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Well done to RandomWeirdChick who counted all my evers!

I happily skipped into Hermions room even though she wasn't there, I wanted to steal some of her clothes SHHHHH don't tell her. I walked over to her closet and before I even reached it I had falled over, I'm the only clumbsy vampire you will ever meet, EVER! I rolled my eyes and spotted what I had tripped over, it was Hermiones time turner, I shrugged and picked it up I had broken it that was main point I grimanced she wouldn't be happy, I went to stuff it into her closet and when I opened it my eyes widened. HERMIONES A TRANSVESTITE!! Okay that can't be the only logical explanation. Just then someone walked in and it definately was NOT a girl. I scrambled into the closet trying to push out the image of the guy with the towel around his waist. I didn't breathe not that I needed to. I could hear whoever it was rumaging around for something.

"Stupid brother thinking he's funny!" he muttered to himself. WHO THE HELL IS HE?!?!? Ah crap I forgot I'm clostraphobic, the walls are closing in on me aren't they, like in star wars! I burts out of the closet hyperventilating. The guy stood rigid looking at me, then he got this glint in his eyes before screaming.

"SIRIUS!!!" Ohh good Sirius is here, I let out a sigh of relief. A dude came through the door I tried looking behind him for Sirius but no-one came.
"Take your hoe into your own room!" he said lazily, WHAT THE FUCK OH NO HE DIDN'T! I turned on him, moving so quickly he didn't see me, I tied him to the bed whipped off his towel and wrote.

'Dickless' on his forehead.

"I am no-one's hoe!" I tell him, really wanting to snap his neck. "Now," I say calmly. "Where's Sirius?" I ask. The dude that had come in was on the floor in hysterics and I think I just taumatised the other one, I growled and the guy on the floor stopped laughing he got up and put a cocky grin on his face before introducing himself.

"I'm Sirius and you are?" he asked blatently checking me out.

"Disgusted" I tell him, okay what the fuck! what the fuck! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! That can't be Sirius because Sirius isn't my age quite the opposite he's like what THIRTY!

"HERMIONE!!" I screech, there was no answer and no potrait of Mrs Black screaming either.

"Whose Hermione?" He asks as the guy I tied to the bed start gagging, I put a sock in his mouth okay? "Is she hot?" he asks smirking.

"One question at a time!" I yelp as I search the room for anything that belonged to Hermione, I found only one. The timeturner, oh shit.

I ungagged the guy and slapped him.


"I don't know" he sobs, I snort. 

"You would be a crap DeathEater" I tell him, wait, DeathEater, Brother, Sirius I just tied Regulas Black to a bed post and wrote 'Dickless' on his forehead great!. 

I un-tied him and apologised he just glared at me as he tried to get rid of the writing on his forhead. I turn to Young Sirius and grin brightly.

"I'm Faith Summer, I'm a Vampire, I'm a metorphasis, I can talk to animals I know peoples past and future when I touch them and I have wings. Hermione is my best friend, duh she's hot she's my bestfriend" I say really quickly, he looks at me shocked then grins really brightly.

"AWESOME! James and Remus are going to love you!" he exclaims before grabbing my arm and dragging me up some stairs. James? As in Holly's dad James? Oh crap I can't do this I'm going to break down what if I see mum oh shit oh shit. He stops infront of a door and nocks in a bizarre fashion.

nock nock nocknocknock nock nock

"Password!" Someone yells Sirius rolls his eyes.

"LilyFlower" he yells back. Someone opens the door and they drag us in, inside are three other boys they grin at each other before noticing me.

"Chick?" James askes.

"Manners!" I say whacking him over the head. "Hi I'm Faith Summer" I say introducing myself to the other two.

"Remus Lupin" Ahh bizarre he looks young.

"Peter" the other one squeeks oh I know who that is I'M GONNA CRUSH HIS HEAD INTO TINY LITTLE MOTHER FUCKING PIECES!!! Oh wait I can't damn! Opportunity wasted, but I could just drop hints maybe or catch him out. I WANNA GO HOME THIS IS MORE COMPLICATED THAN MURDERING DUMBLE-DWEEB! 

"James Potter" Dad says I go mute and sit in a chair I can't talk to my dad this is weird! Harry  is going to be soooooooooo pissed off that I got to see him and mum. Oh wait I can't tell him that either GOD DAMN THIS IS BORING! Sirius swings an arm around me and I flick it off with my fingers.

"Not interested" I say, he doesn't look offended infact he looks determined. Nice my Godfather has a game plan to get with me. 

"How did you get here?" Remus asks.

"Well you see Rem when a girl loves a boy and a boy loves a girl they have s-" I begin.

"Yeah yeah I got that" he says looking out out while James and Sirius roar with laughter.

"I don't know" I tell him and lay back on the chair and close my eyes. "Oh and dude you reek of Werewolf have you transformed lately?" I ask not opening my eyes.

"You told her!" He asked Sirus sounding outraged and hurt at the same time.

"Nope I just know everything!" I say opening my eyes again.

"Nobody knows everything" he contradicts me.

"When you were six you got chiken poxs so when it was time to transform half of your body was a chicken" I say smirking, he looked at me his eyes wide before muttering.

"She knows all" I laugh while James and Sirius look from Remus to Me.

"Me next!" Sirius exclaims. I smile evilly.

"You have Dora the Explora P.J's and when you'r in the shower you sing the theme tune" I snort.

"Is that what that is?" James asks through laughing. Sirius nods ashamed, Remus laughed but he stopped and looked at me with an unusual grin.

"If you know everything whats the meaning of life?" he asks, I smile.

"There isn't one, if there was a meaning to life then everyone would be doing it but the truth is everyone and everything has its own meaning and we have to accept that." I tell him. WOW DEEP SHIT JUST CAME OUT MY MOUTH.

"OH AND LLAMAS" I suddenly yell, There we go all better. James nods as though he nows that its right.

"ME! I wanna go!" James exclaimes.

"Hold out your hand" I say, he does so giving me a raised eyebrow I take it and see everything right down to the last second.

"You've put green hair dye in Sirius's shampoo" I say, he gawps and turns to Sirius who is coming up behind him.

"New look?" he says before Sirius pounces on him.

My dad is being mauled by Sirius Black all because of a stupid TimeTurner. I blame Gravity.


Hey guys, so yeah I thought since verything else had happened I might as well take her back in time for a bit! 

I really wanted to show my fans that advert because I'm weird and it really made me laugh.

Thats what that mean't by taste the rainbow ;)

Love Robyn

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