The Battle Begins

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Downstairs, Nicole rushes next to her uncle's side as Elijah strolls into the courtyard, where Francesca's brothers and their security guards are aiming guns at the vampires who are flooding in from every direction. He and Nicole join Klaus in the center of the room as the vampires surround them on all sides. As she stands next to the most important men in her life she realizes this is what family truly is. No matter how annoying, crazy, broken, or stubborn your loved ones are, family is everything. They are what you fight for. This was what her life had become and at this moment; she was proud, more than anything to be a Mikaelson. "I thought this lot had learnt their lesson!" Klaus says with a smirk. "Well, they're not exactly renowned for their genius." Elijah says with a smirk as well. "I mean to walk in here, bold as brass and think they're going to walk out alive, it's just sad." Nicole says smirking as well.
Klaus looked at her and saw himself for a moment. He saw his daughter ready and geared up to defend her home and her family. His little angel was now an arch angel walking into the courtyard with no fear and wrath on her mind. She was blessed with witchcraft, strength of a wolf, and dressed with weaponry to defeat any enemy. She was ready for battle. He turned back to the crowd. "So, where's the ringleader of this circus?" He turns to face the other side of the room. "Is the coward too afraid to show his face?" Nicole asks the crowd. "I'm here!" Marcel shouts as he appears on the balcony. "And I'm gonna offer you one last chance to pack your stuff and get the hell out of my town." Marcel says to them, his eyes landing on Nicole. She scoffs at him. "You'll allow your men to rush to their deaths?" Klaus asks him. "Like last time you tried to take down my father?" Nicole asks him with fury in her eyes.
Marcel stretched out his arms and addressed the room. "Look around. Every vampire in the Quarter is coming out! They want their city back. No surrender this time. You're gonna have to kill us all." Marcel declares. Klaus is unfazed by Marcel's threats. "Okay! I think I'll start with you." Klaus says to him. "Fine. Then, come get me." Marcel says and vamp-speeds away. "If you don't kill him, I will." Elijah warned Klaus. "Seriously, so much for Marcel being family." Nicole says with hate in her words. "He's mine. This won't take long." Klaus says then vamp-speeds away, leaving Elijah and Nicole with the rest of the vampires. Elijah confidently unbuttons his jacket while Nicole pulls out her glock. Elijah smiles. "Gentleman." He holds his arms wide. "And ladies." Nicole adds in. They look at each other. Nicole nods. He nods back and then turns to the crowd. "Shall we?" He asks ready to fight. Vampires start jumping down from the balconies and lunge for them, and he jumps into battle-mode and starts fighting. Nicole moves quickly and uses her magic with one hand to give them aneurysms and fires her gun with the other hand.THE FRENCH QUARTER Klaus is angrily skulking down the street to find Marcel. After walking for a moment, he turns just in time to see Marcel jump down behind him. The two begin to fight. At first, Marcel is on top, and beats Klaus up pretty badly. "Not bad. But, not nearly good enough." They resume the fight. Klaus quickly gains the upper hand, and throws Marcel across the street, where he hits a parked car. "How pathetic you've become. Explosives, Marcellus? Really? I should have known it was you who detonated those bombs in the Bayou." Klaus says as he walks over to him in fury. "The docks! That was me. I got the detonators from Francesca. Why don't you ask her about the Bayou bombing?" Marcel tells him. "Lies! And distractions!" Klaus yells enraged. "I never went after Hayley! I'm not a monster, Klaus! I'm not you." Marcel yells at him. Klaus glares furiously at Marcel.

Always & Forever A Mikaelson {Sequel to Klaus' Daughter Is A Lockwood}Where stories live. Discover now