Pretty Little Monsters

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I'd like to say MASSIVE thank you, to potterheads4thewin the AMAZING person behind my new cover THANK YOU!


After I'd theft the attic leaving my bloodlust in there. I hope. I walked downstairs not wanting zoom anywhere and all too soon I'm infront of the door to go into the kitchen. I sigh heavily and push it open, inside there are all the order members and Dumbledore, who I hadn't seen since I'd come here.

"Dumbledore" I nod to him, and sit down I don't really feel a need to listen to the meeting so I just sit there my feet up on the table when suddenly I'm drawn into the conversation. 

"Did you really tell Voldemort to get out more?" Bill asks me, I grin at him and wink.

"He's says he likes me because I have balls." I tell them smirking taking my feet off the table. 

"Well thats nice dear but don't.....don't push him." Mrs Weasley tells me worry clear in her voice.

"Molly I'm fine seriously and it's not like he can hurt me, vampies aren't affected by spells so whats he got?" I ask her.

"Followers" she mumbles to herself, I roll my eyes.

"I've done my part for the day can I leave?" I ask Dumbledore he nods his eyes trained on mine.

"Ms Summer you will escort Mr Potter to his hearing tomorrow as an extra precaution." He tells me, I roll my eyes and nod, he doesn't need a body gaurd he's a big boy.

I can still feel him staring at me while I leave the room. I zoom up to were I smell Hermione unfortunately thats were everyone else is. I nock on the door and wait for the all clear.

"Who is it?" Harry shouts, I roll my eyes.

"Voldemort I've come to take your life Hazza open the door." I mock when he opens the door he sticks his tongue out at me. "I'd keep that in your mouth if I was you" I tell him smirking. He rolls his eyes and steps aside to let me in. I give a small wave and take a seat next to Hermione. After a while no-one says anything they just stare at me.

"What?" I ask aggrivated.

"Well?" Harry asks, oh they want information.

"Oh you mean my meeting with Voldy? Oh yeah I'm a DeathEater I'm his third in command, he says we're friends and he likes me because I have balls." I tell them leaning against the head board, Fred and George eyes spark.

"What did you say?" they ask sync.

"I told him to get out more, called him Voldy and Mr V and I was really disrespectful but I find I'm not afraid of old Voldy." I tell they look at me with admiration.

"But you don't have the mark." Ron notes, looking disgrunteled.

"Didn't work so have something different" I tell them bringing out my necklace making sure I didn't bring out Jenny's that would be a give away. They look at it like they want it to combust,  snicker.

"Calm down," I say still snickering. "By the way Harry I'm your body guard for tomorrow, Dumbledore has just told me." I say boredly, his eyes flame and he's already on his feet but lets me honest he'd never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER win a race against me. 

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