Epilogue: Aftershock

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Epilogue: Aftershock

A/N To Christelightlavo, an author couldn't have ask for a better reviewer. Thank you so much for everything and I hope you enjoy the story.

Watching as the mysterious man summoned forth a giant rock monster to crush the One Earth tanks and helicopters, I raise my hand over the magic circle and stop the viewing.

"Who is this man," I ask, looking at the other Lords of Order. "Do we know anything about him?"

"No," reply another Lord. "No, we do not. We have used our magic to do an extensive search for this mysterious man but have find nothing on him. It is like as if he appear out from nowhere."

"That should not be possible," another Lord says. Changing the circle to show the man not only fighting but also beating Superman, he look up at us. "A man with this much power, we should know about him."

"But we do not," I reply, "Nor do we know where he is or where he took the others. Supergirl, Flash, Green Arrows, and many more. They are missing and we cannot find them."

"The order of the world is changing once more," one more lord says. "And I sense much destruction and chaos coming. We must stop him before it happen. I think it's time to use our new weapon."

"Agree," the rest of us says, nodding our head. "It is time to bring back Dr. Fate."

Jason Todd:
"Give me a reason," I say, keeping my gun train on Deathstroke. "Just give me a reason to open your head."

"Happy to see you too," Deathstroke reply, his arms crossed. Lifting up his black and yellow mask, he uncross his arms and put them up, like as if he is surrender. "Calm down "Boy Wonder". I'm just here to talk. Why else would my guns still be in my holsters?"

"Because I'm a faster draw," I answer. Chuckling instead, Deathstroke recross his arms.

"Any chance you heard about this guy in sunglasses? You know, the one that apparently broke Superman's cousin out of prison?"

A little hesitate to answer at first, I nod my head.

"Yeah, I heard about him. Apparently, beside breaking Supergirl out, he also kidnapped a bunch of old-time bad guys; Reverse Flash, Cheetah, even Captain Cold himself. Why? What's it to you?"

"Oh nothing much. Just figure you and I could try and find him together so we can join him."

"And why on Earth would I do something like that?

"Because I know you hate Superman and his "One Earth" Government more than anything else. You and Bat may not see eye to eye but I know you can't stand to see him under that sad sack's mind control. So what do you say Boy Wonder? Feeling like joining the Insurgency "Boy Wonder"?"

"For the record," I say, lowering my gun. "You got the wrong "Robin". I've never been called Boy Wonder and am I glad. So, any idea on how to find sunglasses man and his band of merry of Insurgents?"

"Kind of," Slade reply, sliding his back back on.

Lana Lang:
Getting out of the car, I look all over at abandoned, Gotham's skyscraper. The buildings were all covered in cracks and were slowly crumbling away. The streets themselves are completely empty, not even a chirping bird to be heard. As I slam the door, the sound of it closing echo throughout.

"Welcome to wonderful Gotham City," Ellen jokes, getting out and closing the door behind her. "Don't blink twice or you'll miss Bruce Wayne swinging through the air."

"Hilarious," I reply, walking a few steps from the car. Turning back, I pull from my pocket the envelope of cash I promised early.

"Here, this is for you. Thank for everything, but I think I can handle the rest. You can go now."

"Thank you," Ellen reply, taking the envelope and putting it in her pocket, "But unfortunately, there been a change in our agreement."

"A change," I reply. Knowing Ellen kept a pistol on her, I prepare to run. "What change exactly?"

"I'm coming with you. To find the Insurgency. Me and this "sunglasses guy" need to have a talk. There's something I need to talk to him about."

"Oh really? Can I ask what it is?"

Smiling, she pull out her pistol.

"Where do I sign up?"

Surveying the scene, watching as my One Earth soldiers pick up the remains of the destroyed betas, I look to the ceiling as Sinestro, Wonder Woman, and Black Adams enter through the hole.

"Superman," Sinestro says, the first to land in front of me. "We have scan the surrounding areas but have found no traces of any of the Insurgents."

"And I haven't been able to trace the man's energy signature," Cyborg adds, walking up to my side, a map of the city floating above his arm. "Ever since he used it to escaped with your cousin and the others, there hasn't been a reading of it. I don't think I'll be getting one for awhile."

"We must force them out," Black Adam screams, his fist slamming into his palm. "The mystery man especially! His powers are the most dangerous!"

"He must be capture and kill," Diana says. "Black Adam is right! We must force the Insurgency out from hiding and I believe there is only one way to do that! We must move with our plan to attack the Green Lantern Corp."

"I agree," I reply, wasting no time. "Cyborg, get Batman and prepare the betas flyers. We're going to Oa."

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