Rescuing Jackson and Trying Not to Get Killed

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Nicole, Klaus and Elijah arrive at the docks and find Jackson, who is still bound to his chair and who was left with a black hood over his head. However, Marcel and Diego are both gone. "Oh God Jackson!" Nicole says scared for him, runs over and pulls the hood off him. Jackson flinches when he's found, until he realizes he's being rescued. "Hey Nicole. What's up?" He says trying to be funny. Nicole chuckles. "Right now, you're rescue." She says as Klaus grabs Jackson's face in his hand. "Accolades to Marcel, he did quite a dance across the bridge of your nose. Where is he now?" Klaus asks curiously. Jackson looks around, and then looks down at the floor to find that there is an explosive rigged to the legs of his chair, which is connected to a crate that has an even larger bomb inside. "Holy shit." Nicole says in fear. "Nowhere to be found." Elijah says then opens a crate to find another explosive. "Although, he did leave us a delightful parting gift." Elijah says as he finds another bomb. "What about the stones?" Klaus asks Jackson. "I don't know. Untie me, I'll help you find them!" Jackson says frantically. "Sit still! You'll be freed as soon as it's safe." Elijah says then kneels down to examine the triggers on Jackson's chair, while Nicole and Klaus move and look into other crates, which hold yet another bomb. "Our focus should be the stones. Considering Jackson's competition for Hayley's affection, I think you'd agree." Klaus says nonchalantly. "Dad! There are bombs all over this warehouse." Nicole says with fear in her voice. "Disregard my brother. Over the course of the last millennium, his capacity for tact has somewhat diminished." Elijah says trying to calm Jackson down. "Well, that's typical, isn't it? Marcel fills a room with dynamite, and yet, I'm the tactless one." Klaus says angrily. "Uncle Elijah, I recognize these explosives from the attack on the Bayou." Nicole says with anger in her tone. "Could you remind me, again, why you believed that Marcel was innocent?" Elijah asks Klaus. Klaus shrugs. "Remind me to ask him before I pull out his innards." Klaus says then opens another crate to find that it contains at least six bombs. "Okay--" He gestures around him and the crate. "--Exercise extreme caution in this general area. Bit of a mess." He says and backs away carefully.

Elijah's cell phone rings. He sees Hayley is calling him, and he answers it. "Impeccable timing." He says to her. "What's going on?" Hayley asks through the phone. "Jackson is fine. He's...a little tied up right now. Can we call you back?" Elijah asks hopeful. Klaus sniggers at Elijah's joke as Nicole flips open another crate. Inside are another handful of bombs, with a folded slip of paper on top. "Dad!" Nicole yells as shes frozen in fear. Klaus runs over, frowns, just as the red blinking light on the bombs turn green. "Oh God no." Nicole says now scared out of her mind. "Oh, that doesn't bode well." Klaus says with slight fear."Are you trying to kill us?" Jackson yells angrily. "Elijah, tell me what's going on, now!" Hayley yells through the phone. Klaus picks up the folded paper and opens it, as Elijah watches them. "This is for Thierry." Nicole reads aloud and looks right at Elijah. Nicole, Klaus and Elijah realize they've been set up, so Elijah quickly grabs Jackson and Klaus grabs Nicole as they vamp-speed away as quickly as they can. Outside the warehouse, we can see the building explode in huge bursts. At home, Hayley has heard the explosion over the phone, and is terrified.  

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