Chapter 14: The Right Clothes

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A/N Enjoy, please leave a review, and I hope this chapter bring much delight to your day. Thanks you very much.

"You smell him," Cyborg ask as we reach the 5th floor.

"Yes," I reply, giving the air another hard sniff. "He's close by. This way."

Walking down the hallway, I follow the Flash's scent, all the way to one of the apartment's door.

"Knock knock," I say, breaking down the door and charging in. Growling, I look around for a bit, before Cyborg walk in, his arm cannon ready.

"I thought that nose of your was fool proof," Cyborg says, deactivating his cannon. "You stupid animal!"

Growling at Cyborg, I turn back around and smell the apartment.

"He was here. And so was someone else. I'm picking up two smells."

"That's odd," someone says as he walk into the apartment behind Cyborg and me. "Cause last time I was here, there were three people. Not just two."

"It's him," Cyborg screams, reactivating his arm cannon. About to fire, the man charge forward and stab the cannon with something small and metals. Screaming, Cyborg's cannon crackle with electricity before bursting into smokes.

Shoving him aside and slamming him into a wall, the man then rush forward and slam something into my face.

Stumbling back, I couldn't do anything when the man kick my knee and force me onto the ground.

"Thanks for that you two," he says, backing up and leaving us. "But now, we really gotten go. Catch up if you want another beating okay. Later Cyborg. Killer Croc."

5 minutes before

My finger on the trigger, I was more than ready to kill either of two if they so much as bat an eye.

"I ain't joining the Insurgency," I say. "Not after what this bastard and his Regime buddies did to my sister."

"Your sister," Barry asks, lending forward a bit. Lending forward, I fire my gun and hit Barry in the shoulder, ice covering almost all of ice.

"Yeah, his sister," the guy in sunglasses turning his head. "Lisa Snart. Was killed by Wonder Woman during Superman's first reign."

"Don't you dare say her name!"

Squeezing the trigger and hitting the man square in the face, I had to stop when a cloud of mist appear and block my view. Backing up, I look back at the two. The mist quickly disappear, I lost my grip when I saw the man again.

"Steam pellets," he say, revealing to me his completely ice-free face. "Heat up the surrounding area to nearly 225 fahrenheit. PS, the boiling point of water is 212."

Grabbing my cold gun before I could shoot it again, he pull it out of my hand and punch me once again. About to fall back, the man rush forward and grab me by the shirt collar.

"Listen Snarty! I know you got some personal issues with old speedy there, but guess what! I don't care! Here's what going to happen! You and him are going to meet me at the car downstair! I am going to stall some idiot regimes and we are all going to leave together! Now move Captain Cold. Or else."

Aiming the gun at my "sensitive spot", he then look at him in the eyes. Despite begin hidden behind sunglasses, I could still feel the uneasy gaze of the man, the more I stare, the more it felt like something was crawling around in my body. Something that shouldn't be there.

"Buddy, something you need to know about me. Unless I have in my hand some cards, I don't bluff."

Squeezing the trigger slightly, mist begin forming at the end of the barrel.

"Okay," I scream, putting up my hands. "Fine you win! I go."


Shoving the gun into my chest, he then grab me and push me past him. Stumbling into Barry, I steady myself and shot daggers at the Flash.

"Hey Fidos," the man says, clapping his hands in front of the us and pointing toward the door. "There's a bone out there! Go fetch!"


"Down here," I say as I ran down the stair with Snart, careful not to run into any regimes. "Uhh! I can't fight like this! Why am I even wearing street clothes! I wasn't wearing this when I was at the base! Did that guy change me!"

"Change you," Snart repeat, "What are you! 1!"

"Shut up!"

Making our way back to the lobby, I stop when I saw the doorman on the ground. Checking his pulse, I was beyond glad too know he's still alive.

"Didn't know you still care about that kind of stuffs," Snart comment as he walk past. "You know, considering."

"Hey," I scream back, "I changed. In case you forgotten, I switched side. I'm with the Insurgency!"

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

Propping him up against the wall, I then follow after Snart as he left the building.

"Where your car," Snart ask as soon as we got into the parking lot. About to point toward the car, a lightning strike from out of nowhere stop me.

"Barry Allen," scream Black Adam as he emerge from the lighting strike, his whole body pulsing with electricity. "And Leonard Snart I see. I will capture both of you and turn you into Superman's regimes. With your added power, his army will become even stronger."

"Yeah, bite me Sparky," Snart yells as he aim his cold gun at Black Adam and fire. Hitting Adam dead on, ice quickly encase him and he drop to the ground.

"Power down," Snart says as he then look at me. "Your buddy isn't as strong as he think he is."

"Black Adams is not my "buddy"," I reply, walking pass him and toward the car. Only, as I was walking pass him, I notice sparks start to flow along the ice. As more and more sparks appear, the ice began to cracks.

"Watch out," I yell, using my super speed to grab Snart and run just as the ice exploding and chucks went flying.

Dropping to the ground, I look behind to see Adam rise once more into the sky, his arms looking like there was more electricity flowing through them.

Shooting out his arms, electricity shot right out and went right for us. Watching as the lightning was about to strike us, the man roll out from behind and block the lighting.

Hitting his hands, the man somehow was able to absorb all the lightning! Traveling from Adam to the man, the man then fire it back at Adam and sent him flying away.

"Move, move, move," he say over and over, grabbing us and shoving us toward the car. Reaching it in only a few seconds, he open the driver's door and give us these small discos for some reasons.

"Time to change," the man says, slamming the disco against his chest. Once on, something looking like clothes spread from the chest, quickly covering the man completely. Now, instead of the jacket and brown pant, the man now had on body armor and knee pads. His sunglasses was replace with a black mask and yellow and red google.

"What the heck," Snart scream, looking at the disc in his hand. "How-How did you do that? What is this thing?"

"Shut up and change. The fact that this whole time, you been in nothing but short and a sleeves-shirt had been bothering me. Change and fight Captain Cold."

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