marcel hung up. "What's going on?" Nicole asked. "Time to head home kid. Ready?" Marcel asks. "I guess so." Nicole says and smiles. "I have strict instructions on where we enter so you can't fight me okay?" Marcel asks trying to negotiate. Nicole rolls her eyes. "Fine. I'll behave." Nicole says with a smirk. Marcel smiles and they leave the bar.  

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