A charm from Fluffy and the Dursleys

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After everything we did, Peter got away so Sirus are godfather is on the run. We were going to go live with him, so know me and Harry are going to the Dursleys. I asked my dad and he said it was fine and that him and Sev were going to really miss me. Me and the gang were laughing at the time Hermione punched Draco straight in the jaw, and the time I beat up Fred (he was saying girls were weak. I just proved him wrong!) I pinned him in thirty-seconds. The compartment door slide open to show my favourite blond, Draco.

'Pothead, Weasle, Mudblood, Holly' he said the last name with enthusiasm, I smiled at him.

'Hey Draco' I said brightly ignoring the looks I was being given 'What can I do for you' I said putting on a fake posh accent. He laughed and sent his cronies away.

'Well Miss Potter I am here to ask you on a date next time we go to Hogsmead' he said casually. I felt Harry tense beside me and I shot him a warning look.

'I'm really sorry Draco but I have a boyfriend nothing exclusive so I can't tell you who it is' I said sadly. Harry relaxed beside. Actually I was not lying about this I was dating Cole Mullings from Ravenclaw. I heard Mione giggling behind me, well I told her I had too. I spun around to glare at her but as soon as I did burst into laughter myself. Draco stomped of and I ran into the hall way.

'I'm.............really..sorry' I managed to say in between giggles.

'Well who's your boyfriend?' asked Harry sarcastically.

'Erm Cole Mullings from Ravenclaw' I murmered he heard.



'Don't say it again, break it off' he demanded.

'No' I said simply.


'Beause I like him'

'More than me?' he whispered, I looked up and Harry looked very sad.

'Erm Harry you will always be my best man' I said to my knees, that cheered him up.

'Well I'm going to have to meet him and if he isn't up to my expectantions' He moved his finger across his throat. I punched his arm and sat beside Ron.

'Well what if I was dating Ron is you up to your "expections"?' I asked throwing an arm around Ron's shoulders. Harry flushed as he tried to find something to say, I high five Ron and Hermione.

'Noboy will be good enough' he stated. I looked up aww he wasn't joking.

'Over protective much big bro' I said getting up to sit beside him again. There was a tapping at the window and I opened it to let the tinest owls in, it hopped onto my shoulder and dropped two letters into my lap.

'Harry, Sirus' I whispered. He picked up his letter and I did the same. I ripped it open and read

Holly missing you like crazy, hope you and Harry are well. I have charmed your preasent so nobody will see what it says. Tell your friend Ron that he can have the little owl I have an understanding that he doesn't have a pet anymore.

loads of love Sirus.

I looked down to the floor to see a little charm that had another note on it. I picked it up and it said Sirus loving godparent, I read the note after putting the charm on.

Don't worry, anyone that believes I'm innocent will see what it says, anyone else will think it says fluffy like a dog.

I laughed and looked up to see Harry looking exceptionally happy. He turned the piece of paper so I read it. It was was a sighed form so Harry could go into Hogsmead, I smiled and nodded.

'What did he give you?' nodding towards the letter. I held out my arm and picked out the charm. He looked at with happiness that turnd into worry.

'What if someone see it?' he asked, I gave him the note and he laughed at the last bit. We were pulling in at Kingscross station now. I pulled my trunk and owl April, and hopped down onto the platform. We went through the barrier and saw Mrs Weasley hugging all the red haired children I waved Ron and Hermione away giving Mione a tight hug, and promising to send an owl every week. I was being pulled away by Harry, he squeezed my had and I smiled. I looked up to see a thin and tall woman with a lot of neck. A fat man, with no neck at all with a very red face. There was a very very fat boy who had blong hair, he looks like a pig with a blond wig

'Hello, I'm your niece' I said casually. Uncle looked like a vain was about to burst in his forehead. But my Aunt pulled me into a tight hug.

'My god Holly' she whispered I looked at Harry who looked just as shocked as I felt. I pulled away and beamed at her.

'So am I alright to stay over the summ-'

'of course of course' she squeeked.

'Petunia we can-'

'Yes Vernon we will' she spat. We walked out and we got into a car, I sat inbetween Harry and Dudley I was holding Harrys hand and I soon fell asleep on his shoulder.

I was awoken by Harry, we were at forty privet drive. I sighed and got out, Harry put his arm over my shoulder. I looked up and he was smiling in encouragment.

'Well Holly you will be sleeping on the couch' Petunia was saying I was nodding but Harry cut in.

'Actually she will be staying in my room with me' said Harry calmly Petunia nodded and smiled. Harry whispered in my ear I nodded.

'Oh Dudley?' I asked sweetly he came waddling down the stairs.

'Yes' he grunted. I smiled evilly.

'How would you feel about an arm wrestle?' I asked casually, a grin came on the fat face he nodded and led me into the kitchen.

'Harry you ref' I commanded. He nodded I put my arm down and waited he sat opposite me and did the same.

'Three, Two, one' Harry said, I felt pressure on my hand but nothing I couldn't handle I faked a yawn. The pressure got worse, I laughed I was bord and slammed his porkey had into the wooden table.

'Holly is the winner' announced Harry, I beamed.

'Know Dudley because you lost you have to take my trunk and owl upstairs.' I said calmly he grunted and walked into the hall way and took the owl and trunk up the stairs. I burst out lauging and so did Harry.

'I want to show you something' He whispered I nodded and he led me to the cuboard under the stairs. I was confused, he opened the door to show a dingey bed and a chess board.

'They didn't?' I whispered.

'Oh but they did' he replied. 'But I got to big so thy moved me upstairs' he said simply I nodded and he showed me his room. The trunks and owls were already there, I smiled.

'THANKS DUDLEY' I shouted, a grunt came from somewhere I laughed. 'Watch I have an idea' I whispered. I walked down stairs and into the living room where my aunt and uncle were.

'So Harry do you think they'll find are Godfather' I said rather loudly to Harry I winked and he understood and went along with it.

'Erm I don't know Holly'

'YOU HAVE A GODFATHER' Uncle Vernon screamed. We both nodded. 'WELL WHY CAN'T HE TAKE YOU' he screamed.

'Because he's on the run for thirty murders' me and Harry said in unision. That shut Vernon up, and me and Harry burst into laughter, and we ran outside.

'I can tell this summer holiday will be very fun' Harry laughed.

'You know it big bro' I joked.

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