: 'Young' Lucius Malfoy X Male Reader : "Quit being so stubborn" Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

He nearly fell back, but kept his stance. The man was slightly the same height, maybe a bit shorter, but he looked pretty young? "How.." The man stopped his speech, tilting his head curiously at Harry and reaching out, touching his shoulder.

"How'd you get here, lad?" He asked this softly, and Harry took a deep breath and shook his head before giving a response, "I.. don't know where I am.. I don't know how I got here. Who are you?"

The man then laughed softly, "Oh yes, I'm sorry..." He cleared his throat, "(Y/n) Potter! At your service, I'm currently renovating.." He kept a grip on Harry's shoulder as he could sense the boy was about to drop on the ground from a mixture of drowsiness and dehydration.

"Why don't you come inside?"

- - - - - - - - - -

Harry was holding a cup of warm tea, he looked up at (Y/n) – he was in a state of disbelief at first before he cleared his throat. "Why didn't you take custody of me?.."

(Y/n) glanced up and inhaled sharply, "You see.. when I left England I wasn't exactly mentally stable. I don't think a child should've been around while I was feeling what I was," He span his cup to watch the liquid circle around, before taking a sip

Harry lost eye contact, looking down at his feet as felt a moment of both guilt and then curiosity, "Why? What happened?" He asked this suddenly and felt embarrassed as to how quickly he'd asked it

There was a bit of silence, as (Y/n) sighed softly. He placed his own cup down onto an ottoman as he thought for a moment before he'd say what he was going to say, "I loved someone, but I wasn't a horrible person so I let them be happy." He gave a fake smile, "I didn't break them apart, I went to their wedding, I was there when their son was born.. but eventually I lost it and had to leave, I didn't tell them."

Harry felt sadness that panged at his heart when he heard this, "Is it okay.. if I ask who it was? I won't tell anyone else.." He would tell Hermione and maybe Ron, but they were trustable and wouldn't tell another living soul.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt.." (Y/n) was somehow still smiling but it felt very sad, the kind someone gave when they were hurting deep inside but were strong enough to hide it, "He was my best friend." He stood and grabbed his teacup, along with Harry's as he walked into the kitchen to place them into the sink to be washed, it was clear he was avoiding eye contact.

"Sirius told me you were really close with Lucius Malfoy," Harry quickly followed him, eyes wide when he was not sure whether that's who he meant – he did say, "HE" after all instead of she! Which made him even more curious than before, not that liking another boy was bad, "Did.. you like him?"

There was MORE silence but not as awkward as before as (Y/n) looked back, "Loved him.. it wasn't just a silly crush," He cleared this throat, "I don't bother anymore.. haven't visited in, gods.. 15 years? I haven't answered letters, haven't even opened or read them.. and they've piled up. I have a cabinet full of them."

This was a surprise, but it was also sad. Maybe this was why Lucius was so bitter? He ALWAYS came off as pissy and grumpy. It was discerning, that Harry knew his kindness to Draco was merely an act because he knew for a fact that someone THAT grumpy wasn't kind behind doors.

"He's really mean." Harry sounded this off, leaning against a wall, "And a death eater.." As SOON as this left his mouth, (Y/n) had dropped a mug which caused it to shatter upon impact with the ground, "He's.. what?"

- - - - POV change & timeskip- - - - -

"We shouldn't be going so quickly!" Harry advised this as you dragged him down a sidewalk. All it took was some floo powder and a fireplace luckily, and now they were marching down a sidewalk in one of the cities in the wizarding world.

"I need to apologize to him.. I can't believe it.." You were rambling, not making sense as you spotted the man you were searching for standing outside an expensive clothing store. You let go Harry's arm, marching over and raising a hand as you made it over.


Lucius was nearly knocked back, pressing a hand to his own cheek to feel where he'd been slapped. He'd have been mad until he glanced over and saw YOU standing there, and now he felt some sort of satisfaction.

"Don't smile at me like that you pervert!" You yelled this frustrated, "That was supposed to hurt, you're so strange! You're supposed to be mad that I'm here after 15 years, after I ignored all your letters!"

Lucius felt his own face and wiped away a sliver of blood that dripped down his own lip from a cut, "Well, with such a warm welcome how can I be mad? Reminds me of old times, dear friend, old times," He lowered his hand and looked over with a condescending smirk that made you feel nothing but a rush of nostalgia.

"I hate you." You said this under your breath as you marched closer, the smirk on the blond's face didn't change and it only felt more cocky as you angrily leaned your face closer and reached up to flick his nose.

"Thank you ♡." He laughed out loud, not even moving away or flinching. You growled and turned your back, jolting slightly when you came face to face with another blond who was short like you and had oddly familiar facial features.

"Draco? Oh dear gods I feel old.." You could FEEL the confusion from the boy, but looked over when you could hear the man behind you snort. "You should feel young, he's taller than you."

"–Because you're a giant! He got it from you!" You countered this quickly only to hear muffled laughter from Draco who was covering his mouth. Harry's expression the background could only be described as, 'Woah! He can LAUGH?'

Lucius couldn't help but snort and look away, to see Harry who he turned his head quickly in disgust; only to get his ear tugged at, "Ouch! Hey!" Hearing this, you laughed in satisfaction. You almost forgot that he had sensitive ears, "Don't look at my nephew like that! You looked at him like you look at your least favorite food!"

He rolled his eyes, which you snorted and crossed your arms, "He's insufferable," He felt another smack this time at the back of his head, which he looked over in offense.

"He's related to me, does that make ME insufferable?" You asked this, about to grab his 'walking stick' from him and shove it somewhere that wasn't disclosable with children around. "No," Lucius began this, "Because at least you're very pleasant to look at." This made you choke on your breath and turn as you tried to think of a counter, "And YOU are married, my good sir."

You grabbed Harry's hand, glancing back as Lucius was still holding the back of his head as he watched you walk away, "–Unfortunately.." He mumbled this, glancing away as he didn't have the mental capacity to look back at you as you disappeared in the distance.

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