Chapter 24: Practice, Practice, Practice

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Scratching my claws against the metal bridge, I spark the fuse and then bring it up between Bruce and me. Stopping for a bit, his eyes glue to the fuse, I smile.

"Don't worry," I say, "It's not for you."

Turning, I toss it toward the generators. Watching as the dynamite flip through the air toward the generators, I look back at Batman.

"Sorry about this Bruce but you'll thanks me later."

My attention returning to the dynamite, I couldn't believe it when a Brainiac bot jump in front of the dynamite. Exploding as soon as the two meet, I look all over at the bits of leftover metal scrapes scatter around.

"Harleen," I yell, looking all over to try and find her. "I need another stick! Now!"

"A little busy at the moment," Harleen screams back, falling back as Manbat swing his arms. "Give to you as soon as I can."

"I'm not sure how much longer I got," I say, jumping out of the way as Bruce toss more batarangs as me, the batarang sticking to the walls as they miss.

"I'm not sure how much longer I have," Harleen reply, trying to push Manbat off her, his teeth shining in her eyes.

My back to a wall, I search my pocket for anything I could use. While searching the side pocket of suit, I find something I never seen before.

"What the heck is this?"

Sunglasses Guy:
"Here," I say, offering my hand to Kara after leg swiping her. Slapping my hand away, she push herself off the dojo's floor and got back up.

"I don't need your help," Kara say, wiping her forehead. "And I don't told you I don't need this either! I have my powers!"

"Yeah," I say back, "Your powers. Listen Kara, I don't want to sound mean, I'm actually trying not to sound mean but bear with me, your powers aren't that swell. Sure, you got super strength but if all you do is just punch really hard, then you're screw. Screw big time. You need to learn how to actually fight. As in actually, hand-to-hand combat, not just making a fist."

"I would show you how hard I can punch," Kara start before waving her hands around in mid-air, "But no. You just had to go and activate those! Didn't you!"

"What, the kryptonite lights? Yes, I activated them so I could see how you fight without the strength to break down brick walls. So far, not well. Oh boy."

"Hey! I can fight just well! If you show turn off the lights, I could show you."

Sighing a bit, I pull out my phone to deactivate the lights.

"Fine," I say, eyeing the lights as they change from green to white. "Show me what you got at "full strength"."

Getting into fighting position, my left side leading the way, I bend my fingers signaling Kara to fight.

"Now you're going to get it," Kara says, shaking a little as she walk right up to me. Pulling back her arm, she try a simple straight punch, her fist trying to hit my head. However, before they could meet, my hands grab her wrist and stop her. Before she could react, I slide down her arms until finding her elbow. Once there, I push down and force Kara run around before tossing her.

"Yeah," I say, slapping my hands together while watching Kara stumble. "I am going to get it alright."

Regaining her balance, she charge at me again, this time with a right hook. Stepping back and dodging, I move all to my left except for my right foot. As expected, Kara trip right over it. Almost falling to the ground, I rush forward and grab her wrist, pulling her back up.

"Anything else? You know, beside just punching really hard."

"Yeah, I can do this."

Inhale deeply, she then exhale, her frost breath hitting me right on. Spreading out and covering the whole dojo in a thick, white mist, Kara eventually stop, only to take a breath.

"What do you think," she smile in between gulps of breath.

"I think your aim is off," I reply, tapping Kara's shoulder from behind. "Really off. Like, by a mile."

"What the," Kara screams, turning around and walking back. "How-How-Wha-What-But I saw you-"

"Yeah, do yourself a favor and try not to figure it out. It's not a simple as it look. In the simplest term, I just move. I took a massive sidestep."

Seeing her eyes turn red, Kara charge toward me for the third times. Rolling my eyes, sucking my lips, and flicking my thumb under my finger, I block Kara's attack and flip her completely over me. Falling onto the dojo's matted floor first, I then drop my knee on her chest, my hand on her neck, and my other hand holding her in mid-air.

"Word of advice," I comment, my face inches from Kara. "If you're going to laser eyes me, please don't. Your cousin tried that on me when we visited Watchtower and whether or not you remember, that didn't go well for him."

Kara's eyes losing their red, I push myself up and help Kara to her feet, despite struggling. Once up, I then pull something from one of my jacket's pocket.

"Here," I say, handing Kara a disc. "It's just dawn on me. You're still in your prison uniform. Considering this your new uniform."

Tapping my chest, Kara slowly place the disc on her. Like Barry's, Oliver's, and everyone else's disc, Kara's begin to grow from the center, quickly expanding to the rest of her. In only a few seconds, her prison suit was replace with a shining blue and red uniform, with a bright-red cape and giant "S" smack in the middle.

"Wow," she says, examining herself. "This is awesome!"

"Yeah," I reply, coughing a bit before turning to walk away. "Don't mention it. Thought personally, I'd lose the cape and the "S", I went against my better judgement. Enjoy."

About to walk out the dojo, I stop when Kara scream.

"Hey wait," she start, stepping forward. "Wh-Where are you going?"

"Somewhere not important. Crane and other should be passing by here so. Join them. Enjoy the tour."

Stepping out the dojo before Kara could say anything else, I place my fingers together and point at the ground. A large portal appearing on the ground, I step into the portal and drop right in.

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