Klaus Tells About Mikael In 1919 and His Indestructible Stake

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Nicole and Klaus are sitting in the living room talking. "So you and Jeremy completed the bond?" Klaus asked with a smirk on his face. Nicole's mouth falls open and her brow furrows. "How did you know?" She asks outraged. "Call it father's intuition." He said with a shrug and a chuckle. Nicole threw a pillow at him as Cami walked into the living room. Klaus got up and began pouring himself a drink from the bar. "Not sure that helps Dad." Nicole says watching him and shaking her head. Klaus takes a sip of his drink. "Not sure it doesn't." He closes his eyes as the liquid burns his throat. Nicole looks at Cami and rolls her eyes in defeat. "You want to self-medicate your self-pity, fine. Better scotch than my blood, no matter what Elijah says." Cami says crossing her arms. "Don't speak to me of Elijah." Klaus says angrily while pointing a finger at Cami. "Dad, chill out." Nicole says stepping in front of Cami. "He loves you." Cami says moving next to Nicole. "Cami's right Dad." Nicole says giving her father a sympathetic look. "Yes. He does, and he proves it time and again, even when my father enlisted him to kill me." Klaus says with a sad expression on his face.


Elijah is getting ready for the opera. He stands in front of his mirror as he gets dressed, but he turns toward the door when he hears footsteps approaching. "Le Grand Guignol. Saw it in Venice. Marvelous production." Mikael says looking at the tickets. When he looks to the doorway, he is dumbfounded to see his father Mikael before him. "You..." He begins but Mikael cuts him off. "It's all right, son. I just want to talk." Mikael says calmly. "You mercilessly hunt us for centuries. You laid waste to half of Europe. Now you simply wish to talk?" Elijah says not believing a word that comes out of Mikael's mouth. Mikael became tense. "It was your bastard brother I hunted, not you, never you. You're my blood, one that I'd be proud to call son. So, I came here to give you a chance to help me put down that whelp for good." Mikael says with an evil smirk gracing his features.

Elijah attacks his father in a rage slamming him against the wall. Mikael throws Elijah across the room he slams into the opposite wall, wood splinters come crashing down around him as he falls to the floor. "Do you really not know me?" He asks as he gets to his feet. "Do you think I could or would believe in anything that you say? If you honestly believe that I would betray my own brother for you, you're a fool without equal." Elijah spoke harshly to his father. "I'll forgive you your sentimental affections for the thing you call brother, but you need to realize-- as I did when I learned his mother had lain with a beast to beget him-- that Niklaus is an abomination. You do not talk to abominations. You do not reason with them or try to change them. You erase them. So, yes, I am asking you to help me kill your brother." Mikael says with hate and disgust.



Nicole and Cami are listening to Klaus' story. "You keep saying kill, but you're immortal. You can't be killed." Cami says slightly confused. Klaus shook a finger at her. "Oh, but we can, love. And my father was the only one with the means to do it." Klaus says whilst pouring another drink. "The white oak stake." Nicole said in realization. Klaus nodded. "Yes, fashioned by my father to take from us the very thing he forced upon us all-- our immortality." He says with disdain.


Mikael takes out the white oak stake, and Elijah attacks his father again. Mikael slams Elijah up against the wall and pushes the stake toward Elijah, who desperately uses all his strength to fight him off. "Stand with me or fall with him. Choose, son." Mikael growls. Elijah throws Mikael off of him. "I will always choose him!" Elijah yells at his father. "Fine." Mikael says angrily. At vampire speed, Mikael grabs a regular wooden splinter and stabs Elijah in the heart with it.



Nicole has tears in her eyes. She couldn't imagine what her life would be like without her beloved uncle. Her second father. What would Klaus be like without Elijah around to keep him in line. Would she even have ever found Klaus if Elijah wasn't alive. She shook the thought and thanked God for sparing Elijah. "Elijah has always carried guilt for that night for not stopping our father. I told him not to blame himself." Klaus says looking at Nicole and notices her tears. He turns and looks at a statue. "When your father wants to kill you, he wants to kill you. Nothing you can do about it." Klaus' says as his cell phone vibrates, and he checks it.

Nicole watches him and exchanges a curious glance with Cami. "Oh, I hate to be a know-it-all. My sister and her lover have been spotted in town. So, story time ends here, I'm afraid." Klaus says and walks over to a statue on the table and knocks it over. The statue breaks on the floor, revealing the indestructible white oak stake inside. Nicole has a look of fear on her face when she realizes why Rebekah and Marcel are running. "What is that?" Cami asks fearful. "A white oak stake, my own special version. And, unlike my father's, this one cannot be destroyed." Klaus says with a smirk. Nicole tries to grab it. "Dad no!" Before Nicole can reach it or Cami can interject, Klaus vamp-speeds out of the compound.

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