The Argument

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When I woke up the next morning there was no one in the common room, so I got dressed luckily we came back on a Friday meaning we have two days before school actually starts. I got changed a dark hoodie with a monster saying “Come to the dark side we have cookies” I then pulled on some skinny jeans and some black lace gloves. I nodded to myself in the mirror placing all my hair in a black beanie put a little eye liner on and dabbed my finger on the red lipstick and dabbed it on myself there my own made perfection. I was in a good mood bounding down the stairs until I heard this

“God can you believe her she thinks she so amazing” Harry hissed, who are they talking about?

“Yeah I’m Holly and I can do this, this and this.” Ron tried to imitate me. Okay that hurt I’ve never bragged about anything.

“All she cares about is herself all because Dumbledore adopted her and you’re her brother” Ginny chimed in. Someone snorted.

“Believe me I wish I wasn’t related to that freak” Harry whispered harshly. I felt the tears drop and Midnight look at me with sympathy.

‘You okay?’ she asked soothingly.

‘No’ I answered truthfully, she nodded and we continued to listen to the conversation.

“I bet Dumbledore only adopted her because no one else would.” Ginny continued.

“I mean she is making all that stuff up about her past otherwise she would have told us.” Hermione spoke up no not Mione. I felt anger serge up inside and my vision went red.

I stormed into the room wand at the ready they were shocked, I hit them all with jinx after jinx until I couldn’t help keep back the tears.

“You don’t want to be related fine” I spoke it didn’t sound like my voice at all. “I Holly Potter renounce all claims on you, I Holly Potter have lost all compassion for you and I Holly Potter are no longer your sister. From now on I am Holly Severus Dumbledore Evans” I hissed, then I stormed out of the common room. I ran and ran until I reached the seventh floor I walked up and down remembering it from the party me and Potter went to. I thought I need a place no one can find me no witch wizard everything I need to live.  I told it then a door appeared. I nodded and entered it was exactally like the ballerina except bigger and better. A kitchein a bed everything you need to live out your life. An X-box Ipod WII and touchscreen laptop. I sighed contenally on my white fluffy sofa and I cried I found a box of tissues next to me and I sat there crying but, I stopped I wasn't going to cry over them I don't care that they disowned me, well I disowned them but I dont care I will live here forever, who gives a shit about other people, I had Midnight with me and a goldfish thats just magically appeared I shall call him......NORBERT and Norbert his name is.


I stayed there for a long time, I had lost count of how many days, nobody had found me and I doubt they were looking. I sat reading the required reading list I can already proform the spells and make the potions know it was more for fun I sound like Her- that girl I once new. After taking a long and well deserved bath I came out of the bathrrom to find my home inhabitated with people practising defence against the dark arts.

"WHAT THE HELL??!!" I screamed everyone stopped and looked at me in my dressing gown, and nightie my hair dripping wet. Harry came over to me, he was shocked in fact he look like he'd seen a ghost.

"Dude I know I'm sexy but your freaking me out I'm your ex-sister" I said snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"Holly?" he asked shocked.

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