Her Journal

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Now peoples this is where it gets slightly hard to follow hard to follow but give it a go

Robs OUT!

Nobody’s POV

Hermione Granger paced up and down her dorms getting worried about Holly, Umbridge was evil she could torture Holly even kill her? These were the thoughts running through her head. Then she tripped.

“SHI-sue” she yelped saving herself from swearing, then she noticed what she had tripped over a leather bound book, it had lilac butterfly’s on it and stamped as the title read.

‘Holly’s Dairy’ Hermione’s eyes widened as she realized that was Holly’s old bed, she picked it up carefully, but there was no enchantment on it no lock. This was obviously before she knew about magic.

And then Ms Granger thought about that and knew exactly why Holly had hid it. It was everything that had happened before Hogwarts before magic this was the life she had tried to run from and Hermione couldn’t help herself to read it. She opened it and inside the cover she read.

-         Property of Holly (I don’t know my last name)

if your Jenny HEY Girly

If your anybody else GET THE CHUFF OUT MY BOOK-

Hermione giggled then she wondered who’s Jenny? She rushed into the common room and there was only Harry, Ron, Fred and George and nobody else.

“Guys you know Holly never wanted us to know about her past well I found her diary from then” she announced to them. They all looked at her and then at the book.

“Should we really read it?” asked Harry. Ron, Fred and George nodded.

“Mate she won’t tell us and well I want to know what happened to her” Ron said bravely Hermione nodded Harry sighed but nodded all the same.

“Fine Hermione what’s the first date?” Harry asked Hermione.

“It says the 25th of December so Christmas, no year” she said then read the passage.

-25th of December

Hey there my name is Holly, and I got you for Christmas from my bestest ever friend Jenny, we are orphans. But don’t let you get you down, we don’t in fact we have and awesome time-

“Nothing wrong with that” Hermione muttered quite hurt by this Jenny being her best friend.

“Carry on Hermione” Ron encouraged.

-6th of February

Ms Goldish (we call her Goldfish) has turned really nasty she made me cook dinner for everyone then I wasn’t allowed any because I’m a freak. Jenny tried sneaking me some food but Ms Goldfish found out and hit her. She has a bruise but I kissed it better. I hope mummy and daddy come soon-

Everyone shared awkward glances and Harry avoided everyone’s gaze.

-20th of February

Ms Goldfish, hit me again today she said it was because nobody loved me and that my face was stupid (Not as stupid as hers) Jenny and me had to sneak out during the night for food it was fun like an adventure.-

The Weasley twins laughed at that then shut up because of the murder glares they were been given.

“Come on she was even a badass back then” they said in unison.

“Yes but she didn’t have a choice!” Hermione snapped at them. They moved their eyes to the floor.

-30th of February

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