Chapter 43: A Super Offer

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A/N Enjoy and Please Leave a Review. Thanks you very much and I hope this bring a bit of delight to your day.

"Now this is right," I say, stretching my arms in my "Flash" suit, not the man. Examining the bright red suit with a yellow lightning bolt in a white circle, I look at the others. "Hey! Listen, I know it's looks bad but I also know I made the right choice. That guy was crazy. He was going to get us kill sooner or later. I mean, for god's sake, he made me kidnap Reverse Flash in the hope that he'd help. The man actually thought Ebon Thawne would help us."

Back at Harleen's old base in Gotham City, we were all sitting around in the seating area for the audience. Despite not begin here for awhile, the alarm setting is still active. the only thing needing a reset is the lights which Harleen took care of already.

"So what's next," Harleen asks, her head resting on her baseball handle. "I mean, do we have a plan? What are we going to do now?"

"Well I'm going back to Oa," Hal says, standing up. Bringing up his glowing ring, he walk down the stairs and toward the exit. "You still have that communicator?"

"Yeah," I reply, bringing it up. "I can still call you. Go ahead. Go back to Oa."

Nodding his head, he left the building. Watching as he left, Oliver then spoke.

"What are the odd we regret that," he jokes, adjusting the tip of his arrows. "I mean, without him, we're back to just the eight of us. Eight of us versus Superman and his army of regimes."

"We can do it," I yell, "We've been doing fine for awhile now and so far, no problems. Well, you know him, beside him."

"He was a problem," Selina asks.

"Yes," Jason answers, "A very, very big problem. He was crazy, and nut, and just plain dangerous."

"He was also smart and had a plan," Diana adds, raising her hands. "You know, a plan. Like what to do next. Unlike us."

"I have a plan," I scream, hitting my chest. "I do have a plan."

"What is it," Diana asks, crossing her arms. "What is your brilliant plan?"

Wanting to say something, I couldn't think of anything.

"What about you Kara," I asks, realizing she hasn't said anything yet. "What do you think about all of this?"

Staying silent for awhile, she wanted to say something but instead just shake her head.

"I think," she starts, looking at me. "I think you made the wrong choice."

"Wrong choice," I repeat, just before an explosion rattle the whole building and knock us around! Falling and rolling down the stand, I push myself up and look around.

"By Order of the One Earth Government," someone yells on the speaker. "You of the Insurgency are order to surrender! Give up now or we will use force!"

"What the," Harleen starts, helping Selina to her feet. "How did they find-"

"It's the man," I answer, getting ready to fight. "It had to be him! I knew it! We didn't listen to him and he ratted us out!"

Just as the others got to their feet, an explosion rip a hole open in the ceiling, with Hal falling right through it!

"Hal," I yell, running to him. About a foot away, a yellow beam hit me and knock me back. Falling back to the ground, I look up at the hole to see Clark fly in, Diana, Raven, and Black Adam all behind him.

"Kara," Clark says as soon as he saw her. Replying with bright-red eyes, Diana block her attack with her shield. Angling it, Kara accidentally hit Oliver. Dropping to the ground smoking, Dinah try to help him but Raven stop her with her power.

"Where is he," Clark asks, looking all over. "Where is the man?"

"Don't you know," I yell, "I'm sure he told you where to find us! The slimy bastard!"

"Oh he told us how to find you all right out," Diana interrupts, pulling out her sword. "He had a unique energy signature. We used it to find you all."

"I knew it," I whisper, clutching my fists, my nails cutting into my palm.

"Give yourself up," Diana orders, "We have the place surrounded! Even the tunnels themselves are full of soldiers! You can't beat us!"

"We try," I say, lower myself and preparing for a long run. Kicking against the ground, I took only about three steps when I heard a familiar voice.

"Barry," Iris cry as she was brought to the edge of the hole by Bane and Firefly


Despite how far we were, I could still see the tears running down her face. Eyes filled with them, I pull down my mask.

"Iris," I yell again, "Don't worry! I'm here! I'm here right now!"

"But where were you when we invaded her house," Firefly asks, struggling as Iris try to escape. "You were here! Hiding!"

Letting her go, Iris was then grab by Clark. Summoning a bubble around her, he brought her to his side.

"No," I scream, dropping to my knees. "Clark! Please don't!"

"Kal," Kara yells, running. "Stop this! Now!"

Looking Kara straight in her eyes, he then look at me.

"I'll let her go," Clark says, his voice sounding like thunder. "I'll let your wife go, Barry, but before I do, you have to do a few things for me."

"What is it," I ask, getting up. "No matter what, I'll do it. I'll do it all. Just let Iris go."

"I want you and everyone else to join my Regimes. Especially Kara."

Hearing her name, I look at Kara. She looks frozen, her wide eyes looking exactly like Iris.

"Once together, I want all of you to help me in the arrest of the man in sunglasses. Even all of you must agree, he is a danger unlike anyone we ever seen."

"You're the only danger here," Kara screams, "You Kal! Look at what you're doing! You're holding a woman hostage! That's not right!"

"Right," Diana repeat, "Not right! Was it "right" when the Joker poison Superman to kill Lois and their unborn child! Was it "right" when the death of Lois also lead to the destruction of Metropolis? Was it "right" when Brainaic destroyed Krypton, ending millions and millions of lives? Making you and Clark the last son and daughter of a dead world? Was any of that right? Tell me Kara."

"No," Kara said after awhile. "No, it wasn't right! It wasn't right that Kal and I lost everything! We lost our home and our family! I watched my mother got killed got betas! Kal's aunt!"

Now dropping to her knees, she hid her head as she begin to cry, the tears as clear as day. No one saying a word or moving a muscle for awhile, Clark was the first to break the silence.

"Kara," Kal starts, "This is why I am doing this. So that no one had to ever go through any of that ever again. Can't you imagine it? A world where there is no crime. Where none of our love ones have to die anymore. A world where everyone is safe. This is what I am aiming for."

"If that's true," Kara reply, looking up. "Then release Iris right here right now. Give her back to Barry."

"Only if you, all of you, accept to my term."

"We agree," I scream, shushing Kara. "Give me back Iris and I'll help you hunt down the man."

Injustice 3: Rise of the Supervillians (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon