Chapter 37: And It All Came Crumbling Down

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"Hold on," Christelight screams, the sound of him typing begin heard through the mic in my helmet.

"That's the problem," I reply, struggling to pull my hands out from Clayface's body. Having to let go of my whip, I try pulling with all my might. Chuckling as I pull, Clayface then punch me right in the head, over and over and over again. Not sure how much longer I could hold on, I was thankful when it start raining.

"Uh," Clayfaces says, looking up as he shield himself from the water. Looking up at the sprinkles, Clayface's arm drop right off and onto the ground, falling apart as soon as it land.

"Nnnnoooo," he moans, letting me go and walking into one of the empty offices. "Nnnnooo!"

Falling onto my knees, I did some breathing exercises.

"Inhale," I say to myself. "Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Hey, thanks for the help."

"Yeah," Christelight reply, "You can repay me by getting what I need. The sprinkles are set on non-stop and Cyborg still look too wounded to fight. Now is your chance! Go! Go! Go!"

"Wait! What about Harleen! She still need my help!"

"No she doesn't! Harleen and I were able to lead the betas to another hallway I hacked earlier. It had a gate installed to trap trespassers but I used it instead to trapped the betas. She's fine and heading your way. Once regroup, get the information and get out. All this noise we're making will draw more attention. A whole lot more than already is."

"Got it," I say, looking around for Harleen. Eventually seeing her run down the hallway, we nod our head and run toward the steel door.

Poison Ivy:
Holding my head as I push myself up, I look around. Despite the blurry vision, I could still see Snart in his usually blue jacket, only it looks like someone was holding Snart via his jacket, and was now placing what look like the tip of a stun baton against Snart's chest.

"Snart," I yell, watching as he lit up like a Christmas tree, electricity making him shake and turn off and on. Feeling a boost of energy all of a sudden, I leap off the ground and toward Nightwing. First freeing Snart, I tackle Nightwing out of the room and into the hallway.

"Poison Ivy," Nightwing says, making an "X" with his batons. "Thought I knock you out."

"Yeah well you didn't," I reply, looking around for some plants. "Guess I got a thick skulls."

"Why are you with Captain Cold? You two hardly have anything in common. He wants money, you want to save mother nature. He's cold and your plant hate it. What's the common?"

"None of your business sidekick. Why don't you call Superman or Batman? You know, an actual threat. Or wait, better yet, call Wonder Woman. The two of us, I might actually have a challenge on my hand."

Looking like I hit a nerve, Nightwing grinding his teeth and all, he then charge at me, his head up front and his hands behind. Thinking fast, and with no plants around to use, I call forth my small pet plant. Climbing onto my shoulder, I order him to latch onto Nightwing as soon as he got close enough.

Screaming as pet plant jump onto him, the little guy moving all over, Nightwing grab him when he crawl along his neck. Grabbing with both hands, I then took the chance to walk right up to him and breath a little of my pheromones into his face. However, before I could, Nightwing toss my pet back at me.

Screaming as I back away, he leg sweep and knock me to the ground. About to stomp on me, I order my pet plant to once more latch onto Nightwing. Prepare this time, Nightwing grab him in mid-air and toss him on the ground. Stomping on him instead of me, I watch with wide eyes as I saw my baby bleed, its green blood flowing out and its root twitching as it try to stay alive.

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