Trouble for Malfoy.

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'Close your eyes and think of the happiest memory you've got' I whispered to Harry he looked at me questionally. 'Don't you trust me?' I asked a little hurt. He nodded sighed and closed his eyes. We past the dementors and I went cold, I remembered the first time I hugged my brother and I felt fine.

'Okay you're fine know' I whispered he looked at me grinning.

'Why did I need to remember the day you punched Malfoy?' he asked, me and Ron laughed.

'Becasue we just past the dementors and I didn't need you passing out again, I'm going to have to teach you a patrounas' I said calmly Hermione gasped I forgot that, patrounas's were advanced.

'Watch' I said carelessly taking in Harrys confused expression.

'Expectro patrounas' I whispered a beautiful humming bird shot out of my wand. It landed on my shoulder I nodded and it vanished. They all gasped, and Hermione was practically jumping out of her seat.

'What are they?' Harry asked in awe. I explained that they charge out of your wand and chase the dementors away, and they deliver messages for you.

'Do it again please' Harry was begging I sighed.



'Expectro patrounas' I whispered the humming bird took flight and went over to Hermione who held out her finger and it landed their.

'They are like ghosts' she whispered uncertain of the the bird on her finger. It's true the bird was silvery white and lighter then anything I've ever known it didn't feel like you wern't holding anything. I nodded, we had arrived at the double doors of the castle I hopped out and walked into the hall and sat down. I was really tired being unconsious took it out of you. I looked up at my dad and smiled he was looking at with me suppressed pain I looked over to my uncle and he looked ready to hit something or someone. Had I done something wrong? I walked up to the staff table to talk to my dad and uncle.

'Are two okay, you like your in pain and you look peeved' I asked they both gasped as I walked over.

'We are fine how are you?' my dad asked with concern.

'Fine, why are you looking at me like that?' I asked getting angrey.

'Who did that to you?' Sev demaned.

'Did what?' I asked confused.

'The gash across your forehead Holly where did you get it?' Oh I had forgotten about my cut I lifted my hand up to my face and felt the dry blood and the bruised cut I cringed away from my own hand.

'Oh me and Malfoy had a fight' I said simply, the whole of Snape shook and my dad gave him a warning glance.

'I'd better go-'

'No' Growled my uncle and he walked over to the syltherine table I watched shocked as he dragged Malfoy away by the arm. I looked at my dad and he shook his head I pecked him on the cheek and went to sit with my friends.

'Mione, can I borrow you're mirro?'I asked she nodded and past it over. At first glance I saw Harry I clicked my finger and Harry disapeared and I replaced him. There was a massive gash across my forehead and it had turned purple, and the blood had dried to my skin and was thick in my hair. I snapped my fingers and handed it back.

'Thank you Mione, I am going to go know I need to gat cleaned up' I explained under my breath so the boys didn't hear. I got up and walked out, I walked up to the potrait damn I havn't got the passsword. Three seconds later a silver eagal came shooting out of nowhere and the voice of my dad spoke.

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