2 years later

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It is my third year at Hogwarts, I still havn't told Harry but not because I don't want to because my dad doesn't wan't him to know yet. But lucky for me I get to tell him this year in my own time. Let me fill you in on what happened over the past two years. Me and Harry went head to head with Voldemort, who was on the back of a teachers head and after the philosphers stone, I am still peeved at Harry for thinking it was Uncle Sev. Then last year we went against the younger version of Voldemort, Tom Riddle. Who possed my friend Ginny, Rons sister and released a Basalisk in the school. Don't worry no one died but Hermione got pertfied I've never cried so much in my life when I found out. I also found out me and Harry are both parsaltongue which means we can talk to snakes, freaky right. Me and Harry have never been closer or me and Hermione to be fair we are like that (me crossing my fingers) she is my best friend and always will be, even if I do play pranks and misbehave every day I'm worse than the Weasle twins. Speaking of them I hang out with them a lot too, George asked me out once but I politley declind. I don't want to date yet, although it would be funny to see what Uncle Sev would do he is very protective. Malfoy still likes to gawp at the back of my head every chance he gets I just ignore him, he is a jerk I really want to hit him, anyway on with the story.

'Why hello, Miss Dumbledore' I knew that voice I spun around to see the Weasle twins in the doorway of the compartment, I grinned at them both.

'Why hello Mr and Mrs Weasley' I replied first pointing to Fred then George. Fred laughed then stopped he caught up with what I had said. But before he could answer a loud scream echoed behind them, and my bushey haired best friend pushed past them an hugged me tight.

'Mione, can't breath' I struggled to say. She laughed and let go, she held out a present to me and I gave her mine. We did this every year Me, Mione, Harry and Ron would give each other presents because it was the day we all met.

'We should wait for the boys that's if they decide to take the train this year' I snorted.

'Yeah you're right' She said looking upset. 'What did you get the boys? she asked eyeing the wrapped gifts behind me. Before I could answer Ron and Harry were in the door way.

'Yes, we'd like to know aswell' Harry snorted I tapped my nose and gave them their presents.

'On the count of three one'

'Two three' Ron said in a hurry I laughed and unwrapped my three presents. I gasped Harry had bought me a silver braclet with five charms on one said "Harry", another "Mione" and another "Ron", then "Dumbledore". I laughed at the last one it simply said "the git" I knew it meant Uncle Sev. I hugged him tight knowing my gift of a Quidditch hand book and a month worth of Berti-Botts, didn't even come half way to meet his gift. He smiled and raised his eyebrows I hadn't let go yet.

'I wanted t make sure you get the full happiness of the gift you've given me' I explained to him. I had given Hermione something she I thought she'd really like and she did. I had bought a really pretty mirro and charmed it so when you look in it you see the people you love looking back to you. She hugged me for longer than I hugged Harry. She had given me a charms book because it was my best subject. Harry a Quidditch Book and Ron a years supply of chocolate frogs. Ron had simply made a voucher that said "you have one free pass to hit Ronald Weasly" I laughed.

'This may come in handy' I laughed he looked nervously at the other to that were advancing on him with menise. I snorted louder. 'Guys draw it out, then he'll get really parnoid' I squeked. They looked at me and nodded and Mione was rolling aound in a fit of laughter at the sight of Rons face.

'Know all I need is a voucher to hit Malfoy and I'll have everything I've ever wanted' I sighed dramatically. Ron and Harry joined Mione in hysterics when the slime git himself walked in.

'Ever heard of knocking, wait no that would be polite and that something you can't be' I growled at him.

'Awe was I interupting your kissing fest with Potter' He drawled, gross that would be horrid kissing you're brother that is sick! Harry turned red and Mione and Ron shot warning looks at me to keep my cool.

'No but at least people want to kiss me, the only thing you will be kissing is my ass now get out' I shouted my anger getting the better of me. Harry put a hand on my shoulder to restain me from getting up. Malfoy snorted and I glared at him, and my glare was scary it made all my friends cringe, and cringe he did. 'Get out or do you want to me to punch you again, I don't need magic for all my battles Draco' I said mencingly.

'Fine Mini Dumble but remember this you know you want to kiss me' he said confidently. I smirked

'Oh darn you've found me out, I will never love another like I love you Draco' I said crawling to his feet. My sarcasm seemed to really piss him of, he grabbed my hair and pull head up.

'You stupid little cow, you really think you can talk to me like that. I should kill you know'

'Try it, see where it lands you smart ass'

'Watch it' He snarled and threw me to one side. I hit my head and I could feel the hot liquid oozing, somewhere on my forehead. I stood up and walked back to face him,Harry kicked him right where it hurts and and I spat in his face. I shoved him out of the compartment and ran to Hermione and sobbed on her shoulder. He had really hurt me not only my head but my feelings. I wasn't a cow right?

'I'm not a cow am I Mione?' I asked sobbing into her shoulder. I looked up to see Hermione looking shocked at me.

'Holly you are the nicest person I know there is now way you could be a cow!' she exclaimed. I looked over to Harry and Ron they were both fumming about what had just happened. I went and sat down blood still trickling down my cheek Harry sat down on one side of me, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

'You don't mind do you?' I asked him meekly he shook his head and smiled. 'Thanks' I mumbled and I fell unconcious. I woke up to find a man man staring at me intently, he was young but look old and worn.

'Hello, Holly are you okay?' he asked soothingly I nodded I looked around Harry was on the floor twirching I gasped the man nodded.

'I want to get something sorted before I tend to him, are you a Potter?' he asked intently. I nodded 'Does Harry know yet' I shook my head 'when are you telling him'

'Later on this year' I whispered weakly 'please help my brother' I pleaded with the strange man he nodded and cast a spell on him over him and he started to stir.

'What happened' he asked croakily.

'Yeah what did happen I passed out?' I asked getting my strength back a bit.

'Well, a dementor came in here looking for Sirus Black and when he found these two they found a big supply of misery, because of their bad past's so they'

'Fed on us' I finished for him he nodded. 'Sorry who are you?' I asked confused.

'Remus Lupin the knew'

'DADA teacher'Mione finished this time he nodded at her.

'Well I need to speak to the driver, Harry eat this and give a bit to Holly aswell' He demanded and gave Harry some chocolate he broke a bit of and gave it to me.




'What's a dementor?' Harry asked. Ron explained that they were the guards of Azkaban the wizard jail and that they feed on bad memorize. He looked up and me and he had pain in his eyes.

'I have to tell you three something I know why Sirus Black has escaped' He whispered.

'Harry I already know dad told me' I mumbled he looked up and I couldn't help grin a little and his, mine our mothers eyes, he nodded and told the other two.

'Sirus Black wants to kill me' Hermione gasped and Rons mouth became a commical O but this really wasn't the time for laughter, I rubbed Harry's back. We talked about why he was doing it and things like that until Hogwarts came into view. I only gt on the train because dad doesn't want anyone knowing he lives in the castle. We got into the horseless carrigages and we were of to my favourite place in the world my home my school my life is Hogwarts.

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