Chapter 44: Iris

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"Is he here right now," Kal asks, looking all over Harleen's base. "I don't see him anywhere."

"No," Barry reply, "No, he isn't here. He took us to his base, and none of us know where it is."

"Don't lie," Black Adams yells, summoning two orbs of lightning floating on his hands and firing them at Barry. Hitting him dead on, Barry scream as he leap off the ground.

"Barry," Iris screams, slamming her hands onto the orb she was trapped in.

"Barry," I scream, running and helping him to his feet. Moaning as I pick him up, I look all over for him.

"Come on," I whisper. "Where are you? Where are you? We need your help. We're surround and can't do anything so long as Kal had Iris. Please come."

Practically slamming into the ground, Black Adams stomp his way over to us. His shadow looming over Barry and me, he brought his hands, both of them crackling with power.

"Move girl," he orders, "Or you too will feel my power."

"No," I reply, looking him in the eyes. "And I would be careful if I were you. We may be on different sides, but still, Kal wouldn't let you hurt me."

Pushing Barry behind me, I then stretch out my arms as far out as they could go.

"All we want is information," Wonder Woman says, "Tell us about the man's "secret" base and all of this will stop."

"He already told you," I yell, "We don't know where it is. We used teleporter to get from there to here. We asked where we were a few times but the man never answer."

"You expect us to believe that during the whole time you were with you, you never once learn anything."

"Yeah," Harleen interrupts, all eyes falling on her. "We asked Sunglasses a bunch of question. Mainly who the heck he is, but he never once answer us!"

"Be quiet," Wonder Woman screams, tossing her sword at her! Without thinking, I jump to my side to try and protect Harleen. The sword hitting me instead, it bounce off and hit the floor. However, while trying to protect Harleen, I couldn't do anything when Black Adams grab Barry and shock him! Screaming and flashing on and off, I fly as fast as I could back to him!

About to free Barry, Black Adams electrify me, stopping me dead in my track. Falling to the ground, I look back at Black Adams.

"Sorry Superman," he says, looking back up at Kal. "But I saw no other options."

"It's fine," Kal reply, landing on the ground, Iris floating behind him. "She'll be fine. She is my cousin after all. Our family is strong. We have to be in order to survive. Now, do we have a deal? The man for Iris?"

"Of course we have a deal," Barry reply in between breath. Pushing himself off the ground, he look at Iris and Kal. "The man for Iris. It's a fair trade."

"No it's not," I scream, "No deal!"

"Kara," Barry screams, "It either him or Iris! And I choose Iris!"

Putting up his hands, he walk over to Kal, his head lower.

"Barry," Selina says, all of watching as Barry stop only a few feet from Kal.

"Don't," he reply, "It's no use. There's nothing you or anyone can say that will change my mind."

Looking at Iris through the yellow bubble, he place his hand on it, Iris doing the same. The two's hands meeting, they look each other in the eyes, tears forming in Barry.

"I'm sorry," he says, turning back to face us. Facing Kal now, the two of them nod their head, and the bubble surrounding Iris vanish.

"Iris," Barry cry.

"Barry," Iris says, walking over to him with open arms. Only a step away from hugging him, an arrow from out of nowhere hit her right in her chest!

"Nnnnooo," Barry screams, watching Iris fall back. Turning around, all of us, we look for the shooter. In the far back, behind everyone else, on his knee, a bow in his hand, is the man in sunglasses.

"You owe me," he say, reloading his bow.

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