Chapter 20: Overgrown

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Leonard Snart:
"So we're just going to wait til Flash is done talking with his wife," I ask while wiping the barrel of my cold gun. "What about the two in the trunk? What are we going do if they wake up?"

A lot of banging drawing our attention away, we all turn to look at the trunk.

"You mean like right now," the weirdo in sunglasses reply, opening a bag of circus animal cookies and popping a few into his mouth. "Don't worry. No matter how fast Eobard vibrate, he can't phase through that trunk. At most, when we open that trunk, we'll find Cheetah and "fake Flash" with a few bumps and bruises. Here, you want some cinnamon buns?"

Grabbing and tossing me a few packs, I roll my eyes and open them.

"Here Kara," he says, handing her some more cinnamon buns. "We may be here for awhile. I wonder how the other are doing."

"Other," I repeat, half a bun in my mouth. "You mean the other Insurgents?"

"Yeah. Beside Kara, Speedy, and me, there's also Greenie, Canary, Cat, Harleen, and Firestorm. Old guy and old guy's partner."

"Old guy's partner?"

"I think his name is Jackson or Jason or something that start with a "J". I honestly could care less. Yeah, they're all on different missions."

"Missions," Supergirl repeat, choking a little on her bun. "What mission?

"Recruitment mission. Like I say before, if we're going to take down old Supe, we're going to need more people. The three of us already got Reverse, Cheetah, and Cold."

"Yeah I haven't join you yet," I say, tossing the wrapper to the ground.

"Hey," the man screams, bursting my earshot and almost scaring me to death. "You will pick that up and you will toss it out! If you do not, I will claw your eyeballs with my bare finger and shove it down your throat!"

Before I could react, sunglasses grab me by the neck collar and pull me forward.

"Do you want to die," the man says slowly and very, very scary. "Because I have no problem with killing you."

Our faces inches from each other, he then shove me back.

"There is nothing worst than a rude passenger."

Green Arrow:
Feeling the roots tighten around me, I cough up split wads after split wads, my arms crushing my chest.

"I'll ask again," Poison Ivy says, loosening the roots only a little. "What are you doing here? Are you alone?"

"I'm here to recruit you apparently," I answer in between breath, "For the Insurgency."

"You must be joking."

Tightening the roots once more, another root move to take away my quiver and trick arrows. Waving my quiver and bow in front of me, Ivy then rub my chin.

"Well. Are you joking?"

"Unfortunately no," I reply, swinging and headbutting Ivy right in her head. Stumbling away, I once more swing forth and grab a mouthful of trick arrows. Dropping a few, I activate one of my explosion arrow!

Black Canary:
"What was that," I scream, looking toward where Oliver went. About to run over to the source of noise, I stop when what look like a wall of roots shot up from the water and block my path!

"Poison Ivy," I say, bringing up my fists and looking around. Noticing bubbles, a large figure then rise up from the water, too large to be Ivy.

"Swamp Thing?"

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