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I giggled, which is weird for me since you know all that crap happened. I took the banana and peeled it adding it on to the pile of banana skins. I then threw the actual banana off the train because you now, food *shudder. I peered around the corner where my victims were terrorising my mum.....Lily I mean Lily.

"POTTER!" She shrieked, I smirked as I turned into a real life replica of a super hot boy, I walked around the corner and put my arm Lily.

"Hey babe" I say in my sexy deep voice.

"Hi Leo" she giggles, I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. I look over to James who looks like he's going to explode with jealousy.

"You coming back now" I ask burring my head her neck, I cringed internally as I felt her pulse under my cheek and lips.

"Sure big boy" she purred. I smirked and took her hand.

"Hey Leo," I turned around to James already knowing his next move.

"Whoa dude, it's not my fault she likes me and well" I suggestively look down to my pants, James throws a punch and sprint around the corner jumping over the skins. I stand at the other side with Debbie and Evie and we watch as both James and Sirius come rampaging around the corner and fall on their arses, I laugh and laugh and I feel myself turn back to normal, Faith normal.

"FAITH!!!!" Sirius yelled, I smirked and held out a hand for him to take.

" do like me" he grins, I roll my eyes and drop him back down in the skins.

"HEY!" I grin at Lily and we high five...

"So babe," I say slinging a arm around her shoulders, we both look at each other and break down laughing again. I then take more pictures of the four Marauders on the floor covered in banana skins. I hold out a for Remus to take and grin.

"So, where you guys sat?" I ask innocently, Remus smiles at me and directs me to an empty compartment with the guys grumbling behind us.

"See you later girls" I called over to them, and they all waved back. I sit down next to the window and watch the trees go by. Hogwarts...jeez I'm beginning to hate the place!

"So, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Sirius asked from beside me.

"Did it hurt when you crawled up from hell?" I ask innocently, he smirks and continues to badger me.

"If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put U and I together" he grinned, I smiled back.

"I don't have to rearrange the alphabet N and O are already beside each other" I smile sweetly.

"Your place or mine?"

"Both you go to yours I'll go to mine" after a while he stopped throwing chat up lines at me starting talking to me like a human being.

"Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful when we're together" I sing under my breath but Remus shot me a sly grin. Shit werewolf hearing! I grin sheepishly while Sirius lookes from me to Remus with a weird expression on his face. I leaned back and winked at Remus as I closed my eyes. It seems they have forgotten that vampires can't sleep because after a while they began whispering to each other like they were trying not to wake me.

"Moony why doesn't she like me?" Sirius whines, I can feel his gaze on my face I hear Remus snort while he reads.

"Because she's Faith. I'm guessing that she knows us all from the future, imagine how awkward that would be if you saw her in the future and she was the same age..." Sirius contemplated that for a moment before answering kind of sweetly.

"I guess you're right. But I think if I saw again I would know that she wasn't just a dream." He whispers.

"Dude, she's not awake stop trying to flirt with her she's unconsious." James interupted, Remus chuckled while Peter made a weird squeeking noise. God I hate that douche. But then after a second Remus gasped, and I smirk.

"Vampire don't sleep!" He exclaimes, I open my eyes and smie brightly. I turn to Sirius how avoids eye contact and I laugh to myself quietly.

"I like you Sirius. Just not like that" I tell him ruffling his hair. In a second his expression turned and something dangerous passed through his eyes.

"Don't touch my hair" He growls, I snicker and mess it up even more.

"I'm warning you..." He threats, I do it with both of my hands while the boys watch with wide eyes. Nobody messes up Sirius's hair it is his pride and joy. He grabs my arms and I flinch away from there heat. He then picks me up and leaves the compartment.

"REMUS! JAMES! HELP ME!" I scream and he take off down the corridoor. They just laugh as they follow us along.

"Let me go Black!" I yelp, he stops but doesn't put me down.

"Looks like Blacks got another girlfriend" Someone sneers.

"Actually I'm his kidnappie, can someone please get him off me....ANYONE!" I yell, Sirius puts me down and pulls me behind him protectively. I roll my eyes and stand at his side, we come face to face with Snape, Lucious, Bellatrix and Regulas I nod stiffly at Regulas who returns the gesture. I laugh as my eyes land on Snape.

"Whats so funny Mudblood?" He sneers, I choke on my laughter.

"I'm a pretty, pretty princess" I tease, his eyes widen and anger etches its way onto his face.

"That was you?" He asks outraged. I nod grinning while Sirius looks at me confused. I bring out my iPhone to which all the purebloods glare at.

"Whats that?" Sirius asks, I shush him and bring up the pictures of Snape in his tutu, he laughs hard and I show him the video of him saying all that stuff.

"It turns out Snape is an avid believer in God" I say snorting.

"Get rid of that video!" He demands, I give him a condesending look and shake my head.

"Nah, I think I'll keep these." I say, these photos will come in handy for blackmail. He lunges forward at me but a side stepped him boredly, I snorted at him as he fell over.

"Sorry Uncle Sev," I say holding out a hand for him to take he looks at me like I was a freak before I realise what I had just said.

"Forget I said that" I tell him, then I smack my forehead and point it at him and his pose.

"Obliviate" I mutter and the memory was removed.

"You better be going now, I don't want to deduct any points." Remus said calmly, I smile at him and walk over to his side. I stick my tongue out at each of them as they walk passed, well except for Reg, I'm kind of beginning to like him...

"We're here!" Remus announces, I look at him and then I begin to panic. Crapsticks! Dumblegay...I totally forgot. Well this should be fun....maybe I should stop calling him gay...I mean, I know he is feels weird.

"Faith are you okay?" Sirius asks, I look at him and blurt out.

"Dumbledores gay you know!" All the Marauders take a look at each other before bursting out into laughter. I growl, I told you it was weird!


Hey guys I'm sooo sorry about the uploads got loads of school work and shizz, but thanks for all the feed back and PLEASE don't kill any Llamas I'm...not....worth it!!!

Love you guys

EpicNinjaLlama OUT!

P.S sorry about the shortness, I mean it...Im trying.

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