Chapter 46: The Insurgency

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Dr. Crane:
Ducking my head as the portal open and the Insurgents all drop in, I grab Mrs. West by her arms and move her away.

"I would advise staying out of the way Mrs. West," I say, guiding her to the furthest wall of the infirmary. "Despite what you may think, some of the people aren't exactly they seem. Your "husband" for example is quite mean."

Leaving her by the wall, I rush over to examine the others.

"I hope you know," I say, examining Mr. Queen's burn marks, "I'm only doing this because the man personally asked me to. I still haven't forgiven any of you for disrespecting him. Your burn marks don't look too serious. I think I have some burn cream here that should heal this right up."

Leaving for a bit, I open counters after counters until finally finding what I want.

"Here," I say, giving Dinah the cream. "Apply a thin layer to the affected areas."

Leaving the two, I walk over to Mr. Jordan. Moaning as I examine him, I notice a sharp groan when I place my hand on his rib.

"I think you have a few bruise ribs. Judging from where my hand is, I say rib five, six, and maybe even seven. You need to go into the incubator. And you too."

Seeing burn marks on both sides of Barry's head, I move toward to him but stop when he shot out his hands. Slapping it away, I grab his head and analyze the marks.

"These looks serious," I say, thinking back to when I read about signs of electric shock. "You have shortness of breathes, and your pupils aren't responding to my finger. Tell me if you feel anything here."

Tapping my two fingers on his arms, I wait for him to reply.

"This is bad," I say after a few more taps but no replies. "You need to go and rest in one of the incubator now! This is not for debate!"

"Yes it is," Flash finally reply, shoving me away. "I'm fine! I can fight!"

"No you can't," Mrs. West yells, walking up to us. "You need to rest! Listen to Scarecrow!"

"Dr. Crane," I scream, "Not Scarecrow! Dr. Crane! And as the doctor of this base, I say both you and Mr. Hal Jordan need to rest in the incubator! You're both too wounded to fight! As for the rest of you, you all need to suit up!"

Reaching into my pockets, I pull out the excellneno suits.

"Even with the added helps, I doubt the man can handle everything you people just dump on him!"

The Man:
Grabbing a soldier by his collar, I punch and sent him flying back! Sensing another soldier from behind, I elbow and knock him to the ground! Grabbing his gun, I blindfire while backing away.

The last of the rounds hitting Superman in his chest, I toss the gun and run for cover. Ducking behind a nearby cannon, I peek over for a bit before seeing Snart run up and slam his back against the same cannon.

"This is bad," he say, lending his head back. "No, this is insane! Superman must have every soldiers in the world in here! There's way too many for us to handle! There are literally bullets flying everywhere!"

An explosion happening beside us, we cover our heads as bits of rocks hit us. Peeking back over the cannon, I saw more soldiers rush in, each armed with a rocket launcher.

"Apparently, there's also a few rockets flying around," I add, falling back down. As I did, Thawne join us, sliding into cover like a baseball player.

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