Chapter 50: Friend?

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Walking into a crowded infirmary, I shove and elbow my way through everyone.

"Okay," I start, pushing Queenie out of the way. "Beat it! Move it! Out of the way! Not my fault! Get out my way Hothead! I need to build a bigger infirmary! Or maybe from now just teleport into a bigger room."

Shoving Harleen out of the way, I finally made my way to the exit. Clapping and shutting everyone up, I look around to try and find Swamp Thing.

"Okay," I say again, "I have a few "deals" to get out of the way. Swampy, you're first. Meet in the battleground. I'll have the portal ready. The rest of y'all, just do something."

Shooting a quick wave, I turn around and left.

Swamp Thing, a giant man who look like he is made out of woods and plants, follow after the man. Running through all of us, we were left alone with nothing to do. A little curious, I squeeze my way to Dr. Crane.

"Hey, what did he mean by "I have a few deals to get out of the way"? What deal? What is he talking about?"

"Look around," Dr. Crane reply, pointing at Cheetah, Reverse Flash, and a few others. "Do you really think they just decided to help you and the Insurgents out of the kindness of their hearts? Heck no. The man had to make a deal with every single one of them. Don't ask me what they were. I honestly don't know. All I know is that he asked me to watch over Flash, Green Lantern, and Mrs. West."

"Speaking of Mrs. West," interrupts Oliver, squeezing to my side. "How are they? Are they okay?"

"We're fine," Iris reply, coming up from behind us. "Shortly after you all left, Scare-Dr. Crane had been teaching me how to properly maintain these incubators. They are not as simple as they look."

"Yeah, they don't look simple," Harleen comments, joining us. "So, I'm heading to my room. I'll see all you later."

Leaving without any words, I turn back to Iris.

"I never had a chance to ask but what happened to you? How did you get here?"

"Well," Iris starts, taking a breath. "As you can guess, the man kind of just appear out of nowhere to save it. It was shortly after a bunch of One Earth vans and soldiers arrived at my house, armed with weapons."

Closing her eyes, the rest of us had to wait for a bit before going on.

"Getting ready to leave, packing everything and anything I thought was useful, I was startled when all of a sudden, the man walked out from my hallway. He said he is an "acquaintance" of my moron husband."

"Moron husband," Oliver repeats, nodding his head. "Yeah, that sound like the man alright."

"Anyway, he then said that if I didn't want to be capture by Superman, I needed to get into the portal right now. A little hesitated at first, I changed my mind when some soldiers broke into my house. Jumping right in, I then find myself here. In this secret base. Where is this?"

"We have no idea," Oliver reply, "We kind of also just jump in."

"The man like his secrets," Dr. Crane interrupts, pushing some buttons on the incubator with Hal in it. "Trust the doctor who been here for three months. He doesn't exactly "spill a whole lot of beans". Mrs. West, could you please reset the monitor on your husband's incubator?"

"Of course," Iris says, walking away.

"Secrets," I thought to myself, looking at the exits. "I'll see you all later."

"This will take you back to your swamp," I say, backing away as the teleporter went online and shot up a portal. "Before you go, I just want to thank you for your help. I know I kidnapped you and everything and whatnot, but nevertheless."

Offering him a handshake, Swampy groan for a bit before shaking my hand.

"You are a very strange man," Swampy starts, "But you are also a strong fighter, with powers and skills I've never seen. You took control of the betas and made they fight Superman and his regime army."

"Yeah I know. I was there. Remember?"

"I am impress," Swampy went on, "I would like to offer you a new deal."

"A new deal," I repeat, pulling back my cold, wet, dripping hand. "What is it?"

"I will help you defeat Superman and his One Earth Government. They have tarnish the land and the green for too long now, and must be stop. I fear that alone, I am no match for them, but with your aid and the aid of you friends, I believe we stand a chance.

"For the record," I say, putting up a finger. "I doubt any of them consider me a "friend". Truth be told, I don't really consider any of them friends either. We're more like people with just a common goals and interests."

"I believe the word for that is team."

"No, we're really not that either. Well, whatever we are, I'm happy to accept your new deal. We're short handed and I do owe the "green" a few favors. Keep the suit. Use it to call me or any of the others when there's trouble."

Nodding his head, he step through the portal and vanish, the portal itself disappearing seconds later and the teleporter turning off.

"So Kara," I ask, putting my hands into my pockets. "Got any questions? Comments? Fun facts?"

A little slow at first, she push open the door to the battlefield and enter. As she did, I turn around to face here. Standing a few feet away, we look each other in the eyes.

"So that was the deal," she asks, eyeing the teleporter. "He helps us and then goes home."

"Yeah. I guess I always knew there was a 99.9 percents chance that he'd go back to the swamp instead of staying here, but hey, that's one less mouth to feed. With Iris's house under watch, I think it'd best she stay here. Meaning I have a lot more people to feed."

"And Cheetah and Reverse Flash? What did they wants? Will they be going too?"

"Yeah, unfortunately no. They're staying with us. I can only imagine how this will go with the others."

"Lucky for you, you don't consider any of us "friend" or even "teammate"."

"In my defense, I think I am right. I doubt Barry, Hal, or even Oliver consider me a friend. To them, I am just a weirdo with a pair of sunglasses in a fishing jacket."

"I don't think of you as that. I think of you as more of the man in sunglasses that rescued me from Stryker's Island. The man in sunglasses that once made me and three others invaded WatchTower to destroyed it. The man that once, despite not begin anyone's friend, still came to rescued us. And to Iris."

"You all needed helps. That's it. Pure and simple. It's kind of rule of superhero, help all who need it. Suck because if I remember correctly, we're actually supervillains, not superheroes."

"Maybe we could be both? Both Superheroes and villains?"

"Maybe, but for now, let just stick with begin the bad guy. Okay? Makes it more fun when beating up regimes."

Shooting Kara a quick wave and smile, I then took a few steps toward her. However, before passing her, I lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek.

Screaming and jumping back, I walk out to the door of the battlefield.

"Thanks you for everything for you just said Kara. It means a lot to me. Hopefully, you don't want to kill me yet but I understand if you do. I'll see you later at dinner."

Just before leaving, I look at Kara as she place her on hand on where I kissed her.

"Yeah," I whisper to myself. "She's going to kill me tonight."

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