Chapter 39: Nighttime Terrors

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Leonard Snart:
Taking off my goggles and tossing it onto the nightstand beside my bed, I then drop like a rock onto my bed.

"Hmm," I say, looking around the room for a bit. Seeing only a small desk, a tiny chair, a few targets, and a few drawers fill with who know what, I lean back.

"Is this really what I want," I say to myself. "To be part of the losing team in a war? Well, I have been in worst situation. And in order to get back at Wonder Woman, I need that weirdo's help."

Imaging freezing Wonder Woman and then scattering her into a thousand pieces, I smile.

"I can't wait."

Barry Allen:
Pulling open one of the drawers and grabbing what look like a granola bar, I shake my head and toss it back. Slamming the drawer close, I walk back over to the door to make sure it wasn't lock.

"Okay," I say, swinging the door left and right. "At least I'm not trap here."

Closing the door completely, I then drop onto my bed, rubbing my forehead.

"I can't keep doing this," I say to myself, "I just can't keep doing this. Not with him at least. I have to leave, and, and convince the others to leave. All of us. We all have to leave him. Well, not of all of us. You can have Scarecrow and Captain Cold and even Poison Ivy. I'll stick with my team. My friends. The Insurgency. Not a bunch of criminals."

"Bud," I yell, dropping to my knees to hug my hyenas. "Lou!Ahh man, I am so glad to see you two!"

Kissing Lou and Bud, they lick me all over! Laughing and chuckling with the two for awhile, they left and return to their little corner in my room.

"Wow," I say, slamming my fists into my hip. "This guy really went all out for my room."

Spinning around and admiring my room, the stripe, circus-theme wallpaper, the various giant hammers and revolvers on racks, and even some dummies of Superman and Wonder Woman I plan to use before going to sleep tonight.

"I never want to leave this place," I yell, falling face first onto my bed and sniffing the blanket. "Hmm. Cookies."

Selina Kyle:
Walking to a small statue of a green cat, I rub it a little.

"Emerald," I say, a little startle. "Pure emerald. This gonna to be over a thousand dollars! And the blanket alone look like it's silk. Pure silks. Worth about two grands. Man, this man had expensive taste. Then again, his fishing jacket look like it's only a buck fifty so maybe this is just all for me. Well, in that case, thanks you you sunglasses weirdo."

Looking at a classic painting, the "dog playing poker around the table" but instead of dog, it's cat, I chuckle and smile.

"This is one favorite one right here."

Dinah Laurel Lance:
Turning on a light, I look around my room for a bit. Despite it begin simple, I still like it. A pale-blue color with a bed and desk, there was also a few picture of birds scatter around. Canary I'm betting.

Letting out a sigh, I walk to the bed and drop right onto it. Sitting up, I pull out my jacket an old, crumple picture of Connor.

"Hey sweetie," I say, looking at the picture. "Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you for awhile. Thing just sort of been crazy. Between meeting sunglasses man and actually doing some damage to Superman in these last two days, I haven't had much time to talk. I just hope you know we still think about you all the time. I'm sorry about having to leave you, but I think it was for the best. I wonder how you are now. It's late so I hope you're sleeping. I also hope my dad's cooking didn't make you sick. He always had trouble with the stove."

Fighting back something in my throat, I wipe my eyes and turn off the light.

Pamela Isley:
Sniffing a beautiful rose, I place my finger on its stem and lower it. Feeling its sharp thorns, I pull back and smile. Looking around my "green" room, filled with blooming plants, their roots and leaves overflowing out of their planters, I straighten up and walk to every one of them.

Feeling the last one, the blue petals of meconopsis grandis or simple himalayan poppy, I spin around for a bit.

"That man is the key to everything," I say to a secret lust flower, it's beautiful, red head blooming. "He is the one that will help us conquer Superman and bring back the green. With his plan and with what I heard from Leonard Snart, I believe we can finally come out from hiding. No more swamp life for us. Once the reign of Superman is over, we will turn our attention to him and make him our slave. He may be immune to my pheromone, but I will find his weakness. And once I do."

Despite begin wrapped in a comforting blanket, I still couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning all over the bed, I eventually give up and push myself up. Sitting up now, I think back to the last few months.

I was trapped in that cell on Stryker's Island for three months after failing to defeat Diana and Kal. Three months I spend, walking in circles, listening to soldiers as they talked about how they were quickly taking over cities after cities. Three months, Diana, Black Adam, and even Kal tried to pursue me to join. To become a Regime and to help them "make the world better". More than once about to accept just become I wanted to be release. Three months, I wanted nothing more than for it to all just stop.

"Uncle", I said, covering my mouth with my hands. "Aunt! Mom! Dad! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! You sent me here to protect Kal, and I couldn't do it! I couldn't do it! I should have just die with you!"

"I wouldn't go that far," said a familiar voice, my eyes opening at the sound of it. "Don't worry. I'm here to help. Who I am is not important. Also, no, I am not one of Superman's regimes". I seem those losers around and quite frankly, I rather not be one of them."

Somehow laughing at the thought of Kal and his "loser regimes", I pull the blanket up and let my head rest on the pillow. The last thought before going to sleep begin "I'm here to help", I close my eyes.

The Man:
"Thanks for this," I say to Christel over the phone.

"Are you sure," she asks, "The download wasn't completed and Captain Cold and Poison Ivy didn't get the plans. Without them, we won't know the layout of the manufacturing plants."

"Meaning we won't know where the enters and exits are unless we try to steal the plans again or we steak the places out."

"Either way, we'll be drawing attention," Christel adds. "You know, way more attention."

"Don't worry," I reply, uploading the stolen data onto my and Christel's computer. "We'll make it work. Hey, it's late. I want you to call it a night. The two of us will regroup in the morning and figure out the next part of the plan."

"Okay," Christel yawn. "See you in the morning."

"See you in the morning."

Wishing her a pleasure night rest, I end the call and focus on the uploading data. Analyzing it, I turn my attention to my phone. Setting up a sort of "transmitter" on it, I switch focus once more back onto my computer. Bringing old files, I cross-reference them with the new data.

Analyzing and reanalyzing, studying and examining my notes on everything, I didn't stop until an alarm on my phone went off, telling me it was time to make breakfast.

"4:30," I say to myself, checking the time on my phone and computer. "Time to go. I do hope the Insurgency enjoy their eggs sunny side-up."

Turning off the computer, I got up but stop. Before leaving, I brought up surveillance feeds to both Iris and Mr. Lance's house.

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