Mr Hair-Gel

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So here's the thing, becoming a Marauder? Is fucking hard!

You have to pass a test about friendship which included me learning weird crap about about m- Holly's dad, Sirius, Remus and Peter. Some of which I knew and others I wish I hadn't found out. Did you know that Sirius Black spends 2 (3) hours on his hair?! THREE HOURS! I mean, what the FRICK?!

James Potter loves my mum soooooo much, he has a really freaky/creepy shrine. Do you wanna know what that includes? A mop with a picture of Evans SLEEPING on it.

(Discreetly disposed of said mop, well, discreetly is a strange word isn't it? I discreetly put it beside Lily's bed with a 'note' from James on it. Yeah. Discreetly)

"You know, now you're becoming one of us," One of us? Was he gonna start chanting?

"You'll need a name" Sirius spoke while fiddling with his hair (it's only hour 2 guys, he isn't 'quite' done yet)

"YEAH!!" James popped into existence beside me and I toppled from the bed and glowered at him.

"If you're gonna pull that shit Potter I expect a warning" He stuck his middle finger in my face and I swipe it away.

"Whatever Faith, I just spent 2 hours being man-hunted by my Lily-Pad because sooooooomeone so happened to show her my mop!"

"2 hours? Boo-fricken-hoo, I've spent that long watching Mr Hair Gel mess around with a hair style called 'bedhead!'"

"That's not the point! You're not supposed to tell people about the mop! It's the guy code!" He moaned and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do I look like a guy to you?" Gulping he shook his head erratically and I stepped towards him. better be scared bro.

"I'm doooone" Sirius beamed at us and I rolled my eyes, it looked literally no different from when he woke up.

"I'm real happy for you sweet cheeks - now come on! Dumblegay promised he'd hook me up with some blood!"

"Euck!" Sirius and James gagged, what bunch of idiots I've found myself with.

"Fuck you, I'll do it the Han's way - SOLO!" Solid Star-Wars refers, I high-five myself as I vampire speed out of there towards Dumble's office.

It better be peacock, peacock tastes gooooooooood.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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