I'm special

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The train ride was awkward and tense, so I gave up at the staring contests we seemed to be having. I got up and left the compartment there was no pleads for me to come back so I just continued until I ended up in a place I didn't really expect. Slythrine compartments.

"Oh look it's the unwanted Potter" someone sneered I just ignored and kept walking, well I tried I walked into yet another wall.

"You okay Potter?" a fimilar voice asked I looked up into the face of Draco Malfoy.

"Oh hey Draco, I thought you were a wall." I told him, he laughed and helped me up. I remembered the way he treated me at the World Cup. I looked at him and he looked back.

"So.....you going to tell me why I'm a prihara one second and a mate the next?" I asked softly. He cringed and I understood.

"Look Holly I'm really sorry but my family they wouldn't approve of me and you being friends." he said it so quickly it took along time to process.

"You know what? thats fine." I mumbled and set off in the other direction. Thats it I'm done with boys, they are all douche bags, well except Harry, Ron, Cedric and Victor. Men different ball game like Sirus, Remus, Sev, Dumbledore, Bulgarian minister. Thats it.

I began to run, and for some unknown reason I jumped off the train, yep I jumped out off the train. But I never hit the ground I looked around and gasped I HAD WINGS!!!!!

I flew up into the air and took a good long look at my wings they were Raven feathers and there were also a few white that looked like Hedwigs feathers. I smiled and did a loop in the air then I wondered why I havn't noticed my three feet long wings that had ripped my robes. But I had no answer time to ask my dad. But I need to tell Harry. I jumped through a window and my wings were no longer there.

"Sorry" I apologized to the scared first-years. I ran from the compartement and ran into mine.

"HARRY I HAVE WINGS!" I screamed at him as I ran in.

"What?" he asked.

"I. Have. Wings" I said slowly. He gaped at me then snorted. "No sirously I have wings" he just laughed harder. "Fine" I jumped out of the window.

"HOLLY!" Hermione screamed, I grinned at her I had spread my wings. She gasped Harry who was still laughind looked up.

"No way" he shouted, I smirked.

"Told you I had wings" I teased. Ron looked like he was about to faint. "Right I'm going to Hogwarts I need to speak to my dad" I told them they nodded understanding, I sighed I wish I could change my aperrance so nobody would know it was me. Hermione gasped again.

"What?" I asked.

"Your hair just turned blond and your face doesn't look like your face." she stammered. She handed me a mirro, I peered into it and screamed it wasn't me. I focused on getting back to me, then I just morphed. I sighed in relief.

"Yep defiantly need to talk to my dad." I muttered. "See ya" I said brightly. I waved and flew away futher and futher, I had such speed it wasn't long before Hogwarts came into view. It was beautiful but I didn't take time to admire it I flew straight throught my dads office window.

"I HAVE WINGS" I shouted, he looked up calmly and nodded. I calmed down and sat down in a chair.

"I can control the elements, I have wings I can change my apearance answers please?" I asked desperatly. He nodded.

"When you were born you were very very powerful I put a charm on you to hide your powers from everyone including yourself until your fourteenth birthday." he told me I nodded he continued. "You are an Angel not like Heaven Angel the magical creature Angel. You are also a Metophorphus you can change anything about you. You are an Elementrist and you may not know these one's yet but you are an Anima Tongue you can talk you animals through your mind and when you touch something or someone you see there past and future thats called a Touch Reader." he finished I smiled.

Holly PotterWhere stories live. Discover now