Chapter 16: Attack of the Giant Stone Monster

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"Hello," I say, putting my phone in between my shoulder and ear.

"Hey doc," the man says, the sound of explosions, screaming, and tires skidding all mix in. "Hey quick question. Uh, are Kara, Blue, Jason, and Stein all heal and ready to go? I get the feeling they won't be resting for as long as I thought."

"According to the monitors on your incubators, they're at about 80% health. Should I send them anyway?"

The sound of something exploding and then more people screaming answer first before the man did.

"Not yet. Wait til they're at 90% and then sent them my way. Over and out doc."

Ending the call, I was about to go back to taking notes in my notebook when a beeping sound grab my attention.

"What the heck?"

Looking up at one of the monitor, I saw Kara's begun to rise, the simple, wavy line turning into spiked mountains.

Running over to check on the monitor, I tap in the command codes the man told me to inputted.

While inputting them, I look over Kara.

"Hope he's right about you," I say, pushing the final button before Kara's eyes snap open.

"Flash," the man screams, tackling some citizens out of the way of gunfire. "Get everyone out of here now! Snart and I will hold them back!"

"Excuse me," Captain Cold says, holding his head as more soldiers advance on us. "You and who will do what!"

A soldier reaching the car, peep over and aim his rifle at Snart! About to fire, the man move even faster than I could see. Practically teleporting to the soldier, he yank the gun out of the solider's hands and then hit him with it. His helmet flying off, he drop to the ground.

"Get back," the man order, clapping his hands together. As he did, a wall erupt from the street and block some incoming tank's fire!

"Snart, patch those holes with your cold gun! Barry, make yourself useful and get these people out of way! People of Central City, run for your god darn lives!"

Wasting no times, the people on the street flee, running in all sort of directions to get away from the fight. Running as fast as I could, I grab the people that were in the most danger and drop them some safe.

"Keep firing," I say, pointing at the random wall in the street. "Keep firing! Blown that thing to kingdom come! Now!"

A tank rolling closer to the wall fire and blown a massive hole in it. Giving the signal, my men charge forward, firing their weapons.

About to reach the hole, they stop suddenly, their fingers off the triggers and looking up for some reasons. Lost for a second, I too lower my flamethrower when I saw something massive and made of stone rise from behind the wall.

"What in the living hel-"

"No, no, no", says the man everyone had warned me about. Leaping onto the top of the wall, he shake his finger left and right at me. "I wouldn't say that last word if I were you. It is a bad word after all. Douche."

"Ughhh," I moan, looking around for a bit. "What-Where am I? Hello? Who are you!"

While trying to move my arms, I instead find it stuck to my sides. Struggling to get them free, I prepare to use my laser eyes.

"No," the man screams, waving his hands. "Don't! My name is Dr. Jonathan Crane! I'm working with "the man"! I don't really know his name, but he and I are partners! We've been working together since he rescued me during Brainiac's invasion!"

"Brainiac's invasion," I repeat.

"Yes", Dr. Crane says. "He rescued me and brought me here, and here is where I've been since. Awhile ago, you, Jaime, Jason, and Stein were all teleported here by the man, whoever he is. He told me to keep you here until you were at least 90% health."

"The man," I repeat, thinking back to the last time I saw him. "Where is he now? Is he here?"

"No. He left on a mission with Flash to Central City."

"A mission? To Central City? Why? What in Central City?"

"Trouble, from what I heard. Explosions. Screaming people. Gun fire. Those types of things did always seen to find him, no matter where he is."

"Explosion? Gun fire? Screaming people! Let me out of here! I'm gotten go help him!"

"Not yet. Your vitals aren't at 90%! Only 82%!"

"That's enough! Let me out of here!"

Struggling to get my arms free, I bang my head against the top of whatever I'm in, cracks forming seconds later.

"Stop that," Crane order, tapping the side of the bed. "The man told me not to let you out until you're at 90 percent! His order exactly!"

Finish with the tapping, something from beside my head pop up and wrap around my head, keeping me down.

"Hey! Let me go!"

"Sorry Supergirl, but I can't let you out. Not yet anyway. You're only at 85 percent! Just wait a bit longer okay!"

"I can't wait," Supergirl screams back, blasting her way out with her laser eyes before breaking her restrains. Covering myself as she got up and shatter the glass, she then grab me by the collar.

"How do I get out of way," she start, "And which way is Central City?"

"What in the living he-", I say before the man interrupt me from on top the stone wall.

"Don't finish that sentence," screams the man as he crush a Regime tank with his massive stone monster! Flattening it instantly, he pick it up and toss it back onto the ground, causing a shockwave that stun everyone! Blind and cover in dust, he then drag the monster's arm across the ground, hitting almost all the soldiers and tanks!

"Flash," Snart screams, waving and motioning me to get close. Looking around for a bit, I then run over to him, sliding into cover as soon as I can.

"What in the world is that," I scream, pointing at some sort of giant, massive rock monster behind us. Despite looking like a person, it had almost ten arms, swinging around wildly and destroying the Regime reinforcement.

"No clue," Snart reply, ducking his head as bits of stone drop onto us. "But from what I seen, your "new" buddy over there summon him somehow and is now using him to crush your "old" buddies."

"They not my "buddies", I reply, ducking down as a tank open fire on one of hand and destroy it. Catching the pieces in time though, he then toss them back at the Regime army.

"Cold," the man screams, poking the ground beside us and grabbing our attention. "Flash! Recruits at 2 and 3'o clock! Get to them now!"

"What," we both says, looking just in time to see Reverse Flash and Cheetah!

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