Chapter 38: Bedtime

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Captain Cold:
Pulling the manhole cover back into place just in time, I cover my mouth and stay quiet when I heard a bunch of Regime soldiers run along the top.

"Go, go, go," one of the soldiers yells. "1st priority is to find Nightwing. 2nd is to secure all and any valuable information found. Squad 756, be careful of loose stairs when venturing up."

Waiting for all the footstep to disappear, I climb down the ladder and regroup with the ladies.

"Time to go," I say, panting a little. "Is Ivy finally awake?"

"Yeah I am," Poison Ivy reply, arms crossed and standing right in front of me. "Thanks for the cold burst bastard!"

"Thanks for the almost death by shaking building. That's how I always imagine myself dying. Instead of begin kill by Superman or Batman, it's actually by Poison Ivy."

"Hey," Catwoman yells, clapping her hands. "Not here! We're done here! We are done here! Let's just go!"

Turning around and walking away, Harleen following right behind, I shove Ivy a little before following after the two.

"Christelight," Catwoman says, "Hey Christelight! You there? Come on! Pick up!"

"I can hear you Ms. Kyle," Christelight reply through all our earpieces. "Is everyone okay? Mr. Snart? Ms. Harleen? Ms. Isley? I hacked into the Regime's radio frequency and I'm getting a lot of bad news."

"Yeah, we're all fine," I interrupt, "All of us. Listen, I think we're done here. Thanks for your help I guess. See you later."

Hitting my head, hoping I either turn off or destroy the radio, I look at Catwoman.

"Come on, do the thing. Bring out the teleporter and take us home. Let's ditch this dump."

Slow to follow, Catwoman eventually pull out the teleporter and toss it on the ground. The portal to the base opening up, we all walk through.

The Man:
Back flipping off the floor and onto a nearby counter, I pull from my jacket a handful of pellets and toss them on the ground.

"You really think that'll work on me," Superman says, flying into the air and breathing in. Sucking up all the smokes in less than a second, his eyes went wide when he saw me holding a gas mask to my face. Waving at him, I watch as Superman then drop to onto his knees, coughing and hitting his chest.

"Don't worry," I say, putting the mask into my jacket. "Worst case scenario, you lose a week and a half and wake up with in your boxer. Night night Flyboy."

Despite the dosage, Supe stay on his knees, coughing and hacking and trying to get rid of the power-up knock out gas. After awhile, I got off the table, walk right up to him, and knock him out with a right hook. Once down, I rush over to Green Lantern.

"Hey," I say, slapping him over and over. "Hey. Hey!"

Slapping him as hard as I could, Green Lantern shot up like a rocket, screaming and yelling and panicking like a big baby. Slapping him again, I got him to calm down.

"Hey! Shut. Up. My god, you are annoying."

Looking and making sure we were alone, I place the teleporter on the ground and set it up. The portal opening, I grab Lantern via the back of his neck and and his back and toss him through. Hoping in after him, I was graceful to be the presence of non-Regimes.

"Everyone's here," I ask, looking around and doing a head count. "Kara. Flash. Cold. Ivy. Cat. Wait, where are Beetle and Fire? They're not dead, are them? Please tell me they're not dead and we didn't just spend about two hours rescuing two dead idiots."

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