Chapter 6: The Insurgency

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"This is not what I was hoping for," I say, crossing my arms. "Then again, I have no idea what exactly I was hoping for in first place."

"Umm," Green Arrow starts, waving his hand high in the air. "We're right here you know!"

"Yeah I know. So? What's your point?"

"Our point is that," Blue Beetle start, "Despite our number, we are still strong."

"Listen kid, I know dictionary are a bit old and all, but you really should look up what the word "strong" mean. I'm just saying. I mean, look around. Excluding Kara and I, there's only about six of you. Harleen, Cat, Green, Black, Blue, and Fire. Seven if we count Fire as two. Yeah Kara, we're screw. Big time, super, duper screw."

"Harleen," Professor Stein says, raising his hand like he's back in school. "If I may ask, who is this man again?"

"No clue," Harleen reply, "He didn't exactly tell me."

"I didn't tell Kara and Barry either, and quite frankly, I don't think they care."

"I care," Barry yells from across the room, his hands waving high in the air. "I mean, how are suppose to truth you if you won't even tell us your name. Or why it is you're helping us? What do you get out of this?"

"Okay, one, shut up. Two, shut the heck up. And three, names are adorable but not needed. Just call me-"

Watching as everyone keep watch on me for a bit, before looking at each other, and then back at me, Catwoman was the first to break the silence.

"Call you what? What's your name? You didn't finish."

"Listen," I scream, my voice echoing like thunder throughout the hideout. "And listen well dorks! This is all you need to know! I am here to help take down "Not-So" Superman and his massive army of losers! I am here to restore peace and order to your lousy world! I am here to tell you that the Watchtower is almost finish and if we don't do something now, Hal and his Green Lantern buddies are D-E-A-D! They're dead! So stop with the bloody questions and make yourself useful!"

"And how exactly would you recommend making ourselves "useful"," Jason ask, walking right up to me, his arms cross and face full of rage. "What do you want us to do? Walk right into the Watchtower and blow it up from the inside?"

"Yeah," I reply, "That's it right there! You, Stein, Beetle, Kara, and I all go into Watchtower, plant bombs on the structural weakness, and blow the things up."

Instead of getting "yeses" from everyone, I instead got 'what's and 'what the heck's and 'are you nuts's from the Insurgent members. In the middle of all the yelling and screaming, I notice Kara hiding in the shadow, away from everyone. Ignoring everyone and everything else, I walk over to her.

"Hey," I say, crossing my arms and falling back onto the wall. "Don't suppose you wanted jump in and tell the other my plan isn't the worst? I mean, it's not exactly the greatest, but it not exactly the worst either."

Her eyes more focus on the ground, I snap my finger in front of her, bringing Kara back into reality.

"Earth to Kara," I start, "Hey 'girl of steel', you there? Hello?"

"Sorry," Kara reply, shaking her head left and right. "What? What's going on?"

"Well, I just told everyone my plan to blow up Watchtower with you, me, and three others."

"What," Kara yells, lending toward me a little. "Are you nut! That's insane! We can't take down Superman! Or at least not yet. We need a plan, and supplies, and-and, well more people."

"A plan," I repeat, bringing up one finger. "Check. Supplies. Check. And more people check. Well, not yet but soon. First thing first, Watchtower need to go bye-bye. Now, before Supe get trigger happy."

"How do you even plan on getting the five of us up there," Jason asks, "Assuming we all agree to your stupid plan? I mean, I'm assuming the new Watchtower is in space! Far out of any of our reaches!"

"Oh shoot, I forgot about you and the other there for a sec. Well, to answer your question, assuming that you, Stein, and Beetle do actually agree to my plan to attack WT, I would just have to use this."

Pulling out from my pocket, I reveal to everyone my secret weapon.

"Is that cell phone," Black Canary asks from afar. "Are you kidding me?"

"No bird lady, I ain't kidding you. Beside the giant freaking laser, Watchtower's teleportation pads are working on. I was able to linked to my phone, hence giving me the power of teleportation!"

"You linked Watchtower's teleportation pads to your phone," Canary repeat, the same look of confusion and worry spreading through all the others. "How?"

"The pads work by tracking onto GPS locations via access codes. When I was on Watchtower, I downloaded the codes onto my phone. No one ever suspected such things. Like I said, begin invisible had its advantage."

Raising my phone high into the air, I activate the codes and teleport everyone around, Cat switching places with Canary, Harleen switching with Jason, Stein switching with Arrow and so on and so on.

"Whoa," screams Jason, stumbling around after his switch.

"Hey," Barry yells, holding his head. "Couldn't have done with the head-up!"

"Oliver," Canary says, rushing over to him, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! I'm fine," Oliver repeat, on his knees and holding his stomach. "Just-Just feeling a bit dizzy."

"Yeah, that uneasy feeling you're all getting. That would be the pads. They not properly configure yet so it'll be awhile before it goes away. Anyway, back to my plan, the five of us will teleport onto the Watchtower, place some bombs I have store in the batmoblie, and then sit back and relax as the eight of us watch the firework. Any complaints? Show of hands."

For the record, I wasn't surprise when everyone, including Kara, raise their hands.

"Swell. Okay, first person to air their complaints goes to-"

Thinking fast, I access the code once more and teleport Stein, Jason, Beetle, Kara, and I to the Watchtower.

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