Chapter 2: Reunion

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A/N Enjoy, please leave a review, and I hope this chapter bring a bit of delight to your day. Thanks you.

Watching the man toss a flare onto the boat, the boat quickly caught on fire.

"Don't worry," the man says, walking away from the burning boat. "It's not my. It's Batman."

"Batman," I say, running to catch up with him as he walk onto the Gotham's pier.

"Yeah Batman. You know. Tall. Moody. Guy in giant bat costume. Currently under your crazy cousin's control. Does any of this sound familiar?"

"Yeah I know who Batman is. What I don't know is how you got his boat!"

"Funny thing about begin under mind control. You don't exactly take note of stolen things that aren't important to your master. For a man who can fly, a boat is nothing but a floating piece of metals."

Strolling now through the empty streets of Gotham City, I couldn't help but feel like something bad was about to happen. Like someone would try and jump us or maybe one of Superman's Regime would find us and try and take us out. Clutching my fists the whole time we walk, I still on high alert.

"Don't worry," the man says, crossing a street without stopping. "No one here. At else, not now. Why do you think it's okay for you to walk through the street in a prison uniform."

Remembering what I was wearing, I look down at my clothes.

"After Brainiac's invasion and the fall of Batman to Superman, not a whole lot of people lived here anymore. It's practically an abandon city. Make for the kind of place to hide out when there's bounty for your head in your city."

"There's a bounty on the Flash's head?"

"Put on by Superman himself. Anyone who can capture Barry alive will be given a million dollar. Courtney of Batman of course."

"But wait! Would people really turn Barry in? I mean, after he helped stop Brainiac's invasion."

"Lucky for old "Flashy", no. Central City's citizens still wouldn't turn him in. That's why on top of the 1,000,000 dollar, there's also the 20 Regimes that constantly scout the city looking for him. Fearing for him and the people, he moved here. Along with a few others."


Stopping for the first time since our arrival in the city, he then point up. Above him were what look like old train tracks, the supports to them looking rusted as heck.

"What," I ask, looking at the tracks. "What about the train tracks?"

Looking back down to the man, I was horrified to see him gone, vanish from where I last saw him standing. About to have a panic attack, I calm down once I look back up and saw him climbing the rusted supports. Taking a deep breath, I flew to his side. Surprisingly a fast climber, the man was already on top of the tracks when I caught up to him.

"Shouldn't be long now," the man says, crossing his arms and looking over the railings.

"Shouldn't be long now? Wait, what? What are you talking about? What are we waiting for?"

"Not 'what" but "who". "Who" begin the whole reason we're here. "Who" begin a invaluable part to my plan. 'Who" also begin right there."

Nudging his head toward the street, I look just in time to see a red blur run across from one building to the next. It was only for a second, but I still saw it.

"Barry," I say, about to fly over to him but stop when the man grab my hand and pull me down. Wanting to know what was up, he slam his hand against my mouth before I could ask.

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