Chapter 32: Red, Blue, Purple, and Yellow

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A/N Happy New Year everyone! Join me in making 2020 an amazing and awesome years. Also, enjoy and please leave a review. Thanks you very much.

Punching a soldier in his stomach, I toss him aside and charge toward the remaining soldiers. Taking them fast, I look back toward the three.

"Come on," I say, waving my hand. "If you guys want to save Burning Man and Bug Boy, then we gotten move fast. Sheesh, take off the weight and move."

Running ahead, I stop and peek around a corner.

"More soldiers," I say to the others. "About ten in total. Each with standard gears. Kara and I can take the ones on the right, you and Canary can take the ones on the left. Got it? Got it? Got it! Hello?"

Turning around, I was beyond annoy to see no one behind me.

"Oh come on. Uuuuhhhh, screw it."

Walking ahead, I punch, kick, headbash, grab, and toss the soldiers like they're sack of potatoes. By the time the three caught up to me, I'm clapping my hands and walking straight up.

"Kara. Greenie. Canary. Hello y'all. No need to be stealthy. The guards have all decided to take their breaks at the same time. Hence, why I was able to borrow this and never return it."

Bringing up the borrowed walkie talkies, I push down on the button and place it next to my ear.

"Squad 239," some other douchebag soldier start,"Squad 239. This is Squad 235. Are you there? Over."

Pinching my nose and covering my mouth, I reply.

"Squad 235, this is Squad 239, reporting in. North Hallway is clear."

"Affirmative Squad 239. No report of any trouble?"

"Not at all. Other then some idiot running and pushing. Hey, I'm getting report of two Insurgents captured. Is it true?"

"Yeah Squad 235, it's true. Blue Beetle and Firestorm. Captured awhile ago and brought here."

"Are they with us?"

"No, not yet. Superman and Batman were elsewhere. They're coming though. Shouldn't be more than about 30 minutes before those two are with us."

"Awesome. Thanks."

Shoving the talkie into one of my many jacket pocket, I face the other.

"Well, bad news, not so bad news. Kara, please pick."

"Not so bad news," Kara says, her confuse looks begin share among the other.

"Okay well, Buggie and Fire aren't "purple" yet. Flyboy and Caped Crusader are at least half an hour away."

"Yeah, we all heard that part," Greenie says, "What's the bad news?"

"Bad news is that that mean the two are up on the higher floor, most likely in the center because that's where the new skylight is. You know, the one that can open up to allow easy transport between here and that oversize flying bucket of bots. I'm talking about Brainiac's ship."

"Oversize flying bucket of bots," Canary repeat, "Yeah, sound right."

"Okay, so the plan is to rescue the two from the upper floors," Oliver interrupts, "Let's go. Where the elevator?"

"That's way. Pass all the incoming guards."

Making quick work of them, the four of us then move onto the elevator. Arriving onto our floors, we soon find ourselves face-to-face with Bug, Fire, and some more soldiers.

"Dip," I say, running forward.

"Oh my god," Diana yells, covering her mouth when we saw Blue Beetle, Jason, and Professor Stein. All three of them were beaten badly, barely conscious and trap in steel cages. Place right in the center of the room, directly under a skylight like the man said, we rush to them.

"Jaime," Oliver says, the first to reach the three. Bending down, he reach in and tap Jaime's shoulder. Moaning as he wake up, he look at the three of us.

"Oliver," he groan, smiling a little. "Am I glad to see you all."

"Yeah I bet," Oliver replys, chuckling and getting a laugh from Jaime. "Hold on. I think I can pick this lock."

Reaching into his quiver, he pull out a steel-tip arrow.

"Wait," Jaime screams, shooting out his hand. "Don't!"

Before he could stop, Oliver stab the lock with his arrow. As soon as he did, a explosion trigger and knock him back. Thinking fast, I grab Diana and shove her behind me. Shielding her, I use my super breathe to clear away the smokes. To our surprise, after clearing the smokes, we find Oliver completely unharmed, his arms up and shielding himself.

"What the," he says, looking at himself after the blast. "How-How did I survive that? Wait, the suit!"

"Your welcome," the man then interrupts, pushing Oliver aside and bending down to examine the lock. "Hmm. This is neat."

"Neat," Diana repeats, walking up behind him.

"Yes, neat. Very, very neat indeed. Despite their looks, these aren't normal steel cages."

"He's right," Stein says, coughing a little as he and Jason wake up. "These cages were built to hold us in indefinitely. They strong enough to resist Jaime's blast and Jason and I are too weak to fuse. Without the right security clearance, you won't get through."

"Bet you a hundred bucks you're wrong," the man says, pointing at Stein. Before Stein could "accept", the man wrap his hands around the lock and start shaking it. Within seconds, the lock snap right off.

"If you could," the man start, reaching in and grabbing Jaime. "I'd prefer 10′s. Thanks you very much. Here, your problem now."

Giving Oliver Jaime, he move onto Stein's and Jason's cages, wrapping his hands around the lock and shaking them till they snap off.

"Okay headcount. Buggie and Robin Hood. Check. Old guy and Bird Lady. Check. Old guy's partner and Kara. Check. That's everyone. Let's ditch this dump before "you know who" and "you know who's" partner decide to drop in."

Turning to the elevator, the man barely took a step before a yellow beam fire and hit the floor beside him.

"Don't you move a muscle," order Superman as he descend into the room with us, a yellow ring glowing in his hand.

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