Chapter 30: The Art of Breaking In

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A/N Enjoy and Please Leave a Review. Thanks you very and I hope this bring a bit of delight to your day. Thanks you.

Captain Cold:
Checking my cold gun as Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Harleen, and I arrive at Wayne Tower, I look up at the massive needle.

"Sharp," I say, my gun lighting up. "So ladies, got any idea?"

"You're the expert thief," Poison Ivy reply, petting a plant "pet" on her shoulder. "How would you break into one of the most secure building in the whole world Captain Cold? For the record, I don't think freezing the front door will do much."

"Yeah," Catwoman interrupt, "Especially considering that the front door is guarded by two very armed Regime soldiers and four squads of betas."

"Sssssoooo," Harleen start, playing with her suit, her hammer changing to a gun and her gun switching back. "Again. Any idea? Any at all? I mean, on top this building, we have a decent angel so maybe you and Selina can see something Pamela and I can't."

"Let me think," I say, tapping the barrel of my gun against my chin. "Let me think. Let me think."

Peeking over the edge, I notice a sewer grate in the street.

"Hmm. I have an idea."

"That is a stupid idea," Oliver says, peeking over the edge at the Hall of Justice. "I mean, an insane idea! A stupid, insane idea! What on earth would even make you think of that!"

"Okay one," I say, putting up a finger. "Shut up. Two, knock it off. Three, I only suggested the idea."

"It was a stupid suggestion," Canary add, "I mean, seriously. How can honestly think of that?"

"Easy," I reply, tapping my phone. "Each squadron of Regime soldiers consist of four to six soldiers, with at least one holding a radio."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Robin Hood interrupt, "You already told us that part. What you didn't tell us is how you think ambushing a squadron with four soldiers and taking their uniform is a smart idea?"

"Do your brain a solid," I say, still on my phone. "And think outside the box would ya? I know by switching, it means leaving behind your bow and arrows, but it's either that or have Fire and Buggy join the League of dorks. Look, here come a four man squadron."

Nudging my head toward the ledge, the three peek over to see a squadron walk right out of the Hall of Justice. The squadron were all in standard Regime gears; bulletproof vest, helmet, fully loaded sub machine gun with about 50 plus rounds and a firing capability of at 650 a minutes, and a radio for communication.

"Okay," Robin Hood says, "I see them. Now what? Hey, are you listening? What's up? Cat on your tong-Hey, he's gone!"

"No he isn't," Canary says, "He just down there. Walking right up to the soldiers."


Turning back to the ledge, I shot the three of them a quick wave as I approach the soldiers. Running up from behind, I charge right through them, bumping into and even knocking one down to the ground.

"Hey," screams one of the Regime soldier as he chase after me. "Hey! Stop!"

Shooting the ground beside me, sparks shot up and stop me. Putting up my hands, I turn to face the soldiers as they approach me, their rifles aim right at me. Stopping only a few feet from me, the soldier I pushed to the ground then whip out a stun baton.

"You think that was funny," the soldier says, pushing me back. Before I could reply, he side swipe me and hit me across the face. Falling to the ground, the other three lower their gun and brought out their batons. Before even a full second could pass, all four of them were beating on me.

Poison Ivy:
"Thanks you for helping me," I says, looking up at the Regime soldier after catching me.

"Don't mention it," the soldier reply, helping me stand up straight. "Are you okay ma? What's wrong with your legs?"

"Oh it's just an old injury. Happen years ago. Every now and then, it's just spring up. Still, it really hurt. Can one of you please call me a cab?"

"I'll do it," say the other guard, "You stay here with her. If anything happen, sent in one of the beta."

Entering the building and disappearing, I then focus on the betas surrounding us.

"I'm sorry," I say, subtly pulling him closely. "But could we please move away from these things? They scare me?"

"I'm sorry ma," the soldier say, "But I cannot do that."

"Please," I says, blowing a little bits of spores at him. Sniffing and breathing in the spore, he struggle to fight against it for awhile his eyes change color. Now a glowing pale pink, he place my arm around his shoulder.

"Move away from the beta," I order, limping along side him as he carry me away. Getting in a few steps before one of the beta stop us, it pull me off the man and pull me face-to-face with it. Scanning my face, it then spoke.

"Facial recognition initiate," the beta start, "Poison Ivy found. Capture and bring to Superman."

His grip on me tighten, I grab it's arms and try to pull it off. However, the other betas quickly rush it. Thinking fast, I order my mind-controlled soldier to shoulder charge the beta off of me and right into the other. Knocking a few down, I then stood straight up and rip off the homeless woman disguise Captain Cold gave me.

"Hello boys," I yell, summoning a vine whip and whipping it against the ground. "And so long!"

Looking behind, I jump out of the way as Captain Cold fire his gun and freeze three of the betas. Freezing some more, Harleen and Catwoman then drop in from behind and destroy the ones that were trap in ice.

"Smash, smash, smash," Harleen screams as she summon a giant hammer and flatten a few heads.

"Harleen shut up," Captain Cold yells, slamming his gun against a beta and knocking it into an ice wall. Falling to the ground, Captain Cold then stomp on it's head. "We still have a-Oh son of a-!"

The door to Wayne Tower opening, the soldier step out for only a second before turning back and running in.

"We got a runner," Captain Cold yells, chasing after the guy.

"Oh shoot," Selina says, following after Snart. "If he alert Superman, we're screw!"

"Hey wait up," Harleen scream, following after Catwoman.

"Guess I should better follow too," I says, rolling my eyes.

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