Saying Goodbye, Oliver Wants Revenge, Genevieve's Confession & Kieran's Death

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Cami is helping Father Kieran make his final preparations. "Everything is where you said it would be except that key you mentioned. That's the one thing I couldn't find. It's the one you usually wear around your neck?"Cami asks. "That key is a very important part of our family legacy. You have to find it." Kieran tells her. "I will, I promise." Cami replies with a nod. "I am so sorry. I never wanted to involve you in this, in any of it." He says with guilt. "This can't be how it ends." Cami says with tears in her eyes. "It was the only way it was ever going to end. I made peace with that a long time ago. Listen. I don't know how bad this is gonna get, and I don't want you to see it. So, in a moment, I'm gonna let go, and you are gonna turn around, and you are gonna walk out of here without looking back. Okay, kiddo? Promise me. Without looking back." Kieran begs her. Cami nods and walks out of the attic, sobbing, as Kieran tearfully watches her go.


Outside, a bonfire burns as Oliver is passionately trying to convince everyone to fight back against the vampires, using his manufactured stunt. Elijah watches from afar. "They are counting on our doubts. That's right! Yeah! They are counting on our fears! That's right! Right!" Oliver is shouting. Hayley and Nicole walk next to Elijah. "You stayed." Hayley says to him. "You're both safe." He said putting a hand on Nicole's cheek and smiles at her. "I told you we'd be fine." Nicole replies and smiles back. "Come morning, they will know that we are not cowards." Oliver yells in the distance which redirects their attention. "What the hell is going on?" Nicole asks. "What does he think he's doing?" Hayley asks angry and confused. "We are not afraid!" Oliver yells again. "He's making a move for power in the wake of tragedy. He's not alone. There was another attack after you left." Elijah says with his head down. "What?" Hayley asks and rushes into the shack. Nicole follows her. They walk in to see Jackson sitting with Eve's dead body, devastated. Nicole runs back out and sees Elijah, She runs to his arms crying for Eve; unaware that Oliver was the one who killed her and the one who set up the attacks. "Your friend Jackson will need your help. They will want vengeance. Blood for blood. And, unfortunately, in troubled times, people do not look for the best. But rather the loudest." Elijah says to Nicole. She nods as she looks over Elijah's shoulder to see Oliver riling everyone up. "I'm gonna save Hayley's people and my own." Nicole said with determination in her voice. With that she pulled out of Elijah's arms and ran home. She knew the only way to help her people was to use her magic and her wolf side.


Nicole needed a teacher so she ran to the only witch she knew would help her; no matter how much they hated each other. As she was about to go in to the Lycee she heard Klaus talking to Genevieve. "I'm surprised to see you here." Genevieve says to Klaus. Nicole hid behind a wall listening to the conversation. "The Bayou explosion, the attack on my children. Tell me what you know." Klaus demanded. "I know the wolves have no shortage of enemies. Marcel, for one." She says with a raised eyebrow. "Marcel wouldn't stoop so low. The witches, however... I have witnessed firsthand the depths of your cruelty." Klaus says with a glimpse of hate in his eyes. "You don't think I did this? What kind of monster do you take me for? How ugly I must seem next to the pure, innocent glow of your precious Camille. So sad about her uncle, by the way." She says trying to get a rise out of him. Nicole had to cover her mouth to prevent the gasp and sobs that were trying to escape her. Poor Father Kieran. She should've been there for Cami. "Kieran is in transition. He has been released from the hex." Klaus says triumphantly. "A hex of that magnitude? Kieran's hex will return... If it hasn't already." Genevieve says with a huge smirk. Klaus' triumphant looks falls and realizes as a vampire Keiran's hex will be worse than before. "That boundary spell, on the other hand... Now that he's died, I imagine it won't be quite so confining anymore." Klaus glares at Genevieve, who smirks. Nicole runs in. "Dad! We gotta get Cami! Now!" Klaus nods, picks up Nicole, and vamp speeds to St. Anne's.


Cami is waiting downstairs in the main room of the church when Kieran comes down to find her. "Have you changed your mind?" Cami asks. "Yes. It appears I have." Kieran says evilly, then pulls out his knife and slices at Cami's arms as she tries to run away. He chases Cami up into the balcony. Kieran licks the blood off of his blade, and fully vamps-out. Left with nowhere else to go, Cami throws herself off the balcony and falls onto the ground below. She crawls in between the pews as he stalks after her. "Don't fight it, Cami. In death, we are whole again." Kieran says as he drags her by her leg to the alter. "Ah! Ahh!" Cami yells in fear. "Bless her, Father." The hallucination of Bastianna tells Kieran. Kieran looks at her. "Kill her. Rejoice in life eternal." The hallucination of Sean then says to him. Kieran's fangs suddenly appear. After much fighting, Klaus appears out of nowhere and snaps Kieran's neck in order to save Cami. "You deserved far better than this." Nicole runs and wraps Cami into a hug. Over Nicole's shoulder Cami nods to Klaus to kill Kieran for good. Klaus pulls out a stake and stabs Kieran in the heart with it. Cami weak from the fall, pulls out of Nicole's hug and lays on the ground with Nicole next to her. Nicole turns to see her father pull the stake out and Father Kieran desiccate. Nicole moves next to Father Kieran, grabs his hand and begins to pray over him.

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